2012 - What will happen?

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Reply Sun 11 Jan, 2009 08:11 pm
Well lately I have heard a lot about 2012. I have heard 3 different stories and have been presented with lots of so called evidence. These are the 3 thoeries:

-Planet X will cause all sorts of disturbences when it comes into close quarters with our solar system. It's large gravitational field being the main cause. Apparently a large body has been detected a few billion miles out. It also seems our sattelites have experienced wierd gravitational anomilies lately.

-In the centre of our universe is a black hole, from this black hole extends a thin disk-like gravitational field (the galactic belt). Apparently our solar system orbits the black hole as well as oscilating up and down, like the orbit of an electron around a nuclues. Cosmic rays pour out of the centre of black holes and it is said we will be able to see the black hole with the naked eye when we pass through the galactic belt. It is said that the cosmic rays and immense gravitational forces caused by the galactic belt will have catastrphic effects on Earth. 2012 seems to be just about the time we will pass through this belt.

-The LHC (Large Hadron Collider) will backfire in some way, whether it be a black hole or an atomic chain reaction. Nostradamous said in his book that when the positive beams collide (protons) saturn will turn from gold to iron (implying transmution of elements) and all should run from Geneva (exactly where they bulit it). This is way to much of a coincedence! I'm as far from that thing as I can get!

Apperently the number of natural disasters is increasing by exponential rates, the number of UFO sightings are also increasing by exponential rates, our two biggest planets will align on 2012, the Mayan callander ends 2012, and global warming is increasing by exponential rates also. They say we will experience polar shift and there is evidence for past polar shifts. I also read somewhere that all past extinctions on Earth Allign up with when we pass through the galactic belt. It also seems that the number of cosmic rays hitting the Earth is increasing. So what truth is there in these stories, what should we be preparing for? I can feel there is something coming, I have no doubt, but what?
Reply Sun 11 Jan, 2009 08:16 pm
@GHOST phil,
You know what's weird? That calendar on my wall ends exactly 31st December 2009....
It must be the day the world will end.....
GHOST phil
Reply Sun 11 Jan, 2009 08:32 pm
I only made one little statement on the Mayan calander because I know people like you will say something like that. I am trying to concerntrate on the hard evidence here...what the facts are and what the implications of these facts are!
Reply Sun 11 Jan, 2009 08:33 pm
@GHOST phil,
Conspiratorial garbage. This is a philosophy forum...there might be room for these "theories" in the creative writing section though. :Not-Impressed:
GHOST phil
Reply Sun 11 Jan, 2009 08:43 pm
You shouldn't make such claims without looking at the evidence...you truly are oblivious to what's happening in the world arn't you? I'm trying to figure this out not plainly dismiss it because it sounds like a load of crap, the evidence is seeming to pile up endlessly, there is more to this than the normal conspiracy, only those scared of the implications dismiss this one...
Reply Sun 11 Jan, 2009 08:51 pm
@GHOST phil,
Look, people can theorise about what may or may not happen in the future, but they can never be truly right because that's the nature of the whole thing! Back in the 19th Century they believed that the future lied in putting books into oprhan powered machines to automatically teach the rich children, which they based on the then undeniable evidence of the vastly expanding technological revolution. And they were wrong. There were also masses of theories of the Large Hadron Collider somehow destroying the world the moment it was first turned on. Didn't happen. Think to yourself how many apocalyptic theories there have been in the past, and how many were based on reasonable evidence, then consider the fact that you can still pinch yourself without waking up to an endless void.
Didymos Thomas
Reply Sun 11 Jan, 2009 09:03 pm
There is absolutely no evidence that suggests that 2012 will be the year of cataclysmic events.

Sorry, folks.

Could 2012 be the year a meteor strikes and destroys life on Earth? Sure, it's possible, but we have no evidence that such a thing will occur.

Shift in Earth's polarity? There is evidence that this is occurring, but none that suggests that 2012 will be a pivotal year. Global warming: yep, this is happening, but it is happening this year as well and there is no evidence to suggests that something special will happen in 2012 relating to global warming that would not occur in 2011 or 2013.

2012 worries are typical: humans have always been easily riled up by talk of impending doom. That's what 2012 is: a psychological event.
GHOST phil
Reply Sun 11 Jan, 2009 09:19 pm
@Didymos Thomas,
You all seem to missing the point. We are here to examine the evidence, and you all seem to avoiding the evidence that really matters. I am just as critical on this subject as the rest of you and we will never know the truth if the only way we look at is the same way we look at every other hocus pocus thoery we hear. This is not just a hocus pocus thoery, there is solid scientific evidence implying that 2012 won't be a normal year. The Government seems to be keeping this as quite as possible, which I can understand, people would freak out, but I want answers! Also, only the uneducated thought that the LHC would destroy the Earth on start up, the educated understood that the collision of two protons will not take place for a while, we are not in clear yet.
Reply Sun 11 Jan, 2009 09:21 pm
@GHOST phil,
CHAOS;41984 wrote:
You shouldn't make such claims without looking at the evidence...

