Vegetarianism is a Higher level View

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Reply Tue 10 Mar, 2009 08:32 am
I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestioned ability of a man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor. Henery David Thoreau

I know of a Way to elevate One's life, by the concious endeavor and practice of a vegetarian diet.:a-ok:

If your looking for the right Way to go Z, start here, it's One of the Ways I have gone and is Onederful to be.

I'm going to be the change I wish for the world, I started with me.
And sorry if I have offend anyone by sharing my Way with others, but think it right as well.
My diet doesn't need any work, but perhaps my sharing does.
Practice practice,

Mr Fight the Power
Reply Tue 10 Mar, 2009 09:05 am
If you would convince a man that he does wrong, do right. But do not care to convince him. Men will believe what they see. Let them see.
- Henry David Thoreau
Reply Tue 10 Mar, 2009 06:46 pm
@Mr Fight the Power,

Still eating meat?

Check out Sue Coe's art work:

She tells it like it is!

Reply Tue 10 Mar, 2009 08:39 pm
I couldn't resist the temptation. NUM NUM NUM:devilish:
Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2009 06:22 am
"Those who are deep strive for clarity. Those who wish to appear deep to the masses strive for obscurity. The crowd is too timid to cross waters in which it cannot see the bottom." ~Nietzsche
Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2009 06:29 am
I wish everyone was a vegetarian, for the good of humanity, for the good of All. That's not unclear or too deep is it?
I think it clearly and simply most right.

Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2009 06:48 am
I have no proof of your intentions and I certainly have no idea why you babble on with poetry over and over again. Questions are asked in an attempt to understand and you go off on some obscure passage or convoluted poem.

Poems belong in your blog, not in the forum. If you cannnot start to give clear, concise, appropriate, direct responses to the questions and comments in this thread then there is no point in keeping this thread open.

I do not doubt your conviction, only your methods. If you cannot respond to questions in a manner which is promotes the purpose of the thread, the thread is pointless.
Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2009 06:55 am
Icon wrote:
I have no proof of your intentions and I certainly have no idea why you babble on with poetry over and over again. Questions are asked in an attempt to understand and you go off on some obscure passage or convoluted poem.

Poems belong in your blog, not in the forum. If you cannnot start to give clear, concise, appropriate, direct responses to the questions and comments in this thread then there is no point in keeping this thread open.

I do not doubt your conviction, only your methods. If you cannot respond to questions in a manner which is promotes the purpose of the thread, the thread is pointless.

Poetry? Question? What question?
If you want me to try to answer a question, you should ask One?

Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2009 06:57 am
MJA wrote:
Poetry? Question? What question?
If you want me to try to answer a question, you should ask One?


Many questions have been asked and you have ignored or talked around many of them. Also, many points have been raised that you have ignored blatently.
Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2009 08:52 am
Icon wrote:
Many questions have been asked and you have ignored or talked around many of them. Also, many points have been raised that you have ignored blatently.

I'm sorry to say this is quite true.

I've just finish plodding through every post in this thread. There are *numerous* points contending this higher view; and only some have been addressed by other respondents (some quite well actually)[INDENT] I think a case (no matter how spurious) could be made for health benefits or through the unethical treatment of animals (cases of unnecessary suffering). But after reading this entire subject I've been emboldened and reassured that vegetarianism, as framed, is far from a "higher" level view.
[/INDENT]From your responses, MJA, I sense your reasoning comes simply from the compassion you feel towards animals and their helplessness to human tools of killing. There's nothing wrong with this view; it has great compassion! But your initial claim to this "higher" or superior morality is unjustified with some of the best points sitting in this thread unaddressed by you.

The reason for this wave of "Con" responses has to do with the way you've framed it; what unmistakably comes across as an elitist, supremacist claim to being "higher". A gentle caution from a friend: You might not want to do that if you want people to be open to what you have to offer. Such claims to arrogant superiority inflame people; thereby hamstringing any attempt you might have at spreading a good word.

Despite much of the negativity within this thread, I think it contains numerous good points (each of which could spawn its own substantive discussion).

Hope this helps - thanks
Mr Fight the Power
Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2009 09:40 am
MJA wrote:
Poetry? Question? What question?
If you want me to try to answer a question, you should ask One?


Let me ask you this:

When we say something is equal, we must have some sort of quality or frame of reference for judgment (unless we are dealing with some sort of tautology).

What is your reference for when you judge everything to be equal?
Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2009 10:04 am
MJA wrote:

Still eating meat?

Check out Sue Coe's art work:

She tells it like it is!

