dark night of the soul

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sometime sun
Reply Wed 14 Oct, 2009 04:45 pm
@sometime sun,
Chapter 18;
'for those same communications which it causes in the soul raise it up to God,
yet humble it with respect to itself.
For communications which are indeed of God have this property, that they humble the soul and at the same time exalt it.
For, upon this road, to go down is to go up and to go up, to go down, for that humbles himself is exalted and he that exalts himself is humbled.'
To know there is more at play in the thrawl of lifes and times, not necessarily to say it is better but to acknowledge there is more than just your sometimes sore soul is to be humbled and to know that you are.
Communications of any kind and for purpose are what conects to the world in a way so as not to be afraid of it by means of inspection rather than warning, to talk to listen is of Godly acquirance. Scream if you like God is listening even if no one else can or will hear.

'This is the ordinary course and proceeding of the state of contemplation until the soul arrives at the state of quietness; it never remains in the same state for long together, but is ascending and descending continually.
'The reason for this is that, as the state of perfection, which consists in the perfect love of God and contempt for self, cannot exist unless it have these two parts, whcih are the knowledge of God and oneself,
'the soul has of necessity to be practiced first in the one and then in the other,'
'now being given to taste of the one- that is exaltation- and now being made to experience the other- that is, hummiliation- until it has acquired perfect habits;'
Sounds like a station platform, coming of taking you away from contempt of the self,
The first in of the self or of God does not really matter because one comes and goes to the other contuinually, never ending circle is the exposition of God and the soul he did made. And more to make to look. Perception perchance.
I like that, 'being made to experience', we are going to force this wisdom down your throat until you swallow. And piss it all away but for the thirst quenched?

'we shall observe that the principal characteristic of contemplation, on account of which it is here called a ladder, is that it is the science of love. This, as we have said, is an infused loving knowledge of God.'
You should look up this chapter for its ladder depiction, metaphor, imagery, it is very well put.
Characteristic; typical, 2 distinctive, a typical or distinctive feature.

Chapter 19;
'In whatsoever it thinks, it thinks at once of the Beloved. Of whatsoever it speaks, in whatsoever matters present themselves, it is speaking and communing at once with the Beloved. When it eats, when it sleeps, when it watches, when it does aught soever, all its care is about the Beloved.'
Before its self.

'Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord, for in His commandments he is eager to labor greatly.'
'Wherefgore if fear, being the son of love, causes within him this eagerness to labor, what will be done by love itself?'
I ask for this answer as well from myself as from those who might else answer.

'Saint Augustine says, love makes all things that are great, grievous and burdensome to be almost naught.'
Almost but not quite all is extinguished, infact is may be fortified and going on from this it takes only for the awarness that one is worthy to be given.

"for love- that is, the act and work of love- is strong as death, and emulation and importunity last as long as hell" Canticle viii, 5

And can we have an amen.
sometime sun
Reply Thu 15 Oct, 2009 05:17 pm
@sometime sun,
Chapter 20;
'The tenth and last step of this secret ladder of love causes the soul to become wholly assimilated to God, by reason of the clear and immediate vision of God which it then possesses; when, having ascended in this life to the ninth step, it goes forth from the flesh. These souls, who are few, enter not into purgatory, since they have already been wholly purged by love.'
Love is the purger not the purgative, that which cleans not what needs to be cleaned.
This secret ladder also reminds me of a book called the Celestine Prophecy, the ninth and tenth insights reduce the need for the flesh, but whereas that book talks about regaining the flesh, this secret ladder admits that we eventually do not need the flesh and are infact better off without it, having ascended of course, because as we know that those in hell have some how held onto their flesh and would do anything to be rid of it, would be better off without it. Heaven in terms of what it is not.

'Not because the soul will come to have the capacity of God, for that is impossible; but because all that it is will become like to God, for which cause it will be called, and will be, God by participation'
What is impossible? To be able to hold as much as God has to carry.
Like to God, as God or Christ or Brevity not to become God, but to participate in our own construction with the God, we are after all no longer when shed of the flesh, human.
I love this 'God by participation' which takes only the briefest of induction.
We are all working together for the All of the All, participation. To take part in. To partake, to try to be more and then less of what we are and what we will all become as.

