dark night of the soul

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Reply Fri 2 Oct, 2009 04:28 am
@sometime sun,
salima;94534 wrote:
hi william-
i must admit i really didnt understand most of your post...but that is ok.

Understood and don't worry about it, please. It's a matter for others to take serious, as I said, it was not directed to you.

salima;94534 wrote:
one interesting thing is that in the qur'an, it is said that jesus was not on the cross-someone in his likeness was crucified. it doesnt really specify what happened after that, and apparently no one ever asked, though i could be wrong-i would have to check the hadiths. in islam jesus is accepted as a prophet, but not a god.

I think that statement has merit, considering the 'round about' way we even know of his existence; but the words do ring true that we said he spoke.

salima;94534 wrote:
....but to me the dark night of the soul has nothing to do with jesus in particular, it is one of the many ways people reach a gnostic understanding of that other world beyond the physical. as jeeprs says, st john's account of it is from the viewpoint of a christian-but someone who is of a different faith or discipline or a yoga practitioner may also have that same epihpany.

Exactly, but when some one tells you something, you must not refuse, or suffer eternity in hell, it makes a slave of you, now, doesn't it?

salima;94534 wrote:
. now whether the dark night must always precede the light of day i am not sure. i was always curious if those people who are so unbothered by anything, like for instance my mother was a very superficial happy-go-lucky person. so she never had any dark night nor any sunrise-but does it really matter?

Let me see if I understand what you are saying correctly. You are saying by using the word "superficially" that she was dis-ingenious and if it were so it was grievous fault and probably paid for it in ways you will not understand as so many do exactly what she did. It could be concluded that is exactly what depression is as we hide a guilt that was imposed on us for taking something we truly didn't want or deserve. Just a thought. If I am wrong in my assumption, please correct me.

salima;94534 wrote:
so i think it must have something to do with a particular person's propensity for having these kind of st john experiences. the method or circumstances or the faith of the subject are only secondary to the experiences themselves, really...in my opinion. hence that is why i think they say it can only come from grace-which could be translated as goodluck/bad luck i suppose to someone with an atheistic point of view.

I couldn't have said it better myself, bravo! Well, said. :a-ok:

sometime sun
Reply Fri 2 Oct, 2009 06:41 pm
Salima; Yes the true Christ is that we have as connection to this fundamantal truth energy, (we are made up of the stuff), we are all able capacitors too Christ (hood). We are all joined in a one truth, we can all be as Christ.
Birth, Sacrifice, Death, Christ in all. It is the placement of the 'in' that Yogic teaching illuminate, finally Devinity in between, before and after.

Martyrs are nothing if not at the least witnesses.

I dont know where you get scenic rout from, but perhaps it does become brighter towards the end of this work.
I have found the Dark Night of the Soul quite austere so far, but still with hope for the light to come more easily.
I have always found Reincarnationist highly scenic, truthful and even beautiful. But the way, path, wheel is not all about triumph and ease is it?

---------- Post added 10-03-2009 at 01:50 AM ----------

The Hindoo knows truth.

Jesus was not slain in my opinion.

Please elaborate on 'Reason being of Divine Mind'.

God leaves behind nothing.

Human must leave behind everything.

Propitiatory;, making up for a wrong, appease or placate ory.
who or what can not be avowed by their surroundings, their home, hearth, earth and heart.
All seasons, all elements of the same.

Searching as well as inertia can lead to delusion,
but i know of what you speak.

I have either never seen God or never not seen God.
But i have Certainly experienced God. Alot

---------- Post added 10-03-2009 at 02:17 AM ----------

I agree with your principle (different?)

'If you seek to be admired is not a virtuous state' I think we in the this 'unreal' world call it 'fame':rolleyes:

Giver or receiver, presents at Christmas as well?:detective:

Where do you lie with those who were sinners becoming virtuous or as i suspect you either conscribe to all being sinfull or there being no such thing?

And those who accept gifts are as inclined to virtue as those who give gifts.
What would happen in a world (besides capitalism) be if nothing recieved, anything?

Vitue is also the inclination (some might call 'state') to take what is needed.
If you dont need it and have it, you have taken it. Pure and simple.

What if instead of ally you sought a brother, how does this change the structure of what you said?

" i would rather die than submit" I like that, i may use it.
"resistance is futile" the Borg say.

Who is the enslaver here, a temple or shrine, (death or life) , Babylon begone?

Going back to gracious in defeat of reception, receptive, receptacle.
Insult, is possibly only when you want something taken from you.

We have grace virtue in order to know when to give as receive.
Back and forward. around.

Not forfeiting any the while we accept the first gift from ones self for freedom too ourselves.
You are correct most people are conditioned to put stock in the fact they must be gifted freedom, salvation, heaven, It by another, that they dont already have the capacity to gift too themselves.
'FOUND' i think the saying is better put than 'Saved'.
To be found though as well as to personally discover, find.

My bell is rung, but i must go to sleep.

---------- Post added 10-03-2009 at 02:36 AM ----------

Chapter 7;
'And if charity has envy, it is a holy envy, comprising grief at not having the virtues of others, yet also joy because others have them, and delight when others outstrip us in the service of God, where in we ourselves are so remiss.'
Abit of that hope we were talking of Salima.

'Thus they measure God by themselves and not themselves by God'
'That he who should lose his will for His sake, the same should gain it; and he who should desire to gain it, the same should lose it' St Mt xvi, 25
Lost cause of just lost?

'In the dark night; wherein He weans them from the breasts of these sweetnesses and pleasures gives them pure aridities and inward darkness, takes from them all these irrelevances and puerilities, and by very different means causes them to win the virtues.'
I am not to convinced it is a competition but the sentiment rings loud.

Chapter 8;
'This night which, as we say, is contemplation'

Ignoble; causing shame, dishonourable, mean

'and to lead them to a kind of spiritual exercise wherein they can commune with Him more abundantly and are freed more completely from imperfections.'
Hope does not seem so controversial or contrived. I want to know theier regime, dont you, even slightly want to how to be the perfect something?
sometime sun
Reply Sat 3 Oct, 2009 05:18 pm
@sometime sun,
More for your concideration;
Pick,place and choose as i do.

It is about knowing we are in the dark but not being afraid, where we have the candle, and the match i suppose must be a faith in God.

Chapter 9;
'When a soul finds no pleasure or consolation in the things of God, it also fails to find it in any thing created; for as God sets the soul in this dark night to the end that He may quench and purge its secured desire,'
I still think the purgation starts and ends in first person.

solicitude; anxiety or uneasiness of mind

'For the sensual part of a man has no capacity for that whcih is pure spirit, and thus, when it is the spirit that receives the pleasure, the flesh is left without savour and is too weak to perform any action. But the spirit, which all the time is being fed, goes forward in strength, and with more alertness and solicitude than before, in it anxiety not to fail God;'
The first failure being man i suppose?

'To such depths does the vileness of our desires descend that it makes us to long for our own wretched food and to be nauseated by the indescribable blessings of Heaven.'
It really does rather take you from understood meanings and treatments of certain words in certain placements causes in affect that is disorientating, and leaves you with good words and message almost fearful to tread for the sentence construction. You dont know what to do with the words until they give (enforce) you the conclusiion and you find because of the unease you feel when 'nauseated' or disorientated, you are more open and welcoming to the blessings and of Heaven.

People talk alot about the devil whispering in ears and tempting fishwives, when it is God who infact is shouting.

'But He communicates Himself to it by an act of simple contemplation, to which neither the extrior nor the interior senses of the lower part of the soul can attain. From this time forward, therefore imagination and fancy can find no support in any meditation, and can gain no foot hold by means thereof.' Austere, no?

Chapter 10;
'for by seeking what is prompted by their own spirit, they lose the spirit of tranquility and peace which they had before.'
Damned if you do damned if you dont.

'What they must do is merely leave the soul free and disencumbered and at rest from all knowledge and thought,
troubling not themselves,
in that state, about what they shall think or meditate upon.'
But if this is not a meditation in and of its self i dont know what is. you could almost build a mantra.

'For the more a soul endeavours to find support in affection and knowledge, the more will i tfeel the lack of these, which cannot now be suppiled to it upon that road'
I can almost hear the sayings of Shamanic teachers, but they do give more practicle exercise plan, even if their heaven is upon the earth more so and better for it, if not a little more unatainable than receiving God for the giving of will.

'For contemplation is naught else than secret, peaceful and loving infusion from God, which, if it be permitted, enkindles the soul with the spirit of love, according as the soul declares in the next lines namely:
Kindled in love with yearnings.
Salima thank you for seeing the light rather than the dark, hope fulfilled.

