Thank you very much for all your advice, and you're absolutely correct. A nutritionist friend of mine helps me sort through a lot of the data, and I will be seeking the help of other medical professionals in order to evaluate the studies under the lights you've mentioned. Much of this is not generalizable, and I've learned this over time. This is why I cite,
Necessarily, in my posts. When people throw out phrases like, "Don't eat that piece of bacon, it'll make you fat and clog your arteries!" it frustrates me as this is not
necessarily true. There's so much misinformation spread, and very few take into consideration, that, as you say:
Each diet is individual. A new fad comes along and I have a close friend of mine spouting: "Oh, don't eat that high glycemic carbohydrate, it'll spike insulin levels and induce fat gain!". :brickwall::brickwall:
As for the giving of advice about dietary concerns: I have a close-knit group of individuals that give advice about diets and help others, one of them a licensed dietitian. We present our cases and allow people to make educated decisions based on studies/evidence. The person, if they have the passion, usually continues on with their own research, which I
highly recommended - the more they know, the better they can make an
educated, tailored choice for themselves. I'm not a medical professional, but I do believe I have an above average understanding of basic nutrition, after being very strictly involved in it over the last 6 years. I understand your concern, but I'm willing to take the heat for my actions. If providing people with research is a crime, then that's fine with me. Again, I never force people to do anything, but my whole motivation is
making people consider. So, showing a person medical evidence that may be contrary to the definitive "THIS WILL MAKE ME FAT", is what I strive for.
Once again, I thank you, and with your help and some of my closer friends involved in the medical profession, I hope to seek the truth... at least for my body.
Be well,