onetwopi;157351 wrote:1. I will check out the film appreciation society! Didn't know that was here :cool:
2. I LOVE chess!
3. Doesn't television just reflect what society is/wants? Ratings certainly drive programming.
4. I like to believe that people making choices (even if they make bad choices) is better than people not having a choice --- FREEDOM!
5. Why do I feel the compulsive need to number things?
6. My dad hates sci-fi so I didn't see Star Wars/Star Trek/Airwolf/etc. growing up. I am just now realizing that I'm a huge fan of all of it

I got Star Trek (original) season 1 for christmas this year.
1. join and pick the next film, it could be one you've seen or one we could both watch anew together.
2. Yes at some point i may have to try and encourage the forum to inlay a programe so memebers can play chess.
3. Yes but does,'nt society need programing and defragmenting and reiterating? Dont we need constanly to be reminded of who or what we are to keep on having faith we are what or who we claim we are?
Dont we need the comentary?
Where would we be without a constant reminder?
4 what if the addiction to tv is a choice?
What if to be an adict is actually a choce not the cop out genetic disposition?
5. Everyone needs a compulsion?
6. Leave Deep Space Nine till last.
My dad is the source of all my sci fi sensibilities.
Nothing would make me feel like a family except when we sat down and watched a film or programe together.
T.V strengthens the family unit?
Voyager rocks.
Seven of Nine is sooooo coooool.
It may not be the most expansive or well acted of the series but Voyager is my favourite.