Chapter 11;
'without knowing the way whereby it goes, the soul finds itself annihilated with respect to all things above and below which were accustomed to please it and it finds itslef enamoured, without knowing how.'
"My soul thristed for the living god" Psalm xlii, 2
'of this thirst, since it is living, we may say that it kills'
Please someone make observation on this, sanctioning possible murder because it creates or has born.

'Oh happy chance!'

'which is the other night- that of the spirit- and this the soul afterwards enters in order to journey to God in pure faith, which is the means whereby the soul is united with God'
Validations on the respects of the dark night.

---------- Post added 10-04-2009 at 12:46 AM ----------

Chapter 12;
'This the first and principal benefit caused by this arid and dark night of contemplation: the knowledge of oneself and of ones misery.'
'seeing yourself clothed with vileness, ye may know that ye merit no more, and may know who ye are.'
'It posses these lights more truly in the virtue of self-knowledge,
for it sees that it does nothing of itself neither can do anything.'
Ringing true a principle of William.
Leaving no way but to God, "submit or die" somewhat but still eaves you with the best and in these terms only solution.
Hardship brings us closer to God, or something.
His, not our light in this night, it is that of Gods. Not sure i agree with this if this is my small conclusion.

'and further more that straitness and aridity of sense enlightens and quickens the understanding,'
another cherry on a mud pie.

"whom shall God teach His knowledge, and whom shall He make to understand the hearing?" Isaias xxviii, 9
Only God can know everything, so there is selective knowlege or curriculum in place here. 'Hmm' as the good Dr muses.

"Let me know myself, Lord and i shall know thee" St Augustine, solioq, Cap ii

'but his being unable to form any conception of God or to walk by meditation produced by imaginary consideration, which is here to be understood by the pathless land'
I find my self sighting racial profiling with this.
And am draw back somewhat to the Shamanic defiances.

'Likewise, from the aridities and voids of this night of desire, (the first night) the soul draws spiritual humilty, which is contrary virtue to the first capital sin, which, as we said, is spiritual pride.'
Good to know.

souls become submissive and obedient upon the spiritual raod, for, when they see their own misery, not only do they hear what is taught them, but they even desire that anyone soever may set them on the way and tell them what they ought to do.'
True and virtuous gift.
sometime sun
Reply Sun 4 Oct, 2009 05:27 pm
@sometime sun,
Let me know if there is anything else needed.
Chapter 13;
'It loses the strength of its passions and concupiscence and it becomes sterile, because it no longer consults its likings. Just as, when none is accustomed to take milk form the breast, the courses of the milk are dried up, so the desires of the soul are dried up.
for, where desire and concupisence riegn not, there is no disturbance, but peace and consolation of God.'
This then precludes all who still desire the breast not just of mother, but here must be something for the sanctity of that which is what we are lost from or without. No man can live and breath the arid air their entire life, there must be something for the life that does not mean giving up God entirety (or worse not being available for Gods breath), how is man to live without want to live.
Because it still comes down to this books fact that we are all preparing for God which so far it has not availed of life with God but God in death.

'It likewise practices here the virtue of fortitude because, in these difficulties and insipidities which it finds in its work, it brings strength out of weakness and thus becomes strong.'
Virtue of fortitude.
Are there more virtues than sins? possible self fulfilling prophecy.

'All the virtues, in short the theological and also the cardinal and moral- both in body and in spirit, are practiced by the soul in these times of aridity.'
Wet with sin.
Not rying to be crude.

'Its grief now comes from seeing how great is its own misery, and its envy (if it has any) is a virtuous envy, since it desires to imitate others, which is great virtue.'
Self awareness would be the greatest of all virtue i would think, but this imitation i am not sure i fully recognise its importance, appart from it being whole evolutionary, when for instance you have no other man to which emulate, but that of Christ who is taught by others rather than followed?
But you see the use of grief and misery as being profitable.
Takes you to hell so that you should know heaven.

'Besides these benefits which have been mentioned, the soul attains innumberable others by means of this arid contemplation.'
I wish i could find them more easily, thirsty work.

'for the spiritual influence now granted to it is very delicate and cannot be perceived by sense.'
Sense is not always that predicatable or this easily perceivable therefore to use or not as this case strips home.

'finding in itself no satisfaction what so ever; and herein consists that holy fear which preserves and increases the virtues.'
Fear used as tool, are we all afraid of something rather than everything?

'an afflicted spirit is a sacrifice to God' Psalm li, 17

'4 passions of the soul- which are joy, grief, hope and fear- are calmed through continual motification;
a good thing we must ensure ourselves.

I suggest for any who are reading this or not to read the entire chapter 14
of book the one.

'For, if the soul be not tempted, exercised and proved with trials and temptations, it cannot quicken its sense for Wisdom,'
"He that has not been tempted, what does he know? And he that has not been proved, what are the things that he recognizes?" Ecclesiaticus xxxiv, 9-10

'and by which the soul is truly humiliated in preparation for the exaltation which it is to experience'
There truly is reward, not just gift, present, goods.

'Those who have the disposition and greater strength to suffer'

'God exercises them for certain periods and at certain times in those temptations and aridities; and at other times and seasons He assists them with consolations, lest they show grow faint and return to seek the consolations of the world' We do have a teacher we are always in class.
Drop outs included.
Reply Sun 4 Oct, 2009 06:31 pm
@sometime sun,
reminds me of what happens when you face that which you can't face... burned like a bug under a magnifying glass...

every path leads to desolation

and you say: God...whatever your will is for me.. let me be that

there's no fight anymore, because there's no "me" to fight, and it's peace
sometime sun
Reply Mon 5 Oct, 2009 05:20 pm
You cant face twice that whcih is in first reflection
Demand what you dont know
and need to be instilled

Every path leads to battle
but there is something worth fighting for
reward perchance of you unavailable conflagration
predisposed lost loser,
not you "I" (individual) am sure "we" (welcome) will all.

God is what whatever you encounter and dont
turn your back on and study

My will being first prize and punishment
Fight friend Arjuna
Yours your own, contest
Being at peace does not fade you away.

(it may even congratulate you)

---------- Post added 10-06-2009 at 12:59 AM ----------

Book the Second
Where we move from being beginners into proficients
Chapter 1;
'Hence arise the raptures and trances and dislocations of the bones which always happen when the communications are not purely spititual'
This is thought as well as language being that first and most potent bewitcher, no man can live with communication with God alone, as God is want to speak through its subjects and surrounding, so one must be built up around the world and those that make it home.

Chapter 2;
'2 mimperfections of the proficients, habitual and actual'
Home and frame?

'hebetudo mentis' deadeing of the mind.

Treatise;a formal piece of writing with deals with subject in depth, to treat.

'Thus they become bold with God, and lose holy fear, which is the key and the custodian of all the virtues'
Is 'custodian' not in somewat commander?
Holy fear, now there is something that took me a while to understand and is worth seperate treatise.

'where in it must strip sense and spirit perfectly from all these apprehensions and from all sweetness, and be made to walk in dark and pure faith,
which is the proper and adequate means whereby the soul is united with God.'
walk in dark and pure faith, this being the subject most dear and yet dread-full. Not sure if this then says that holy fear is relinquishable?
Just coming to terms (or not) with holy fear does this despel it or despoil it?

Chapter 3;
'In this pugation these two parts of the soul, the spiritual and the sensual, must be completely purged, since one is never truly purged without the other, the purgation of sense becoming effective when that of the spirit has fairly begun.'
This still speaks death to me but as later shown this is a living testament, not a will for the already gone on.
And this does give hope in these aridities that the knowledge herein learned and reflected can be of practicle use to the living.

Does it lead that union with God can happen before the ultimate meeting of death and Gods union?
Perhaps i look at 'union' a little less than this is trying to describe and hopefully avail me thereof.

'He strips their faculties, affections and feelings, both spiritual and sensual both outward and inward, leaving the understanding dark, the will dry, the memory empty and the affections in the deepest affliction, bitterness and constraint, taking from the soul the pleasure and experience of spiritual blessings which it had aforetime'.
Time is the b*t*h here, we must forget the past with pains, understand the present without recognising, and what hope is there for a future?
Blessings we will not be alowed to endure the memory of.