Chapter 21;
'for faith in an inward tunic of a whiteness so pure that it completely dazzles the eyes of the understanding.'
faith=white hope=green purple=charity.
Colour has effect upon the eyes and therefore the understanding, colour here has more than even texture it has capacity to hold refference to the most blessed of blessings, given, received.

'The soul now divests and strips itself of all those worldly vestments and garments, setting its heart upon naught that is in the world and hoping for naught, whether of that which is to be, but living clad only in the hope of eternal life.'
'Wherefore, when the heart is thus lifted up above the world, not only can the world neither touch the heart nor lay hold on it, but it cannot even come within sight of it.'
This to my mind give clear indication why when have left the world behind gives insight into the fact why most who are freed by their faith do not have the need to assail theri state of eternal being (waiting) upon the world that is still made of flesh bone and hope faith and charity for the reason of being to become, not become first. We must change shape on our own basis of faith hope and charity. This is close to why the dead dont have the need to come back.

'With the livery of hope the soul journeys in disguise through this secret and dark night whereof we have spoken; for it is so completely voided of every possession and support that it fixes its eyes and its care upon naught but God.'
As we come closer closest to the this end.

'(for where there is true love of God there enters neither love of self nor that of the things of self)'
True love in its many forms becomes a form if not true charity, and this is in my estimation for more than God even for those without God you can hold true for, and i dont think that as they are mbodiment of love they can be called possession, because you cannot possess even love, possession of anything calls for negation.

'for without charity no virtue has grace before GOd'
There, told you and by you, did it not?

'They constitute a most fir preparation for the union of the soul with God, according to its three faculties, which are understanding, memory and will.'
I am not sur eby i think that forgivness comes under this preparation, but this may be exposed as true understanding memory and will in one of one to another.

'For faith voids and darkens the understanding as to all its natural intelligence, and herein prepares it for union with Divine Wisdom.
To know is to know God. God knows thereofore so should we as.
'Hope voids and withdraws from all creature possessions; for, as Saint Paul says, hope is for that which is not possessed;'
Not possessed, this includes you furry friend unless they are party to that true love we just spoke of which is not possession so they are not pet they are person.
'and thus it withdraws the memory form that which it is capable of possessing, and sets it on that for which it hopes'
And this is why we naturally forget and forgive so easily because we are hopes afflicted inflicted only if not with it.
And some may say so much as for the having.
'And for this cause hope in God alone prepares the memory purely for union with God'
The memory need not be hell bent. Bent as in not straight or proper.Hell as in not straight or proper.
'Charity, in the same way, voids and annihilates the affections and desires of the will for whatever is not God, and sets them upon Him alone; and thus this virtue prepares this faculty and unites it with God through love.'
We can but hope so.
'And thus, since the function of these virtues is the withdrawal of the soul form all that is less than god, their function is consequently that of joining it with God.'
Cant be with, without God, (as well?
sometime sun
Reply Fri 16 Oct, 2009 05:14 pm
@sometime sun,
Chapter 22;
'Having attained liberty of spirit, so precious and so greatly desired by all, it went froth from low things to high; from terrestrial, it became celestial; from human, Divine'
Having trailed to receive freedom, so dear and dearest by each, we started down only to look up; form extra to everything. We are Divine in our makeup whether we wish to apply is will, is freedom of choice and application.

Chapter 23;
'Wherefore, the more spiritual, the more interior and the more remote from the senses is the communication, the farther does the devil fall short of understanding it.'
It being us and our Divine part participation particle.

'when the good angel permits the devil to gain this advantage of assailing the soul with this spiritual horror, he does it to purify the soul and to prepare it by means of this spiritual virgil for some great spiritual favour and festival which he desires to grant it, for he never mortifies save to give life, nor humbles save to exalt, which comes to pass shortly afterwards'
Cant help looking at him in a semi sado-masochistic way.
It does come across as the personal appendage that is gaurdian angel.
We are reduced here in my veiw to lesser than that with free will, not wanting to disguard the angel anthology story practicality but i cant take home the payment of soul if it is not mine alone, i wish it were not all mine all the time but this is the reasonable conclusion to will wisdom and understanding being forthrightly mine own.
Bless all the angels who do try for us in other ways that being us.

