Why is have sex with underage girls wrong? and snuff porn?

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Reply Wed 14 Apr, 2010 12:03 pm
HexHammer;151882 wrote:
Do you even know what you are saying? Ban war movies, ban action movies, ban horror movies ..ban 70% of all movies then!

The difference is between those films and snuff films is that snuff films depict REAL murders, or at least claim to. There is a stark difference, so, I can ask you: do you even know what you are saying?
Reply Wed 14 Apr, 2010 12:04 pm
HexHammer;151848 wrote:
I must fully agree, and applaud how very well put it was.
[INDENT]Maybe it's me, but we have horror movies, where mangling of people and sometimes killing them is a broadly accepted kind of entertainment. Why can't this be combined with porn?
[/INDENT][INDENT]Then we must ban horror movies too?

HexHammer;151882 wrote:
Do you even know what you are saying? Ban war movies, ban action movies, ban horror movies ..ban 70% of all movies then!

I think you are misunderstanding what is being said. You might want to read this:

Snuff film - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The objection is to the murder, not to pretend murder that occurs in the films you are mentioning.
Reply Wed 14 Apr, 2010 12:20 pm
Pyrrho;151888 wrote:
I think you are misunderstanding what is being said. You might want to read this:

Snuff film - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The objection is to the murder, not to pretend murder that occurs in the films you are mentioning.
Maybe you are also misunderstanding me. As of now, all kind of snuff are banned, in movies and on the internet, fake as real, the law does not differ in any way.

Nor is dead humans allowed, for study, as it is an exclusive priveledge for certain professions (correct english term?) Imo all people should be allowed to study corpses, to know what life is about, what consequenses are of war, accidents, sickness ..etc. We are kept ignorent about the grimp consequenses of life, we life in a happily anive world, where we vote for wars which we always later bitterly regret ..as always. (sorry for nessessary pleonasm)
Reply Wed 14 Apr, 2010 12:59 pm
Its a snuff or it aint, we are talking about snuff not acting out a snuff. Actors pretend, these aint acting. get it?
Jackofalltrades phil
Reply Wed 14 Apr, 2010 10:43 pm
Khethil;151830 wrote:
I don't think porn and snuff films necessarily have anything to do together. Given the OP's question, it seemed plain Snuff Porn was what was being asked about.

... if not, I'll happily take that place as the one who's been mistaken Smile

Oh No! i think you got me wrong. It is possible that one may have got a wrong idea from my post, and that i was being sarcastic, caustic and fault finding. And thats because i used those emotoons (which i have now removed from that post).

In fact, what i meant was that i am very concerned, unhappy, and perhaps worried, of the implication of such extreme stuff availble over media. If murder is shown in a porn, thats not bad but the worst that can afflict injury to modern human mind. I feel i can suffer a nuclear radiation more happily than this kind of a stuff.

Thats why i mentioned that if this happens than we are beyond any kind of redemption.

If this is true than i declare a war on 'modernity', or whatever it stands for.
Reply Wed 14 Apr, 2010 11:06 pm
Khethil;151769 wrote:
You know, I've seen this thread popping up for the last few days. I winced at it and expected its embarrassingly obvious answer would pop up and it'd go away. This is probably a terse way to look at it; so, private apologies there. Perhaps it is a good question to flesh out. I'm no expert, nor perhaps do I even have the right terminology, but I'll explain why I think these things are wrong. Note please that I make no direct-correlation between what's legal and ethically/morally wrong.
[INDENT]Having sex with underage people is unethical because it carries with it likely results which can damage minds where they're not prepared psychologically for sexual expression. Through sexual activity with adults, young minds are usually traumatized and end up developing various behavioral and neurological dysfunctions including post traumatic stress disorder, depression, substance abuse and much more (here's a basic summary of the phenomena (link) - despite being Wiki, I think it still provides a generally accurate overview).
[/INDENT][INDENT]Snuff porn includes executing someone as part of the actual filming/formulating of that type of pornography. Since this involves killing a human being, I'd hope there's no need to explain why that might be wrong.
[/INDENT][INDENT]Women being Tortured: Torture is unethical because it involves purposefully inflicting pain on someone. No living thing that can feel pain should be exposed to any pain unless such is absolutely unavoidable. Based on the idea of mutual coexistence and reciprocity; we can exist together only with the spoken or unspoken agreement that what I inflict on you isn't something I'd be OK with inflicting on myself.
[/INDENT]Like I mentioned above... these things seem rather self-evident. Why would we ask? To perhaps just 'remind'? Or are there other/larger issues intended?

Please allow me to make some further comments towards your negative attitude towards this thread.

Sure it is a very serious topic, implicating alot of negative feelings and emotions, but we'r at a philosophy forum, where it is very nessesary to discuss the negative things of life, to know how we should judge and handle such things, we can't just turn our backs to such things, and only try to live in our idealistic world.