'All of this the Lord works in the soul by means of a pure and dark contemplation,'
I dont want to be blasphemous but is seems to me that although the work is the work of God we are those who toil and do the hard labour, perhaps it is the prize again we are all fighting for.
Reply Mon 5 Oct, 2009 06:33 pm
@sometime sun,
sometime sun;94837 wrote:
Salima; Yes the true Christ is that we have as connection to this fundamantal truth energy, (we are made up of the stuff), we are all able capacitors too Christ (hood). We are all joined in a one truth, we can all be as Christ. Birth, Sacrifice, Death, Christ in all. It is the placement of the 'in' that Yogic teaching illuminate, finally Devinity in between, before and after.

Salima, if you will allow me to interject here. Sun, the answer to that is yes, and no. The NO, is the interpretation of sacrifice. We were never meant to sacrifice anything and that is what is so very wrong with this tale. Yes, we are "of God" as Christ was, but was he born to die? Yes, but not in the way he did. Yes, we all will die, as his body did, eventually as we all do. Was it meant to be that way. NO! One day, once we become harmonic, as the universe is, what the future holds for us is but a dream, but death will not be as it is now. The rendition of Christ's death validated sacrifice for those who were killing people by their rule as they blamed it on "god" for they would never admit any err on their part for they, themselves thought they were themselves god.

No ruler of that time would have ever paid much attention to such a man or his death not matter how he died. Was there a good man that was murdered? Absolutely! All of us are murdered by our own guilt, stress, worry and greed. As I said, you don't have to experience physical death to die. And that is exactly what the dark soul is as it is imposed by those who think they are god, and to get through that dark night will allow he that survives it to find the truth without all that nonsense those mortal gods have imposed through out his entire existence. Not just in this lifetime but, but his entire being. How long that it will take, depends on how dependent one is on the dictates of those mortal gods, kings, presidents, rulers, dictators, etc, etc, etc, etc..........! Can a person make that journey of enlightenment on his own accord? Not on your life. It cannot be done, it takes a faith and a total lack of fear as the load carried will become lighter as the fear subsides and one sees much clearly.

Will that person, be alone in this world? Absolutely, hiding in plain sight experiencing everything this life has to offer, but not dependent on it and protected from those who would make a martyr of him and that is where that "universal mind/god" comes into play and begins not only directing his life by protecting him as well, using those other minds who are not so dark as angels protecting his journey and the miracles of what a benevolence omnipotence as he is responsible for all our being, can do.

sometime sun;94837 wrote:
Martyrs are nothing if not at the least witnesses.

No. We are the witnesses to their death and that is for us and us only as they became too public and did not hide in plain sight and made a spectacle of themselves, asking for trouble from the powers that be, thinking they were the way. God will lead those who are finally seeing the light to him; not the other way around. Someone who would do them harm couldn't get to him with a road map where X marks the spot. Not in a million years.

sometime sun;94837 wrote:
I don't know where you get scenic rout from, but perhaps it does become brighter towards the end of this work.
I have found the Dark Night of the Soul quite austere so far, but still with hope for the light to come more easily.

Outstanding statement, and thanks. Yes, it does become brighter as fear subsides, but you can't think it will happen in one life time; it takes time to release the hold that fear has on any human being. They are too dependent on it. Once on begins to emerge from their darkness, they realize the control they thought they had consciously, becomes more of a sub-conscious making all the decisions for you, easy with no effort and the happier you are for it as you begin to help others make it through their darkness. The rewards are.................unbelievable and are of a heart you cannot imagine. They truly bring tears of joy to your eyes, which is a cleansing of the soul and what death truly is.

If you will notice, the word "Earth" starts with the word "ear" which is one of the first senses we begin to use and what we do is "h/ear" with it, "heavenly/ear". Now once we stop hearing those who would make us afraid or those who impose fear as we listen with a "FalseEAR" we are dependent on, the "trauma" of that begins to subside and the "h" in the word Earth that is at the end of the word or the "h" (hell) induced by that trauma, the "T", the "h" is moved to the beginning of the word "earth" and is capitalized and it becomes HEART. "Heaven Eternal, A Real Treat". Ha!

As if it is a gift from our true benefactor who is so giving. No tricks; just treats now that I think about Halloween being "All (that)Saints/Hallows (Heaven allows) Eve" as it is coming up, followed by Thanksgiving, then Christmas when we share those gifts we all should give we are blessed with. As the universe/god gives in it's harmonic nature, we, a part of it do likewise. After all it is our nature too, since we are one and the same. Just a little out of tune, that's all.

Now, you didn't think we were responsible for all those words we speak, did you? Ha! Some were truly inspired once you truly begin to see the light of day after spending so much time in the dark of night.

sometime sun;94837 wrote:
I have always found Reincarnationist highly scenic, truthful and even beautiful. But the way, path, wheel is not all about triumph and ease is it?

Yea, it is; once you begin to "lighten up". Ha! Call "reincarnation just a "re-birth" as we are not born, we are "born-again". And that makes you stop and think about who our children really are. Remember; "Out of the Mouths of Babes"
sometime sun
Reply Tue 6 Oct, 2009 06:30 pm
No ruler would have noticed the death of an everyman, may be important.
Does martyrdom not in some substance of sacrifice negate murder?
You must remember we are dealing with a prophetic faith.
And to not be murdered by stresses and near by sin, is the gift offered here, there and everywhere, by you as much by a Him.
You dont indeed have to experience death physically to die, but this is where resurrestion comes in of living body, mind and spirit, only to late for one of these, or just in time.

Who think they can become as God.
Getting through (channel) does not make you God, but for indeed.
It is ultimate result or loss, union not solitary.

I dont know about total lack of fear but you make a fair point.

The load we carry need not be strain, burden only if you have not place to land it, only for the solitary bearer of your soul, "my burden is my own" is not true?
You are correct it must be communal, but for me that is what they dark night solidifies in us, our need for spiritual and psychological challenge and even interpretation.
From the with-in and with-out of each one of us. But unifying on the basis, we all take the same journey,
we know this is not alway true, but we do try for all who bear witness. And we may know it is a lie because the same can be said for exposure and experience of the other doe snot make it mine, but this is totaly the individualistic view of things.
You cant experience anything hidden, apart from loss.

Can do and should at the least try to do better, by both example and experience.

Martyrs are the first witness to of themselves, they are the first to experience and know the truth, to their death and the direct sin of others.
They give it all in their quest to bear trest witness,
they dont first die for the crowd, (unless they are littered with personality)
Are you not willing to die for any one of your first truths?

'Treat' as in to eat, to consume, to have something be a part of you?

Reincarnation has little to do with birth and more to do with being. the scene in scenic.

---------- Post added 10-07-2009 at 01:32 AM ----------

catch up tomorrow, or try to.
sometime sun
Reply Wed 7 Oct, 2009 05:56 pm
@sometime sun,
Chapter 5;
'Why is the Divine light (which, as we say, illumines and purges the soul from its ignorances) here called by the soul a dark night?
The first is because of the height of Divine Wisdom, which transcends the talent of the soul, and in this way is darkness to it;
the second because of its vileness and impurity, in which respect it is painful and afflictive to it, and is also dark.'
'Talent' is not just trainable but inhere ability, that which we cannot see but know is there.
'just as the clearer is the light, the more it blinds and darkens the pupil of the owl'
Sripped of the sense is dark, light can illume as well as blind.

'Saint Dionysius and other mystical theologians call this infused contemplation a ray of darkness- that is to say, for the soul that is not enlightened and purged- for the natural strength of the intellect is transcended and overwhelmed by its great supernatural light.'
Dark begets light. light begets dark, in any order.

'And it is for this cause that, when God sends it out from Himself to the soul that is not yet transformed, this illumining ray of His secret wisdom causes thick darkness in the understanding'
I would by my common shared frame say that God has sent to all ability to understand to the least, light and become wise, wise to God as well as wise for God. The treatment, if not fully the cause or affliction.

'as two contraries cannot coexist in one subject- the soul- it must of necessity have pain and suffering,'
To be whole and recognise that there is a whole definition, know the polarity of things, We know 0we can be divine because we know we cannot be, on occasion.

'And when the soul suffers the direct assault of this Divine light, its pain, which results from its impurity, is immense; because, when this pure light assails the soul, in order to expel its impurity, the soul feels itself to be so impure and miserable that it believes God to be against it, and thinks that it has set itself up against God,'
Jobs story.
So you could contrive that God has set up something up in us, a false belief a guilt, that is neither our fault as much as God is not willing to take responcibility. But this may be defeatest in the good news that is shared by the words, 'the soul feels itself', leading to the old question is soul will and will soul?

'and in such great pain and agony that the soul would find advantage and relief in death,'
Realisation that the dark night is not evermore death.

