newspeak wrote:Fido, Thank you so much for the interesting reply. I smell utalitarianism mixed with evolutionary anthropology in your response, so let me be more clear on what i have in mind ; i am talking about goodness in the abstract term, or how we imagine goodness now, for example, if you are in a dark alley, and you find a man with a million dollars' bag, goodness tell you that the (right) thing to do is not to kill him and take his money (although you know that no one would know about your crime) ... My question is : Why do we perceive Not Killing The Man And Stealing His Money to be a (Good) thing ( as opposite to evil ) ... Why do we consider it the (Right) thing to do ?
Thank you for indulging my ignorance,
The answer to your question in regard to ethics is simply another question...What is your relationship to the person with the money??? Money is a form of relationship.... Ethics is a form of relationship, and so are society and humanity forms of relationship... If you have no form in common with the man in the alley, the chances are that you can justify taking what is his and trashing his life.... The problem we face is that our usual forms are disolving before our eyes, and as such, while they may appear as a form, a structure for behavior; that it is really empty of relationship... The law is a form of relationship, but if it has made itself meaningless by injuring one and protecting another, it is all the more certain that law as a form will demand lawlessness... Looking like a cop can be very dangerous in some quarters...
Ultimately it is the quality of one relationships with others that determines what is right behavior in relation to others... If you have a form, and the value of that form can be translated into another form in the way law can be traded for money then it is purely stupid to think others will hold the form in higher value than you do... If you are married, -another form,- and you abuse the relationship, and show you care nothing for it, and only use it; then do not count on it having long term meaning to your spouse... Give some thought to what all forms have in common... Notions such as equality, affection, and trust/honor fill up forms with meaning... Start cashing in on those, and the form is done...