The chatholic church has tryed such thing, and only produced extremely naive and ignorent chrildren, who was very vunerable to manipulation, deception, iability to judge, understand and comprehend simple things in life, because they only knew of the bible and very simple schooling.

At some time in USA, a phedo dude was released from prison, but couldn't live anywhere as all the towns would chase him out, but a wise group of women would actually accept him to stay, out of the philosophy that it was better to know where he was, than he could randomly come and molest random chrildren without their knowledge, by having him in a fixed house, they always knew where he lived and by neighbour watch they could thereby track him, and alert eachother. With the weaponlaw they had arms, and could legally gun him down should he try molest any of the children.

..embrace your fears, and rule it, never push it away as it can bounce back and hit you when you have your guard down.
Wisdom Seeker
Reply Fri 16 Apr, 2010 12:20 pm
sex is not intended for entertainment but to reproduce
we must use it where it should be really use
why do you want to reproduce?
sex with underage is not intended because
they are not ready for having a child, they are not fully develop
they do not have the right boobs to feed their child
having a child are only for matures
because they are fully develop
they have the right fully develop boobs to feed their child
they can't do what matures are doing
because they are still developing, they are still learning
virginity is not equal to money, once you loss it, its all gone

---------- Post added 04-16-2010 at 01:24 PM ----------

having a child is important
virginity is important
sex is important
entertainment is not important

so its better to use or sacrifice important things for important things only.
Reply Fri 16 Apr, 2010 12:33 pm
@Wisdom Seeker,
sex is not intended for entertainment but to reproduce Maybe when you grow older you will realize it's also used for reward, and with denial of sex ..as punishement.

Many mammals uses sex for social engangement, relations and purely plesure.

we must use it where it should be really use Says who?

why do you want to reproduce? ? ..that should be so simple, that it is selfexplanatory.

sex with underage is not intended because
they are not ready for having a child, they are not fully develop
they do not have the right boobs to feed their child You don't have much sientific understanding of female atonomy?

having a child are only for matures
because they are fully develop
they have the right fully develop boobs to feed their child ..and when is this allerged maturity?

they can't do what matures are doing
because they are still developing, they are still learning Sorry to say, but I don't think you know what you are really talking about.

Few women are already fully able to give birth to a child as 9 years old, where most are fully able to give birth at their teen years.

Their milk production will automaticly kick in by their pregnancy, and enhance the breasts for that purpose, only in few cases will even mature women not be able to feed their kids by breastfeeding, then either another woman can feed the baby, or artificial milk can be used (but not adviceable)

virginity is not equal to money, once you loss it, its all gone Care to elaborate on this? I don't quite see how this fits into the discussion.
Wisdom Seeker
Reply Fri 16 Apr, 2010 01:45 pm
HexHammer;152873 wrote:
sex is not intended for entertainment but to reproduce Maybe when you grow older you will realize it's also used for reward, and with denial of sex ..as punishement.

Many mammals uses sex for social engangement, relations and purely plesure.

we must use it where it should be really use Says who?

why do you want to reproduce? ? ..that should be so simple, that it is selfexplanatory.

sex with underage is not intended because
they are not ready for having a child, they are not fully develop
they do not have the right boobs to feed their child You don't have much sientific understanding of female atonomy?

having a child are only for matures
because they are fully develop
they have the right fully develop boobs to feed their child ..and when is this allerged maturity?

they can't do what matures are doing
because they are still developing, they are still learning Sorry to say, but I don't think you know what you are really talking about.

Few women are already fully able to give birth to a child as 9 years old, where most are fully able to give birth at their teen years.

Their milk production will automaticly kick in by their pregnancy, and enhance the breasts for that purpose, only in few cases will even mature women not be able to feed their kids by breastfeeding, then either another woman can feed the baby, or artificial milk can be used (but not adviceable)

virginity is not equal to money, once you loss it, its all gone Care to elaborate on this? I don't quite see how this fits into the discussion.

is their a wisdom on having sex on the underage despite of it having a great risk ? risk to life? risk to social life? even its better to sex with mature ones, who is more accepted by society, or even better to loss virginity in exchange for the greater things, not pleasure, but a new life.

we should be wise on having decision my friend

---------- Post added 04-16-2010 at 02:50 PM ----------

is their a wisdom on attaining a greater risk just for fun?

or is it better to attain it for a greater thing?

we are different on the animals, in human society sex is a sacred thing to do.
Reply Fri 16 Apr, 2010 03:58 pm
@Wisdom Seeker,
is their a wisdom on having sex on the underage despite of it having a great risk ? ?

risk to life? ?

risk to social life? Seems you try to ask for victims of child molestors, I'm not sure, could you please specify?

we should be wise on having decision my friend you should be wise and put it in lazyman terms, instead of weird puzzled ways.
Wisdom Seeker
Reply Fri 16 Apr, 2010 04:09 pm
HexHammer;152961 wrote:
is their a wisdom on having sex on the underage despite of it having a great risk ? ?

risk to life? ?

risk to social life? Seems you try to ask for victims of child molestors, I'm not sure, could you please specify?

we should be wise on having decision my friend you should be wise and put it in lazyman terms, instead of weird puzzled ways.

we can specify things using our "common sense"
do you know how to use it?
reasoning logic
Reply Fri 16 Apr, 2010 04:22 pm
@Wisdom Seeker,
Wisdom Seeker;152966 wrote:
we can specify things using our "common sense"
do you know how to use it?