Chapter 6; this and the next chapter i would greatly encourage you to read in full.

'The Divine assails the soul in order to renwe it and thus to make it divine;'
Assail; to make strongly physical or verbal attack on 2 to make a determined start on (a task).

"The lamentations of of death compassed me about; the pains of hell surrounded me; I cried in my tribulation"Psalm xvii, 5-7

'It is a grave and piteous grief for it to believe that God has forsaken it.'

'three kinds of good, which are ordained for the pleasure of the soul which are temporal, the natural and the spiritual;
and finds itself set in the midst of the evils contrary to these, namely miseries of imperfection, aridity and emptiness of the apprehensions of the faculties and abandonment of the spirit in darkess.'
Something to take to bed with you.
Polarity again as in always.

'For the sensual part is purified in aridity, the faculties are purified in the emptiness of their perceptions and the spirit is purified in thick darkness'
Sensory deprevation if you ask me.
To know all is to know nothing, but one thing perhaps?

'in order for the rust of the affections which are within the soul to be purified and destroyed, it is needful that, in a certain manner, the soul itself should be annihilated and destroyed,'
A certain manner indeed.

'O fsuch are they than in truth go down alive into hell, being purged here on earth in the same manner as there, since this purgation is that which would have to be accomplished there. And thus the soul that passes this either enters not that place i.e, purgatory at all, or tarries there but for a very short time; for one hour of purgation here is more profitable than are many there.'
Hell can be incentive.
So if you go through hell in life of soul you are to not fear it once you die.
Going back to something William said about not always having to die physically to truely die, and that death would be the non fear of hell and all its atributes. Once you have resigned your soul to hell then you may have truely died in life soul and eternity.

Chapter 7;
'Wherefore the soul that God sets in this tempestuous and horrible night is deserving of great compassion'
Some hope for the hopeful.
That great compassion, attainable.

"God raises up profound blessings in the soul outo f darkness, and brings up to light the shadow of death" Job xii, 22
View screen, for all to see and know and must watch a well as play part.
"His light comes to be as was His darkness" Psalm cxxxix, 12
'comes to be as was', 'comes to be as was', 'comes to be as was'.

'according to the degree of union of love which His mercy is pleased to grant it;'
Union of love, more hope.

'For spiritual things in the soul, when they are most purely spiritual, have this characteristic that if trial come to it, the soul believes that it will never escape from them, and that all its blessings are now over,'
'and if spiritual blessings come, the soul believes in the same way that mits troubles are now over, and that blessings will never fail it.'
Effects of the spirit being a present manifest, more so than the before and the after, even though still of importance.

'This happens because the actual possession by the spirit of one of two contrary things itself makes impossible the actual possession and realization of the other contrary thing;
this is not however, in the sensual part of the soul, because its apprehension is weak'
Thank God and the present for realiZation, recognition is not dealt with which would be aforesight or foresight, prophesies 'i told you so'.

'for, when the soul is most secure and least alert, it is dragged down and immersed in another and worse gegree of affliction which is severer and darker and more grievous than that which is past'
Dealing in the past, action done or undo-able, that of complacency and accepting the present as the overridding factor.
Dealing with time rather well.

'Although it had thought during its first trial that there were no more afflictions which it could suffer.'
Going back and reliving the fact we only live once at a time.

'For, as i say, this belief, of which the soul is so sure, is caused in it by the actual apprehension of the spirit, which annihilates with in all that is contrary to it.'
Heave is heaven.
Hell is hell.
No purgatory after life then?

3 Theological virtues faith, hope, charity.
Reply Thu 8 Oct, 2009 06:35 am
@sometime sun,
sometime sun;95672 wrote:

William; No ruler would have noticed the death of an everyman, may be important. Does martyrdom not in some substance of sacrifice negate murder?

Murder is murder. There is no justification for it Only those who feel their life threatened will resort to such a solution.

sometime sun;95672 wrote:
You must remember we are dealing with a prophetic faith.

What is a prophecy? It is worry about a tomorrow that doesn't exist to solve a problem in the present. Who doesn't do that? Those who dream, look forward to tomorrow; those who worry, dread it as it is guilt driven by the innocent who cannot see that light, but so desperately want to not feel so guilty. The sad thing is, of themselves, there is nothing to feel guilty of their own accord, only what others, in their rule have imposed . One doesn't steal, covet, kill as a natural act. It is an iniquity to achieve and balance inequity has created. Achieving a balance the hard way, for if there is imbalance, everything is hard as guilt imposes guilt on another. When there is balance, every thing is easy and will come easy as the good of that past will "come to us" naturally through no effort of our own as a gift as we share that gift with others and together everyone benefits from it; man, woman, people, cities, states, nations the entire Earth as we balance equitably in such a way that is meant to be. Eliminate the inequity and all the iniquity will naturally go with it as we reach true balance within our selves.

sometime sun;95672 wrote:
And to not be murdered by stresses and near by sin, is the gift offered here, there and everywhere, by you as much by a Him.

You and him is used ambiguously here. Please explain? If you don't mind, please who is "him" and who is "you" that you cannot call them by name?

sometime sun;95672 wrote:
You don't indeed have to experience death physically to die, but this is where resurrection comes in of living body, mind and spirit, only to late for one of these, or just in time.

Now if "you" will please pardon me, allow me to illustrate how "you" could have introduced the above statement: "One" doesn't have to experience death, to physically die as the soul darkens, praying for a rebirth, in the light, to lead one out of the darkness". What do you mean by "too late" as it assumes a point of no return? Are you so sure? Perhaps you are a bit too confident to jump to that conclusion if you impose it on another as time will prove if you look forward to tomorrow and believe in "many happy returns".

sometime sun;95672 wrote:
Who think they can become as God.

Ha, methinks you think too much as kings often do as they effort to assume that lofty role, but to be a piece of that we deem so high, would surely cause us not to sigh. For he who sits on that godly throne, must share, for a castle to become a home. Please forgive this my lilt, for it is a talk without a tilt. Ha (When I was away and enjoyed my forced exile, I ventured into a domain of poets and to become a member one had to compose a poem. I didn't know I had it "in me". So if I do break out in song, as it is said, of a king of days long gone, it is just a speech for those who teach for all to hear what they preach or say today to ensure tomorrow will be a better day. Ha I truly have to make myself, not do that).

sometime sun;95672 wrote:
Getting through (channel) does not make you God, but for indeed. It is ultimate result or loss, union not solitary.

No one can "get through". It is a gift to he who does not try. It's a one way street that never ends.

sometime sun;95672 wrote:
I don't know about total lack of fear but you make a fair point.

It is the only point. Like the peer and those amid as it points to our lofty lid. We are the stones that make it up and to-gather we all cheer up. (Ha, there I go again, sorry, couldn't help it. As I have often said, sometimes I amaze myself and laugh at what I do say as it truly does being tears of joy to my eyes as I look up and say thanks to he so wise. Honest, I truly don't think about it; it just comes out, without a doubt, for I have no guilt and don't talk with a tilt.

sometime sun;95672 wrote:
The load we carry need not be strain, burden only if you have not place to land it, only for the solitary bearer of your soul, my burden is my own is not true?

Well said, and when it is landed on another to carry, which we do in so many ways we increase the load for both in ways neither can explain and both walk and talk with a tilt, one of fear and one of guilt.

sometime sun;95672 wrote:
You are correct it must be communal, but for me that is what they dark night solidifies in us, our need for spiritual and psychological challenge and even interpretation.

Yes, but do we dare? Here is the paradox that makes the dark night so very difficult to get through. Can one hear those interpretations as they have become to be dependent on "other words" they have become accustomed to as they grope in the dark? Only those who are open to it, or bare themselves, sacrificing everything to hear the truth. Can you get that "naked" to allow the light to shine through?

sometime sun;95672 wrote:
From the with-in and with-out of each one of us. But unifying on the basis, we all take the same journey,

Pardon me but it is difficult for me to understand what you are saying here. Has a bit of a tilt to it. If you would please, be more clear. Thanks. "To take", to me, in all it's contexts, is wrong. "To take for granted", to be it's most severe.

sometime sun;95672 wrote:
......we know this is not always true, but we do try for all who bear witness.

And become a martyr, like christ, and DIE? May I ask, what is the use of that, to lose that we are the most familiar with? It just perpetuates darkness rather than gaining hope and leads to a circularity. I understand what you are saying, but most will not understand it as all cling to this life so. Physical death is not the answer and why that tale has a tilt.

sometime sun;95672 wrote:
And we may know it is a lie because the same can be said for exposure and experience of the other does not make it mine, but this is totally the individualistic view of things.

