I do think there are times when a nation is forced to act in a way that may seem unethical for the sake of social cohesion.
As members of a nation, we have essentially entered into a contract in which we as individuals are to be protected by the greater.
Things that would be wrong for an individual can, at times, become necessary in order to maintain that societal structure. I'm not saying this is an excuse only a brute fact. If a nation allows it's citizens to be brutalized or taken hostage or murdered and does nothing to protect its citizen, there would be social upheaval and anarchy.
So on a national level it really becomes less about the individual and more about protecting social order. As individuals, we are held to one standard but on a national level the obligations change.
I'm not saying I agree with any of this nor do I think it's excusable. This is just an off the cuff/spur of the moment assessment.