Self-education means tackling difficult books with your own mind, on your own time. You don't do it for some scrap of paper, or Teacher's admiring looks. I can only despise the small souls who speak against this beautiful process. I like being friendly but an attack on reading and thinking deserves to be called out for the pretentious nastiness it obviously is. Get a life, a mind, a passion for ideas. Is it more pity or disgust I feel? Who with half a testicle wastes their free time on a philosophy forum condemning the pursuit of knowledge? "Look at me! Over here! I'm educated!" As if we are going to prove ourselves
that way...repeating little mantras, still looking to other human beings as authorities. Get off your knees! And stop forcing your idolatrous grime on others.
Sure, I mention the philosophers who have inspired me because I love them, and I love their phrases.
But it's not about the g.d. person. It's about the ideas. The person is the background of the ideas and part of the reality the ideas treat of/are. Life before text. Text before criticism. Truth before trinkets.