Like trying to "walk in anothers shoes or judging a book by it's cover"?
Is that what you mean?

sometime sun;95672 wrote:
You can't experience anything hidden, apart from loss.

You can if someone offer's you "light". Where do, you suppose, that light comes from? The sun/son. One died, one doesn't. Only clouds of our own darkness imposed by other we trust, is what makes us blind to that eternal light.

sometime sun;95672 wrote:
Can do and should at the least try to do better, by both example and experience.

That's hard to do with shackles gold around your feet. Who can and is willing to pay that price that gold imposes? Ah, do we become so entrapped to it's phony lure. It is pure, that is true, but when used as a hoax to coax one into believing to have and to hold, a tale well told, to be the cure in that darkness one exists so cold, keeping one distant from that sun/son for it/he is/was the light; see the paradox of that plight? Damned if you do, damned if you don't. What a trick, that's no treat.

sometime sun;95672 wrote:
Martyrs are the first witness to of themselves, they are the first to experience and know the truth, to their death and the direct sin of others.

Please, pray tell, how one can possibly know what a martyr witnesses? Like I said sun, one needs not die to experience death. For he so wise to shed such light would have to sacrifice all, but not his death, for that light would tell him the path to take. How so very odd we know so little of that man we call christ, yet we boast we know him so well?

sometime sun;95672 wrote:
They give it all in their quest to bear truest witness, they don"t first die for the crowd, (unless they are littered with personality)

Or coaxed as a hoax for one to believe that truth can only be found when one goes into the ground. What sense/cents does that make from that darkened pit as we try to reason, lying in it. What a web that is woven from those so chosen. Is there a fault to reason that vault, that holds that gold we all sought? Perhaps that is true, just ask the blind man, he saw it too.

sometime sun;95672 wrote:
Are you not willing to die for any one of your first truths?

I did. Did I suffer? NO. Did others? YES. but not in that death, but the light I brought back with me. They were blind and deaf to it, for they had become so accustom to the darkness and found a comfort there.

sometime sun;95672 wrote:
'Treat' as in to eat, to consume, to have something be a part of you?

Yes. A food that will nourish you forever.

sometime sun;95672 wrote:
Reincarnation has little to do with birth and more to do with being. the scene in scenic.

In that you assume we never were? Why should we make a scene for it prohibits one from enjoying the scenery. It takes their attention off it and they truly don't smell the roses and prevents from hearing he who rises from that dark night and shed some light to aid in their plight to light their own way.

sometime sun;95672 wrote:
catch up tomorrow, or try to.

Looking forward to it. Sun, bless your heart for you are trying so hard to make sense of it all and in that you will be rewarded, just as i have. Just don't get in a hurry and it will all come to you in time without any effort on your part whatsoever. Stay focused on your immediate surroundings and find a joy in that for the time being and you will be lead away from those thoughts that bind you. All that love you have to give and all you have you don't need, you hold onto, you save for a rainy day. Rain as in a tear, can be refreshing an cleansing; only when they hurt is when we bring the past into it and predict the future based on it.

Later my friend,
sometime sun
Reply Thu 8 Oct, 2009 06:44 pm
William; dear chap.

Murder is not self defence, is not food for the starving? Is not martyrdom?
Coul dbe seen as murder being natural reflex? (or at least conditioned).
Justice has nothing to do with murder or even death?

But prophecy is the conduit and solution, at least the gateway to understandings of time and its occurances, to its solvency in more than debt.
It is like premonition the 'de ja view', does this warn, or does it tell you that you are exactly where you ought be, or 'meant' to 'be'.
Do not want to feel guilty therefore afraid, therefore there must be solution to both fear and guilt. It is polarity spoken of breifly in previous post of mine, sinner and saint exist to prove the soul, proof read if you will.
Atonement, restitution, still cannot assuage guilt and fear.
The balance you speak of is the dark night, harder to find than to come to stay in it.
I for a one start all are born sinful (as well as divine) we must not just flow, we must stand still, we must work hard to prevent it, than as another start is natural reflex.
Iniquity naturally going is not the work, strides, strivances the man and soul must impose, first on themselves before they can hope for it from or for another.
The very term 'lead by example' in some way becomes inert for we must emulate in order to encapsulate, to further indenture, so there is no lead, just being led.

"you" meaning me and you all.
2Him" the first example, the source, God, Christ, Divinity, you could say father son holy spirit.

The point of no return, the death of any one body, (or their love as exposed), first in line or last to arrive.
I am happy (consoled possibly) with, by your words.

You assume no roll, and i certainly if implied would never be God but certainly at least in this spectrums term of Divinity try to be 'as God', example as much as disregard.
Some may call that martyrdom and Christ accessiblity.

"getting through" illumination; a channel, is indeed a also one way street, retreat or advance, still two dimentional directional, coming from, going towards. 3d would be interesting.

Okay the fear i refer could also be called respect, of the unknown as well as reconciled.

You may as you say not talk with tilt, but accent may well be. the accent of the guiltless, well done and put, but you had to get there didn't you?
You had to work for it in some way, unless you had the bravest of parents and the most barren (aridity) of educations.

I would not say "landed", maybe distributed.

One and the same you said, guilt and fear.

Get through, the work channel.
"other words" other peoples in the commune possibly?
Can i be that naked?
We all take what is given, (gifted, needed), lifes blood and lifes possition.

Explain tilt again for me please?

No, the individualistic, is those who would be a god rather than a person.

But the "offer" is exposure, not hidden.
Both dies, but both are equal in their resrrectional need (almost said desire there) or design.

This goes on by saying, 'darkness by other we trust' then for all they show are hiding from themselves, from me or from the eternal light.

Yes, yes yes, Brill, i like you.
Or is that to sensual:D

We only know Christ as ourselves, you can know yourself really quite badly so thereofre you know Christ just as blankly, but there is the flip side which connects you to the greatest of your own true first understandings.
As our witness and conviction.

You can martyr yourself in an empty room, as long as you are present with truth and therefore witness.
You are your witness, at least your truth is and some say God the judge will alow us the witness of ourselves... could be bonded with will.

'All that glitter is not gold'

So you are a reincarnationist as well as a revivalist, good for us all, light for more than just you or me.

In that I assume we never were, do or will, true dark night?

Gold is the only thing you can save for a rainy day,
you will never be ready. (as well as '?')

You are giving me time, thank you.
sometime sun
Reply Fri 9 Oct, 2009 04:53 pm
@sometime sun,
Chapter 8;
'And thus, the simpler and the purer is the Divine light in its assault upon the soul, the more does it darken it, void it and annihilate it according to its particular apprehensions and affections'
Colonic irrigation for the soul, there may be comentary, but little in the ways of practicle assemblance protocol. According to its fears and pleasures.

'incredible, to say that, the brighter and purer is supernatural and Divine light, the more it darkens the soul, and that, the less bright and pure is it, the less dark it is to the soul.'
Blank page, may not be as impossible as the possible, or is that possible impossibility? Weighty none the less as is this dark souls weight, possible substantiation that lests us recognise what is dull and not the real carat clarity. Colouration, pigment and how to veiw, watch but not sit. idle.

I suggest the next page paragraph, comparison.

'And thus it leaves it not only dark, but likewise empty, according to its faculties and desires, both spiritual and natural. And, by thus leaving it empty and in darkness, it purges and illumine sit with Divine spiritual light, although the soul thinks not that it has this light, but believes its self to be in darkness, even as we have said of the ray of light, which, although it be in the midst of the room, yet, if it be pure and meet nothing on its path, is not visible'
There is mose and besides this part which i think is best illumined by the author and is important to the understandings and destinctions between light shadow lint and divine illuminary.
But will here by try and encapsualte.
Light is only perceptable by that which it meets and is either shown or is shone,. You only know there is a ray of light in your room by that which it meets and bounces from, frightning the spirit into complete instruction of impression of Divine light and thought.
We cannot view, see that which we do not believe into existence.
and experience first hand, if it does not meet us the light does not perceived.

---------- Post added 10-10-2009 at 12:56 AM ----------

Chapter 9;
'even so the spirit cannot succeed in enjoying the delights of the spirit of liberty, according to the desire of the will, if it be still affectioned to any desire, whether actual or habitual, or to particular objects of understanding or to any other apprehension.'
actual; existing as fact, real, 2 not imagined, estimated or guessed.
habitual; seen, done, etc regularly 2 done, or doing something, by habit.
People like to feel free, their estimation of liberty atual or habitual.

