xris wrote:The laws of logic ask has it ever happened? The laws of coincidence make the odds so unbelievably high, its like making comments like a spitting in the sea will drown a thousand men.Its only because it sounds romantically possible that it has any credence.Certain mundane occurrences can produce extraordinary events, we all know this by history, but a butterfly flapping his wings ,how bizarre..
I agree where or when have a butterfly or a million or a butterflies or a billion butterflies flapping their wings, ever caused a major event?. The wings of the the butteries are not flapping as a synchronising whole, or in harmony if you like, they just cancel each other out and nothing happens to upset nature
Has the last grain on a camels back theory ever being proved? It is just common sense to me that a single butterfly or a billion butterflies cant cause a torn ado somewhere else, in real life is just does not happen
And this something stepping on an ant in the primordial past would result in huge changes in evolution , is also conjecture and cannot be proved by any scientific method
These ideas reside deep in the formulae of extreme mathematics, but do not effect our lives in any way.
Computer modelling using this very advanced mathematics, could show the grain of rice effect, because in a computer model you can simulate a virtual time machine and advance millions of years, but this is mathematics, not the reality we have to worry
click here just my opinion , I am not disregarding what you said just countered with my take on the topic Peace
I believe, however, that one decision by a human can extrapolate into a huge event or war, like the assassination of Arch duke Ferdinand