'for these spiritual visions belonmg to the next life rathe rthan to this, and when one of them is seen this is preparation for the next.'
The next life that is, we are given sign every waking moment of our lives to know that there is a continuation a something more, we must just need to do one thing, have faith you have your own soul.
Simple yet so difficult when most need for others to see first before they see it themselves.
Sign posts, directing to more.

'God Himself visits it, then the words of this line are indeed fulfilled, and i tis total darkness and in concealment from the enemy that he soul receives these spiritual favours of God.'
The only concealment here should be that you are in direct view of God, nothing else can see you but God, which is lonely to the soul, but the fact it seems to need to still hide instead of confront the enemy baffles me slightly, but understand that the lonely in general need to hide form something. Better it be enemy than hero.
As for 'favours' of which are my birth right i hold some sinful umbrage to the 'purchase' of such as God graces, i know i need to earn but they are for me none the other less. Mine God

'As His Majesty dwells substantially in the soul, where neither angel nor devil can attain to an understanding of that which comes to pass, they cannot know the intimate and secret communications which take place there between the soul and God.'
Angels second class citizens, devils the dregs

'To this blessing none attain save through intimate purgation and detchment and spiritual concealment from all that is creature; it comes to pass in the darkness.'
Now that the darkness is safe we do not need to spend our existence therein, i understand, but i dont want to.

'In this way the soul gradually becomes wholly spiritual; and in this hiding-place of unitive contemplation its spiritual desires and passion are to a great degree removed and purged away. And thus, speaking of its higher part, the soul says this last line'
'My house being now at rest'

sometime sun
Reply Sat 17 Oct, 2009 06:49 pm
@sometime sun,
Chapter 24;
'THIS IS as much to say: The higher portion of my soul being like the lower part also, at rest with respect to its desires and faculties, I went forth to the Divine union of the love of God.'
Death or true placement of self in the soul and its whereabouts.
So if not presently dead, soon and always will be the same as God given love transition.

'Inasmuch as, by means of that war of the dark night, as has been said, the soul is combated and purged after two manners- namely, according to its sensual and spiritual part- with its senses, faculties and passions, so likewise after two manners- namely, according to these two parts, the sensual and the spiritual- with all its faculties and desires, the soul attains to an enjoyment of peace and rest.'
The enjoyment being the reconciliation of the sensual of the offered peace and rest of only offered spiritual.

'in order that they may go forth to the Divine union of love, must needs first be reformed, ordered and tranquilized with respect to the sensual and to the spiritual according to the nature of the state of innocence which was Adam's'
First creation without the impeccability attribute.
Not necessarily of union when it comes to firsts but definatley of the overall of persional experience and best.

'The soul cannot come come to this union without great purity, and this purity is not gained without great detachment from every created thing and sharp mortification'
Living dead.
Dying death.
Lying breath.
Clear head.

And now happy followers and readers and journeyers alike we come to the ending of this tale (or impass) and i will be with you for the last part which must be put down here as posterity in all its
EXPOSITION of Dark Night of the Soul by Saint John of the Cross
'THE SOUL still continues the metaphor and similitude of temporal night in describing this its spiritual night, and continues to sing and extol the good properties which belong to it, and which in passing through this night it found and used, to the end that it might attain its desired goal with speed and security. Of these properties it here sets down three.
2. The first, it says, is that in this happy night of contemplation God leads the soul by a manner of contemplation so solitary and secret, so remote and far distant from sense, that naught pertaining to it, nor any touch of created things, succeeds in approaching the soul in such a way as to disturb it and detain it on the raod of the union of love.
3. The second property whereof it speaks pertains to the spiritual darkness of this night, wherein all the faculties of the higher part of the soul ar ein darkness. The soul sees naught, neither looks at aught neither stays in aught that is not God, to the end that it may reach Him, inasmuch as it journeys unimpeded by obstacles of forms and figures, and of natural apprehensions, which are those that are wont to hinder the soul from uniting with the eternal Being of God.
4. The third is that, although as it journeys it is supported by no particular interior light of understanding, nor by any exterior guide, that it may receive satisfaction therefrom on this lofty road- it is completely deprived of all this by this thick darkness- yet its love alone, which burns at this time, and makes its heart to long for the Beloved, is that which now moves and guides it, and makes it to soar upward to its God along the road of solitude, without its knowing how or in what manner.
There follows the line:'
In the happy night.