'If the soul is to pass to these great things, that this dark night of contemplation should first of all annihilate and undo it in its meannesses, bringing it into darkness, aridity affliction and emptiness; for the light which is to be given to it is a Divine light of the highest kind, which transcends all natural light, and which by nature can find no place in the understanding.'
So the dark night is obnly preparation for the great things, or that the great things are that whcih the dark night takes away, reliefs us of.
We are born as full chalice, we must know what is to be spilled and drunk.
not natural light, not of the nature. Understanding ids nature?

'it follows that the darkness which it here suffers is profound and horrible and most painful, for this darkness, being felt in the deepest substance of the spirit, seems to be substantial darkness.'
Feeling is substance tial, but to the night we are directed is to not know seems of substantiality.

'and the memory must be borne far from all agreeable and peaceful knowledge, and have an intimate sense and feeling that it is making a pilgrimage and bring stranger to all things'

'so that it seems to it that all things are strange and of a different kind from that which they were wont to be'
We dont always know what we wont to be.
'Divine sense, which is a stranger and an alien to all human ways.'
'The reason of this is that the soul is now becoming alien and remote from common sense and knowledge of things, in order that, being annihilated in this respect, it may be informed with the Divine- which belongs rather to the next life than to this.'
Reason, common sense, knowledge, power conduits.
the unattainable attainable.
I wonder if St John of the Cross did not have a slight suicidal tendency.
For it does feel that it is a road map to death at times to become Divine.

'when it has necessary strength and power it dissolves into tears, althopugh this relief comes but seldom'
Just like the construction, composition. it makes you feel sad.

'Such is the work wrought in the soul by this night that hides the hopes of the light of day'
Morning ray
Reply Sat 10 Oct, 2009 05:32 am
@sometime sun,
Sun, let me see if I can explain all that John was saying in this short following message.

The more we try to be good, or divine, or pure we run into the road blocks of other people. Not every one thinks the same and for one to try to be perfect would be to help other people do the same . No one man can possibly do that. God is not just one thing . He is the sum of things . (something) (all things). Yet ones intentions are good, no one can do all that . Now when one man is able to rid himself of all things that man has taught, he begins to see the oneness and the sum of all things and sees all that which is 'outside' or dark amidst the light of his awakening. Again, that dark so very many live in as all hate to be questioned as to what they believe for they have been lied to so very much and can see the forest for the trees that hides them and protects them from the sun our guiding light and the moon at night when we should swoon with delight, not cower in fright.

No one, of themselves, and for their own reasons can arise from that dark night. It is impossible. No one can consciously try to be that "good". John couldn't even do that but he was "on track". To eliminate fear takes faith and not being afraid of anything. It takes time to do that, and once one begins to see the oneness, they truly see the protection it offers from those who are truly afraid. You see Sun, they feel guilty in such a light and want to darken it so others cannot see their darkness. Misery loves company and so forth.

When I was a young boy I was chosen to become a member of a bible study group that competed with other groups in bible memory. In a four year period, I memorized a lot of the bible and I learned one verse that stuck as the others just seemed to escape my memory as this one was nailed in, so to speak. "For by grace are ye saved, through faith, and that not of yourselves. It is a gift. Lest any man should boast."

That verse says it all. Now the onset of that awakening is called the "rapture", though that too has many interpretations. Getting high, manic, elated, euphoric, blissful, ecstatic, grandiose, stupendous, colossal, free, untouchable, safe, confident, which is "for the grace" (feminine part of that god) go you. Of course, many take drugs to do that. I promise you natural highs are much better and why they come down when those drugs are not around. We are created with natural drugs which can be with us always, it we could just naturally let them out.

Now for one to begin to see the light, one has to walk in the valley of the shadow of death. Not an easy task, but for the grace of god, one is protected in that journey from those who are truly afraid.

There is much wisdom in the bible as there is in all those lofty tomes that have managed to survive even the kings that edited them to protect their rule who caused those who saw through their "other words" which threatened their rule to be exiled or crucified such as what christ and his death validated as those very kings blamed it on god and not themselves as they "boasted not in my life time". So they created story, a diversion, if you will, that would not lead to the temptation of those who heard these words, to kill them in retaliation.

Once one becomes so enraptured, he gradually begins to see that which entrapped him so as others who are so dependent on those "other words", such as those who are seeking that missing link, provide other links to validate what they "think" is the truth trapping them, keeping them back from that "rapture" as the truth would hurt so much and would impose a "guilt" (con/anti-science) that would be hard to shake, like the Earth does from time to time as we say, "what on earth" is happening when we are exposed to that we don't understand and we also shake and get "nervous" and try and figure it out. Though we are "paid" well in our efforts, huh? Just who benefits from those efforts? True kings or false gods? Hmmm? Too much for one and not enough for another.

You have to understand the bible has only been around for a little less than 600 years and it has been change 100 times in the 20 century and 70 times in my life time, this time, as I will leave again and come back to shed more light on the subject. Ha! But I am not through yet as I am day to day still "lightening up", so to speak. Those who doubt my words only illustrate how dark they are, but do not fret, they do will lighten up as we go on this journey together, this gift of life that we were given, for the love of god, man, what in the hell is holding you back? Snicker, Snicker.

As I have said so very many times, "May god be with you; that is not a prayer, but the way life was meant to be". As we share that love in us to those so dark to lighten their way, we truly begin to understand what the joy of that life holds in wait for us. Unfortunately those who are so heavily burdened with their doubts add weights to us; so lets all work together to balance the scales and we will all become like stainless steel and even tempered. Not like that soft gold that is easy to mold for those it holds as they listen to stories that shouldn't be told as to have and to have and to hold is just a myth created by those who want to make cents of it. Ha! Is the light getting brighter? Blinding, isn't it? Perhaps this will tell you a little more of where I am coming from: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPuYfFw-9Oo

sometime sun
Reply Sat 10 Oct, 2009 08:25 pm
Would help other people do the same.
No one man can possibly do that?
Be perfect or show it?
Living by example helps only to inform, it does not change any other they are that whom must take the journey in order to learn.

God is not just one thing, well sort of for the fact God is one everything.
The sum adds or delets to or from many things in the same oneness.
The sum of all things adds to zero, flight or landing, beginning or ending is zero, is God, whence all comes from and goes toward.

I think our estimations or experiences of this works darkness are different, you are speaking from a place of obstacle, where as i see this as shedding of all obstacle and trial, Divine light comes after the darkenss from whence it came and we all should be rather than be blinkered into false illuminations. You find your light in exposing the lies of darkness, St John is trying to say the same that darkness exposes the lies of light, or what would be light just as your darkness would be darkness but is not.
Lies yes, both, but we must find the truth which resides in life as darkness or the emptiness of untruth. To not be lied to or to lie is to be without truth in its many disguises.
I agree with you mostly about what you say because you are talking form a place where you say it is full of light, but what St John is saying is that this place is just as is empty of the lies for the light "raptures" of most is false and feels to be light. So it is darkness because it is without, the lie is absent, and what i think he is saying is that the only truth is with God which can only be prepared for by the waiting of death. We live in darkness so we can see when the true light comes.
Fear and misery are dark for they are places to hide, but you cannot hide in the dark for it is a place of being that no delusion can enter.
They feel dark therefore they are not the darkness encouraged here, for it is a place without the senses which is where most feeling comes from.
The senses being human and not Divine, which i am sure he has said we can only ready for not experience directly until we die and got God, are all God, because we have not been weighed down with senses and feelings which as human we distort or distorts us.
It is not a matter of shining to be recognised, it is dark so that we know the self first with out the blindings of others false light and dark fear such as you have spoken and such as fear of exposure.
You see first through you, and we only lie when we are not ourselves.
Misery abhors company in my experience, but this leads from you and from St John that my natural state may be to be miserable, because as i have said that one must be alone in the knowing of the self and yet i find that misery is worst when alone, for company is also when you cannot find your own light a good place no matter the lies of the companies light, to commune is to be able to see light that otherwise is not in your view.
I try not to be miserable, i do , which is one reason for doing this, to gain light so i can be happy alone, but it is still in my scrutiny a place where i will extinguish darkness not the place of dark i am still aiming for by my estimation of the place of truth preparation.
But as my life is preparation for light, burning away my rust, it is not as most the preparation for darkness. This does also sound sad that i am spending my life in preparation for my death, but it is in preparation for true eternity so i am not saddened.
Gotta do something with eternity.
But do you see that St john is trying to say to find light the truest of which is Divine one must be in the dark so as to recognise it when it comes?
He is in a way saying sensory deprevation is the way to reach for pure beginning or endings state. I could in turn say this is almost cowardly if not for the dangerous lies avoided, but to prove is to be tested. And if along my brave journey i meet and dance under bright satellites such as yourself all the better for the journey, but you are not the star of which i focus my orbit, so i can be a visitor to all but my self and eventually Gods love.