Then will you understand that "Other people agree with me" is not an argument? Or are you trying to hide the fact you cannot explain your views? If you cannot explain, admit it rather than hiding.
Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2009 12:20 pm
@Mr Fight the Power,
Mr. Fight the Power wrote:
Let me ask you this:

When we say something is equal, we must have some sort of quality or frame of reference for judgment (unless we are dealing with some sort of tautology).

What is your reference for when you judge everything to be equal?

The Universe.


manored wrote:
Then will you understand that "Other people agree with me" is not an argument? Or are you trying to hide the fact you cannot explain your views? If you cannot explain, admit it rather than hiding.

Explain my view? I had Ms. Coe draw you some pictures instead.
Her view is the same as mine.
Do you still not understand my view?


Khethil wrote:
I'm sorry to say this is quite true.

I've just finish plodding through every post in this thread. There are *numerous* points contending this higher view; and only some have been addressed by other respondents (some quite well actually)
[INDENT]I think a case (no matter how spurious) could be made for health benefits or through the unethical treatment of animals (cases of unnecessary suffering). But after reading this entire subject I've been emboldened and reassured that vegetarianism, as framed, is far from a "higher" level view.
[/INDENT]From your responses, MJA, I sense your reasoning comes simply from the compassion you feel towards animals and their helplessness to human tools of killing. There's nothing wrong with this view; it has great compassion! But your initial claim to this "higher" or superior morality is unjustified with some of the best points sitting in this thread unaddressed by you.

The reason for this wave of "Con" responses has to do with the way you've framed it; what unmistakably comes across as an elitist, supremacist claim to being "higher". A gentle caution from a friend: You might not want to do that if you want people to be open to what you have to offer. Such claims to arrogant superiority inflame people; thereby hamstringing any attempt you might have at spreading a good word.

Despite much of the negativity within this thread, I think it contains numerous good points (each of which could spawn its own substantive discussion).

Hope this helps - thanks

If you call a vegetarian diet "elitist, supremacist claim to be higher"
Well thank you I never thought that Way. I Just think it the Right Way to go. And is right or a higher conscience better than the wrongfullness depicted in Ms Coe's drawing of mankinds butchery? Absolutely yes.
Surely you must agree Humaneness toward all living thngs is a higher level view. Godly I would say!

Mr Fight the Power
Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2009 12:33 pm
MJA wrote:
The Universe.



Are you saying that everything within the universe is equal.

Why does your way forbid eating animals but permit burning firewood?

Is this cold cup of coffee I am drinking equal to the sun?
Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2009 12:36 pm

Icon wrote:
Many questions have been asked and you have ignored or talked around many of them. Also, many points have been raised that you have ignored blatently.

Did you have a question about the higher level conscienceness of a humane vegetarian diet? I am still waiting to help you if I can.

Mr. Fight the Power wrote:

Are you saying that everything within the universe is equal.

Why does your way forbid eating animals but permit burning firewood?

Is this cold cup of coffee I am drinking equal to the sun?

Wow a real question, Thanks!

We are All part of One Universe. Yes?
Then All is or equals One (Universe).
We are One.
All is equal, All is One.
When One sees a blade of grass equal to the Sun,
All is truly One.


Oh, but you want to divide the parts inequitably right?
And you do this by judgement or measure, Right?
So show me the certainty of the measure of nature,
The absolute of measure.
C, is that your answer? The speed of light?
Is that in a vacuum? or in a vacuum cleaner?
Can a vacuum have light in it, or does that negate the void?
Show me the certainty of measure and i too will start dividing things like you.
I'll find myself better than the other animals on this planet, and start killing and eating those of lessor value than me.
You see the wrongfulness here? The Truth, The Right, Equality unites us All.
And the sooner we teach it, practice it, or live it, the better our lives will be.
We're killing this planet, mankind is because we were taught we were better than it. But were finding out that if the planet is hurt by us or destroyed by us, we only hurt and destroy ourselves. If the air is poisoned by our manmade machines, we are equally poisoned.
Is the air and mankind different or equally the same?
You measure and tell me the difference, as we continue to kill the planet or ourselves.
Do you understand?
Check out Ms. Coe, I am not the only One that sees the interconnectiveness of the Universe.
But until the rest of mankind does, were going to have hell to pay.
The hell that we have brought down on the animals we eat, the hell we are creating of a Once beautiful planet or paridise called Earth.
ONE doesn't have to live or rather die this Way,
There's a much better Way to go,
The Way is Equality. Paridise was and is that Way.
Full circle.