One more time for the jouneys sake;
'1. On a dark night, Kindled in love with yearnings- oh, happy chance!-
I went forth without being observed, My house being now at rest.

2. In darkness and secure, By the secret ladder, disguised- oh happy chance!-
In darkness and in concealment, My house being now at rest.

3. In the happy night, In secret, when none saw me,
Nor I beheld aught, Without light or guide, save that which burned in my heart.

4.This light guided me More surely that the light of noonday
To the place where he (well I knew who!) was awaiting me- A place where none appeared.

5. Oh, night that guided me, Oh, night more lovely than the dawn,
Oh, night that joined Beloved with lover, Lover transformed in the Beloved!

6. Upon my flowery breast, Kept wholly for himself alone,
There he stayed sleeping, and I caressed him, And the fanning of the cedars made a breeze.

7. The breeze blew from the turret As I parted his locks;
With his gentle hand he wounded my neck And caused all my senses to be suspended.

8. I remained, lost in oblivion; My face I reclined on the Beloved.
All ceased and i abandoned myself, Leaving my cares forgotten among the lilies.'

'Say nothing of the incomplete state of this treatise except that in the Alba de Tormes MS. we read: "Thus far wrote the holy Fray John of the Cross concerning the purgative way, wherein he treats of the active and the passive [aspect] of it as is seen in the treatise of the 'Ascent of the Mount' and in this 'Dark night', and, as he died, he wrote no more. And hereafter follows the illuminative way, and then the unitive." Elsewhere we have said that hte lack of any commentary on the last five stanzas is not due to the Saint's death, since he lived for many years after writing the commentary on the earlier stanzas'

So where are we?
Where indeed, but in this dark night that the rays of the morning sun end up becoming the end of contemplation/concentration and the awakener to a world that if believed/practised should be put to bed. Not back to bed, but left there after the lighted beginning is over and we become fully aware that we are the night as much as it is the place where we are best to be.
Best only because it has be tried/trialed for and thereofre something was taken in the start that one must gain, but of course maybe it is in the fight form natural conscription of days light that the dark night can only be experienced as an ending in.
Questions i am left with even if i have own theory
Why did he leave it up to the reader participator to expose the last stanzas for them selves? but there in lies the answer, we are both beginner and proficient and leading by his example we must finish our own journey to God and to placement in this the dark night.
Solitary practitioner not individual (so as we would modernity understand the term individual), but where are we left if not alone in this night as in always?
We are left with the only light seeked a man should need, that of a personal God who will lie with us in the dark night as we await the light to be more pornounced in the death we have earned the right to be illuminated, We are born alone and we die alone but for the presence state of the night and the promice of light that awaits us on return to its form.
The dark night is if nothing this universe that we touch upon and have property is in being.
What of the other travailers/travellers/traversers if not the intention upon us to be distinct?
Why would there be billion billion suns each but to hide form from them?
But not from their view and inspection of what makes up such as distinction?
Are we here to prove this darkness and to expose the lights?
They dont call it dark-room for no good reason, you need the dark to exopse the light.
But to be light and in Gods means to shine, shine for what? but to serve as proof for the soul and of the soul, more than just ones own surely?
Which is what leads me to the last line of his final stanza
'Leaving my cares forgotten among the lilies'.
The cares being the worries being the senses herein spoken of and exorcised, and that there be utoipa plantation of innocence and trust where one can lie with all else as in amongst as in part of the flower bed, given life and beauty thus by the light that is Gods only needed proof, good. For i am alive and able to see the common darkness and trust it will not last.

Our life, and to all a good night.
sometime sun
Reply Wed 21 Apr, 2010 04:52 pm
@sometime sun,
This is my 1000th post, wow how i have flown by the time.
But it got me to thinking how to mark such an auspicious occasion.
So here you are, again, my very first thread.

Love and light to you all,
thank you for making this the place to be, thank you for giving me the space to believe.

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