"not of yourselves. It is a gift. Lest any should boast"
This ays to me, not of self, the personality and pride therein is annihilated, the lies one gathers through ones life is shed. For with personality which is filled with false illuminations is gone, Lest any should boast.

Ahh the feminine of God.
A subject for later inquiry.

Meditation and dance is such as these good drugs you speak of and i would preach if i knew how i was able and to extol not just practice.
Rapture indeed if done without st Johns exposure of distorting flame in order to find useless dead weight for the soul.
But i am not viceless, although i do recognise and do battle with them.
I will quit smoking soon i have promised, and caffeine and fear.
It is with St John s depictions of weighty souls i find contrary to his exposition, but the weight could be time (inbetween beginnings end) with out age (childishnesses, senility). Hard to do as human but must bare the weight of our own creation, destruction.

The valley of the shadow is what i think St John truely is trying to describe, just without death as of yet, how must a man walk?
Rightly death is not to be feared, thereofre again the shadow is not warning, it is life, the valley of life toward death through darkness.
The righteous (though i should use such a word without the story) is the shadow and darkness correct that i understand St Johns turning over (flipping) of general meaning towards the dark.
'The dark is scary'. Could be the only incorrect usage is fear of fear, not fear of the dark, fear of the unknown, the unexperienced.
You cannot say that fear does not teach respect, if not retarded by the fear or the respect.

Story is not diversion, correctly used (such as in alot of Scripture), is the only mode (save experience which we turn into story), and take moral, the after school special stands up. Experience of the story example.

Just enough for all.
People find that taking is quicker than giving. Because they think they are running out of time rather than towards it.

Those who doubt you, may jhave their own quest in mind, and we do not so much learn form example as by self disproof.

Who is holding you back? wink
God cant not be with me, or you for that matter.
It is unnatural, possibly the only thing in nature that is truly unatural, to be without God, although St John inclines that nature is that which is to be defeated. Human nature.

I owe you a smile and a song.

---------- Post added 10-11-2009 at 04:12 AM ----------

Chapter 10;
'it has never realised, in fact, that it has had so much evil within itself. But now that they are to be driven forth and annihilated, these humors reveal themselves'
And now they are to be driven, still lack on how to do such, contemplation i suppose would be the answer, and concentration on God and the light yet to be shown, or the light that is all around and is yet to be recognised,realised.
A demon is only exorcisable when it is seen and believed to be against.

'These are the material upon which the fire of purgatory seizes; when that material is consumed there is naught else that can burn. So here, when the imperfections are consumed, the affliction of the soul ceases and its fruition remains,'
Burning the field to encourage new growth.
Dark night is the place where you can float when you have achieved this conflagration of the souls impurities. The soul is not yet at rest but ready for bed.

'the fire of love once again attacks that which has yet to be consumed and purified more inwardly. The suffering of the soul now becomes more intimate, subtle and spiritual, in proportion as the fire refines away the finer, mor eintimate and more spiritual imperfections, and those which are most deeply rooted in its inmost parts.'
Love is both the obstacle as well as the reward, love can be better, can be purer can be something to be relied upon to pass good judgement, but not before the inclinations of loves need to believe anything that offers heat is not purifed and refined. Love is working model of something we do not know how to reign and give bigger bursts of encouragements, educations.
Love is student, we are own teacher.

---------- Post added 10-11-2009 at 04:23 AM ----------

Chapter 11;
'for, as we say, the understanding is darkness, reminder of where we are'
Could not have put St Johns point better.
Reminder of the light light waiting where we are.

'and in all the affairs and matters that present themselves to it, it loves in many ways, and also desires and suffers in the desire in many ways, at all times in all places.'
You could take Williams point easily from this, fear of yourself and guilt of your love. But that is but a fraction of the debilities that unreigned love can wrought. We must know our selves and position to know our love the better.
But make no mistake love is of its self something alien and common in its uniquenest unquietness to each of the all of us.

'which afflicts it with its doubts and misgivings; and then by the love of God, which enkindles and stimulates it, and, with its loving wound, causes it wondrous fear.'
To experience is to fear perhaps, blowing out the water the need to fear not, it knows we do not have something therefore work the harder to achieve, or that we have something needed to be expunged.
We need to better our selves by recognising that there is part of us we dont want.
Fear can be motivator, even if it is just to be without, which is what the dark night is most surely, that place without. To be without may be the biggest best gift and prize worth fighting for from.
Reply Sun 11 Oct, 2009 02:55 am
@sometime sun,
People have to make their own journey.

---------- Post added 10-11-2009 at 04:33 AM ----------

I really like your avator sometime sun, what is it please?
Reply Sun 11 Oct, 2009 05:38 am
Caroline;96676 wrote:
People have to make their own journey.

Yes, Caroline and with the light of others and that love within to help show the way. It's so very hard to go it alone. Most just do not have the faith it takes. We are..................all in this together, you know. :a-ok:

your good friend,
sometime sun
Reply Sun 11 Oct, 2009 05:28 pm
@sometime sun,
Caroline; i dont rightly know where it came form, it was on the computer when i got it or came with some such programe.
But i chose it because it was quite nebulous and love the photographic light art that is available. I think the artist name is Sandy.
What do you think of the new one?

---------- Post added 10-12-2009 at 01:00 AM ----------

Chapter 12;
Ode to love of mortals;
'The difference is that in the next life they are cleansed with fire, while here below they are cleansed and illumined with love only'
'For cleaness of heart is nothing less than the love and grace of God.'
'since blessedness is given by nothing less than love.'

'(for God never grants mystical wisdom without love, since itself infuses it)'
Which firstly means that there is such as mystical wisdom, and those with love attain/retain it.
"He hath sent fire into my bones, and hath taught me' Lamentations i, 13
Which firstly means that there are some who have fire and love in/of their bones.
'the wisdom of God is silver tried in fire' Psalm xii, 6
Which firstly means wisdom is wieldable/pliable
'in purgative fire of love'
Which firstly means loves fire purges.
'For this dark contemplation infuses into the soul love and wisdom jointly'
Which firstly means that contemplation is substantial,
secondly that it is absorbent
thirdly that the soul is receptacle
and that dark contemplation is able substance for love and wisdom can be part of ourselves. And jointly.

Of angels pathways and their distinct love connection to man;
'flowing down fromGod through the first hierarchies even to the last, and thence to men'
'All the works, thereofre, which are done by the angels, and all their inspirations are said in the Scriptures, with truth and propriety, to be the work of God and themselves'
Angles hold respect for humans and have their own self.

'still each one passes it on and infuses it into the next, in a modified form, according to the nature of the glass' prism soul
'and with rather more or rather less power and brightness, according as it is nearer to the sun or farther from it. This envokes the term 'father' from the reader as their own conclusion. trick or treat?
sometime sun
Reply Mon 12 Oct, 2009 03:08 pm
@sometime sun,
Chapter 13;
'the more perfect and delicate is the purgation of the understanding. But, before this state is reached, it is more usual for the touch of the enkindling of love to be felt in the will than for the touch of intelligence to be felt in the understanding'
Does this not say that love is not intelligence?
Intelligent understanding,
The will and understanding are of different nexus?

'are the enkindling and the love of purgative contemplation at first more commonly felt in the will than in the intelligence thereof is felt in the understanding?
To this is may be answered that the passive love it does not now directly strike the will, for the will is free and the enkindling of love is a passion of love rather the free act of the will' 'for this heat of love strikes the substance of the soul and thus moves the affections passively. And so this is called passion of love rather than the free act of the will, an act of the will being so called only in so far as it is free.'
'But the passions and affections subdue the will,'
"To be free one must give up a little paprt of ones self" who said this or something close? i know the answer but it does not come to mind, Isiah Berlin i think.

'according as the impetus and power of its passion carry it away' sling shot or orbit?
'And thereofre we can say that this enkindling of love is in the will- that is, it enkindles the desire of the will; and thus, as we say, this is called passion of love rather than the free work of the will.'
Love is desire, desire is reaction called passion.

'for it is not necessary to this end the will should be so completley purged with respect to the passions, since these very passions help it to feel impassioned love.'
Necessary to feel. But more to control and to feel to be without as he has said.