Are you better than the universe, better than this planet, better than me or the cow you eat. I'm not I'm equal. Who's got the problem here?
The only problem I'm having is sharing yours and others second hand inequity.
Ya, the same unhealthiness as second hand smoke.
Inequity is killing us ALL.

One other tiny little thing: The absolute of the universe is Truly Justice Equality Oneness or God. Are you?
Mr Fight the Power
Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2009 01:28 pm
1) Immeasurability does not show equality, it precludes equality. You cannot say on one hand that measurement is impossible then on the other say that all is equal.

2) The universe is a closed system. It cannot change without cannibalizing some of its parts.

3) How do you know that humans eating meat is not better for the universe as a whole?
Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2009 01:41 pm
@Mr Fight the Power,
Equality is an interpretation, not a state of being.

However, if the universe were infinite then all things would be equal and be truly one. We could possibly assert that the cosmos is in actuality this oneness, but in reality for the sake of potential, extends to infinity based on our perception of such.

But this is just a bunch of improvable nonsense. MJA, Nietzsche provides a really good perspective on Stoicism you should read some time.

Is this interconnectedness the cosmos by default, or just a subjective analysis of such? I mean sure you could say that all forms have an effect on eachother, but in this sense, form itself is an illusion.
Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2009 02:13 pm
MJA wrote:
Oh, but you want to divide the parts inequitably right?
And you do this by judgement or measure, Right?
But you understand you're uniting all parts with judgment and measure (=), too, right?
Reply Thu 12 Mar, 2009 08:28 am
@Mr Fight the Power,
Mr. Fight the Power wrote:
1) Immeasurability does not show equality, it precludes equality. You cannot say on one hand that measurement is impossible then on the other say that all is equal.

2) The universe is a closed system. It cannot change without cannibalizing some of its parts.

3) How do you know that humans eating meat is not better for the universe as a whole?

Maybe if there is such a thing as incarnation, in your next life you'll come back as a chicken, a pig or a cow.
Another Way to enlightenment I suppose.
But by then I would hope we stop killing and eating them, and you would be spared.
But then also if spared or treaded equally and humanely, you would probably still have questions regarding the whole universe huh?Smile

Holiday20310401 wrote:
Equality is an interpretation, not a state of being.

However, if the universe were infinite then all things would be equal and be truly one. We could possibly assert that the cosmos is in actuality this oneness, but in reality for the sake of potential, extends to infinity based on our perception of such.

But this is just a bunch of improvable nonsense. MJA, Nietzsche provides a really good perspective on Stoicism you should read some time.

Is this interconnectedness the cosmos by default, or just a subjective analysis of such? I mean sure you could say that all forms have an effect on eachother, but in this sense, form itself is an illusion.

It takes question to bring out the truth, Thanks
I questioned myself One day,
and now I see the world as myself are One.

"Equality is": the state of universal truth.
Unless of course you measure it uncertainly difference.
"Nonsense"? I see truth as common sense.
Prove it? =
"Nietzche"? For the true humanity or equality of All I'm reading Ingrid Newkirk.
"Subjective analysis"? Between subject and object is truth.
"Illusion"? David Copperfield right?


Zetherin wrote:
But you understand you're uniting all parts with judgment and measure (=), too, right?

Equal is the Universal truth at the center of an equation.
Have you ever questioned or doubted it?
But on the other hand, surely at One time you questioned X
(2 + 2 = X) Right?
And infact the value of 2 + 2.
But = was the constant of the equation that never was in doubt.
Einstein was this close to UFT: e = mc2.
Brilliant to say the least.
I could give an entire lecture on the subject of the uncertainty of measure; perhaps Oneday I will.
Maybe even right here on the vegetarian thread.
You see, equality as is truth solves it All!
Not even the great Socrates could find the truth, the simple truth hiding in us All. But he tried as equally as you and I try too.
Way to go!

Reply Thu 12 Mar, 2009 09:05 am
You still don't get it MJA.

We do not want to hear your thesis over and over and over and over again. We want proof. Empirical evidence. Objective information supporting it.

I can sit here and say that I am God all day long but until I have proof, I am just making wild and ridiculous claims.

Give us all of your information which proves this. It is obvious that you believe it but I am sorry to say that I think you are wrong. As a matter of fact, I think you are on the opposite end of the scale from anything remotely correct and I think your ego is too big to recognize it. I think this because this is all you have shown me so far.

"I am right so you must listen" is not a valid argument.

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