How many people know what common sense is? This is not a joke as I do believe that there is a answer that 99.9% of the people will agree with that most all get the answer wrong at first.

This is a philosophy forum so I would think that most will get it if they think about it.
Do we have any answers to what common sense is?:detective:
Wisdom Seeker
Reply Fri 16 Apr, 2010 04:29 pm
@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic;152970 wrote:
How many people know what common sense is? This is not a joke as I do believe that there is a answer that 99.9% of the people will agree with that most all get the answer wrong at first.

This is a philosophy forum so I would think that most will get it if they think about it.
Do we have any answers to what common sense is?:detective:

common sense = what we commonly sense

a thing based from our common knowledge and experience
that commonly comes to our mind is called common sense.
reasoning logic
Reply Fri 16 Apr, 2010 04:39 pm
@Wisdom Seeker,
Wisdom Seeker;152972 wrote:
common sense = what we commonly sense

a thing based from our common knowledge and experience
that commonly comes to our mind is called common sense.

Yes I do agree to a degree. Your quote[we can specify things using our "common sense" do you know how to use it]

Do you think that you both have the same things in common such as your senses and so forth? Do you think that what is common to you may not be common and sensible to Hex?Smile
Wisdom Seeker
Reply Fri 16 Apr, 2010 04:56 pm
@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic;152975 wrote:
Yes I do agree to a degree. Your quote[we can specify things using our "common sense" do you know how to use it]

Do you think that you both have the same things in common such as your senses and so forth? Do you think that what is common to you may not be common and sensible to Hex?Smile

don't know about him

but my common sense is based from the common sense of the common people in our common society

---------- Post added 04-16-2010 at 06:06 PM ----------

sex with the underage girl is commonly known as dirty to our common society
Reply Fri 16 Apr, 2010 05:08 pm
@Wisdom Seeker,
Wisdom Seeker;152966 wrote:
we can specify things using our "common sense"
do you know how to use it?
Yes I do, but you clearly doesn't.
reasoning logic
Reply Fri 16 Apr, 2010 05:08 pm
@Wisdom Seeker,
Wisdom Seeker;152977 wrote:
don't know about him

but my common sense is based from the common sense of the common people in our common society

Do you think that there may be many or at least few within your own society that may see some of the things that you think are sensible to be senseless [or disagree with you]. The reason for this is what psychologist call [confirmation bias]:detective: I believe that we are all guilty of this. I could be wrong so please correct me if I am.Smile
Wisdom Seeker
Reply Fri 16 Apr, 2010 05:16 pm
@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic;152982 wrote:
Do you think that there may be many or at least few within your own society that may see some of the things that you think are sensible to be senseless [or disagree with you]. This is what psychologist call [confirmation bias]:detective: I believe that we are all guilty of this. I could be wrong so please correct me if I am.Smile

yes just like HIM... i think there common senses are isolated somewhere far from the modern human civilisation

and i know that the modern human civilisation would see "sex with the underage girls" as dirty and more likely they don't agree with it.

---------- Post added 04-16-2010 at 06:20 PM ----------

since my common sense is based to the common sense of the common society, if they don't agree, i also don't agree.

---------- Post added 04-16-2010 at 06:45 PM ----------

HexHammer;152981 wrote:
Yes I do, but you clearly doesn't.

common sense of what? common sense of an animal
yes for them sex is also for fun because they are not that wise.
but for the common man's common sense in the common society
maybe not, it looks dirty,
for them losing virginity for just a fun, is so stupid
will you sacrifice greater things for lesser things?
are you that stupid?
Reply Fri 16 Apr, 2010 05:52 pm
@Wisdom Seeker,
Wisdom Seeker;152984 wrote:
common sense of what? common sense of an animal
yes for them sex is also for fun because they are not that wise.
but for the common man's common sense in the common society
maybe not, it looks dirty,
for them losing virginity for just a fun, is so stupid
will you sacrifice greater things for lesser things?
are you that stupid?
Try put it in layman terms please.
Reply Fri 16 Apr, 2010 06:40 pm
What is being 'underage'? My father marry my mother, he is 22 and she is turn 13. I am born when she is 15.

Mostly this is in West, I think, where is called wrong for girls who are under 18 to having sex with older man. Is normal in many country, and if both people are wanting to do it, there is nothing wrong about it.

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