'yet the source and the keeness of the thirst of love is felt in the superior part of the soul- that is in the spirit.'
The soul is sponge for love as well as the water that inbues as well as would surround, and should not let us drown but let us breath the airof the spirit more keenly, or something like that.
Love is important/integral as long as it is proportioned to the correct destination or from platform. The spirit is the needed infusion.

---------- Post added 10-12-2009 at 10:13 PM ----------

Chapter 14;
'in as much as all natural ability is impotent with respect to the supernatural blessing that God, by means of His own infusion, bestows upon the soul passively, secretly and in silence.'
Silence is a virtue after all, or before as would be aided.
'natural ability' is of supernatural means.

Chapter 15;
'For in the night it has freed itself and escaped subtly from its enemies, who were continually hindering its progress.'
We all have enemies in common or common enemies.
sometime sun
Reply Mon 12 Oct, 2009 05:46 pm
@sometime sun,
Chapter 16;
'Wherefore , when all these operations and motions are hindered, it is clear that the soul is secure against being led astray by them; for it is free, not only from itself, but likewise from its other enimies, which are the world and the devil. for when the affections and operations of the soul are quenched, these enimies cannot make war upon it by any other means or in any other manner.
It follows from this that, the greater is the darkness wherein the soul journeys and the more completely it is voided of its natural operations the greater is its security.'
For as the prophet says, perdition comes to the soul from itself alone.'
The soul is free from even ourselves, so ourselves are composite or extension, with glass and hot house use as well as to be able to bask in the suns rays from safe position. the souls 'itself' could be part of our passion that was spoken of before, love is not just part of the soul but part of this trial or welcome, push away/condemn itself. The world or the devil.
Quenched is the dark nights opperation. opposition
Perdition; everlasting punishment after death, damnation, hell.
We are that which damns ourself, not of itself?

'why does God in this night, darken the desires and faculties with respect to these good things likewise,'
'The answer is that it is well for the soul to perform no operation touching spiritual things at that time and to have no pleasure in such things, because its faculties and desires are base, impure and wholly natural. and thus, although these faculties be given the desire and interest in things supernatural and Divine, they could not receive them save after a base and natural manner, exactly in their own fashion.'
There is another large paragraph after this that i would say needs concideration but i am not going to do all the work for you.
I chose this because of the relation too 'nature'. As we are want to blame things upon the unatural as well as the supernatural, but this states that the blame, if there is any, lies soley in what cannot be shed, the natural. But only illuminated upon to gauge the degree of which change we make in and of ourselves to be as Divine and supernatural to some degree, as can be, it is our dreams and aspirations, that which bring us into the fold of God and the army that is self possessed to conquer all that would claim us in our natural ways to hell.
Hell is not a home even as a concept. But this reads that the world is not either able nor available. Unavailable is what we have to deal with.

'there are many persons whose tastes and affections and operations of whose, faculties are fixed upon God or upon spiritual things, and who may perhaps think that this is supernatural and spiritual, when it is perhaps no more than the most human and natural desires and actions.'
For all the dreams we need to make reality, there are just as many realities we would make dreams, or nightmares. think about that, ,making reality into a dream.
I find St john in doubt of himself and spoken words, but i do not think we carry tarnish his aspirations herein.

'Exactly so, one who is learning fresh details concerning any office or art always proceeds in darkness, and receives no guidance from his original knowledge, for if he left not that behind, he would get no farther nor make progress;'
'In darkess and secure'
Not scared of the darkness, knowing that it is there and we are part and parcel aids in defeating these fears. For the darkness undefeatable is our best place to build and gain our souls resources. The darkness if not afraid is the firmer of grounds when it comes to the polarity of light and its dreams yet rather than realities gone.

'There is another reason why the soul has walked securely in this darkness, and this is because it has been suffering; for the road of suffering is more secure and even more profitable than that of fruition and action.'
Destruction begats resurrection. We need to die in order to know we are alive and how to defeat even death.
'and second, because in suffering the soul continues to practice and acquire virtues and become purer, wiser and more cautious'
Speed bumps.
Armour for life is to fight with it.

'For the nearer the soul approaches Him, the blacker is the darkness which it feels and the deeper is the obscurity which comes through its weakness;'
To know there is a Light at the end of the tunnel makes more present the journeys darkness without it, and how to get there is to defeat the darkesses fears and trials.

'In the same way, so immense is the spiritual light of God, and so greatly does it transcend our natural understanding, that the nearer we approach it, the more it blinds and darkens us'
This dark is something further on from fear, and even further on from not fear. There is a place, a state of being that makes us not just unafraid but brave. And possibly something even further brighter than courage and bravery.
What do you dear readers think could come further upon us that is better than bravery?
Self awarness is not just of the self but of ones surroundings and this is as much nature as it is super, inferior?

'For that which is most clear and true is to us most dark and doubtful;'
'And that which gives the greatest light and satisfaction to our eyes we embrace and pursue, though it be the worst thing for us, and make us fall at every step.'
Getting back up, not stopping until stopped.
What getts more of our attention is the dark, so at least make this interest something to be profitted by, knowing the state one is in, is this darkness, knowing one is alive and that one is death.

'And if he is to know with certainty by what road he travels, he must perforce keep his eyes closed and walk in darkness, that he may be secure from the enemies who inhabit his own house- that is, his senses and faculties.'
Sometimes all you can do is close your eyes and deal with it.
But sometimes it is hard to close your eyes upon yourself.

'it is hidden and protected form itself.'

The soul hides from no man.
sometime sun
Reply Tue 13 Oct, 2009 05:05 pm
@sometime sun,
Chapter 17;
'Wherefore, inasmuch as the wisdom of this contemplation is the language of God to the soul, addressed by pure spirit to pure spirit, naught that is less than spirit, such as the senses, can perceive it, and thus to them it is secret, and they know it not, neither can they say it, nor do they desire to do so, because they see it not'
In trouble here, think Solomons wisdom. Secret self possessed sense of spirit is better than none even though it may be lost in translation.
To perceive is no to see.

'wgho walk along this road and woul dliek to give an account of their spiritual state to their director, are neither able to so nor know how'
Isn't that just the way of things, feeling sensing but not being able to charts its genesis or progress.

'Such a person is only able to say that he is satisfied, tranquil and contented and that he is conscious of the presence of God, and that, as it seems to him, all is going well with him; but he cannot describe the state of his soul, nor can he say anything about it save in general terms like these'
Got me again, but to try might as well be wisdom in itself, it is the wisdom of resolve. To say and be are different things?

'And not only for that reason is it called secret, and is so, but likewise because this mystical knowledge has the property of hiding the soul within itself.'
Dont we just lose so much in and of our own bull crap?
Let alone our divinity.
In trying to expose the soul, our soul, we tend to lose a little of it, it may not be lost but their are parts we tend to overlook and not either allow to occur good naturedly as well as having to force the soul sometimes into possitions that are not always comfortable but integral.

'Wherein, the more the soul is raised up above all temporal creatures, the more deeply does it find itself hidden'
There is always more to find, the journey is never at a standstill, never quite finisghed and as long as we are above that which does not counter our own advances of soul, thought and personable best we are always at work and alway on task to do and uncover that which is just waiting to be found. It doesn't matter how long or swiftly it takes.
I would say that we all have it not so much into this segragation.
temporal; of or relating to time, often in being to short 2 of worldly or secular life as opposed to religious or spiritual life.

'must be approached, after a human manner, by unknowing and Divine ignorance.
For, speaking mystically, as we are speaking here, Divine things and perfections are known and understood as they are not when they are being sought after and practiced, but when they have been found and practiced.'
To not know is something rather for the best in times of Divine speculation.
Practice doe snot always make perfect sometimes it is all int he doing.

"there is none that can know her ways nor that can imagine her paths" Baruch iii, 31

'The steps and foot prints which God is imprinting upon the souls that He desires to bring near to Himself, and to make great in union with His Wisdom, have also this property, that they are not known.'
That He desires all presumably.
His Wisdom, all his wisdom?
You can own not knowing you are born.

'It follows, then, that this contemplation which is guiding the soul to God is secret wisdom'
On this is where i part ways briefly with St john, wisdom it may be but a secret that all know is not always hidden, apart from the self one wonders, and then conciders that it is the task of looking that one is able to see.
As a model i suppose is true that the inner most working of what it takes to enamour us to God is secret wisdom for we do not know why we are as of yet, in the braodest of possibly senses and meanings

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