I'm not the one making the claims. You are. You should take your own advice, and actually provide us with this "evidence". Just referencing some conspiracy website you read doesn't count either.

People have been predicting the "end times" for centuries, and it seems that they have all been wrong so far. I will look at that real evidence and conclude that the next end-day scenario is probably also conspiratorial paranoia, until there is actual information to suggest otherwise.
GHOST phil
Reply Sun 11 Jan, 2009 09:25 pm
This is my point, I am not clear on what evidence is real...I have heard all sorts of things and if some of it is correct we arn't going to like 2012. I just want to extract the truth from the lies! As far as I know every thing I stated in the original post is true, if anything is found to be false, please let us know!
Reply Sun 11 Jan, 2009 09:26 pm
@GHOST phil,
I bloody well hope it isn't! Just as London finally gets the Olympics.......
GHOST phil
Reply Mon 12 Jan, 2009 01:48 am
OK, time to clear a few things up. Planet x has been said to exist for a long time now. There are alot of things that make astronomers think there must be another planet in our solar system. It is on a highly eliptical orbit, sling shotting around our sun and back off into space. It is a star that lacked the necessary mass to ignite, making it extremely hot and veiwable by NASA's infared camera's. They did detect something a while back of astromical proportions using infared. No, experts are unable to explain the recent anomilies in the sattelites orbits. Yes, I did mean the centre of our galaxy, sorry, and I recently have thrown the galactic belt thoery out the window because there is no galactic belt. I only wanted to get across the oscillation idea, the electron sets up a static wave field, it pops in and out of existance and can be in two places at once. Um, I know you cannot see black holes, only their effects, and they do pour out cosmic rays (well in hawkings radiation theory). If you don't believe in aliens I suggest you do some research on extraterestrial isotopes found in microchips found in people! These chips were connected to the peoples nerve endings! By polar shift I mean the switching of the north and south poles, if this happened we wouldn't be to happy.
Reply Mon 12 Jan, 2009 06:43 am
@GHOST phil,
I've seen a few shows on this particular issue; and I too get a big kick out of it.

What seems to strike me over and over on this, is the fact that I know if one takes enough 'facts' (read: correlations) from history, natural phenomena, ancient writings and shapes of butter on toast one can come up with just about any prediction on just about anything. With seemingly-related facts apparently giving it support, it'll take on its own mystic feel of truth.

But I think that's all it is; just a collection of facts that correlate towards a possible conclusion that is unlikely, in the extreme.

Reply Mon 12 Jan, 2009 01:32 pm
@GHOST phil,
One day these prophecies will come true ,the laws of stupidity say its inevitable..so what should we do. I can remember when nuclear war was the threat and people asked what would you do if you had only 24 hours to live..Really stupid replies like ide rob the bank..Whats the point in worrying it may never happen..Live life and be happy..we are all doomed..doomed do you hear me doomed..
Reply Thu 15 Jan, 2009 07:10 pm
@GHOST phil,
Didn't you guys hear about the previously unknown quatrain from Nostradamus revealed just last week?

"Some things will happen,

I can see far,

but if they don't,

go to the bar."

Didymos Thomas
Reply Fri 16 Jan, 2009 12:38 am
Exactly. Remember the Norotius B.I.G. line "blow up like the world trade"? Oh, no! He must have been predicting the 9/11 attacks! But we all know better. Why take seriously the claims of a third rate French poet?
Reply Sat 31 Jan, 2009 08:30 pm
Khethil wrote:
I've seen a few shows on this particular issue; and I too get a big kick out of it.

What seems to strike me over and over on this, is the fact that I know if one takes enough 'facts' (read: correlations) from history, natural phenomena, ancient writings and shapes of butter on toast one can come up with just about any prediction on just about anything. With seemingly-related facts apparently giving it support, it'll take on its own mystic feel of truth.

But I think that's all it is; just a collection of facts that correlate towards a possible conclusion that is unlikely, in the extreme.


Do you mind if you copy and paste this over to his alien threads also?
Reply Sat 31 Jan, 2009 08:42 pm
@Didymos Thomas,
Didymos Thomas wrote:
Exactly. Remember the Norotius B.I.G. line "blow up like the world trade"? Oh, no! He must have been predicting the 9/11 attacks! But we all know better. Why take seriously the claims of a third rate French poet?

Because, and I think GHOST said it best:

GHOST wrote:
Haha, people can believe what ever they want if it makes them feel better
Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2009 12:17 am
There is absolutely no evidence that suggests that 2012 will be the year of cataclysmic events.
MY GOD -- How can you all be so blind to the very evidence you deny?!?!

In the final episode of the X-Files, C.G.B. Spender (A.K.A. cigarette-smoking man) tells Fox Mulder that alien colonization will begin in 2012, and that nothing can be done to prevent it! There's your proof!

Also, what about the Bible codes, man? The codes!

I proffer as further indisputable affirmation of a 2012 doomsday the ever-credible accounts of Alex Jones and David Icke, in addition to miscellaneous interpretations of Nostradamus.

"The truth is out there," if only you will open your eyes to behold it.

Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2009 09:02 am
@GHOST phil,
I think in 2012 many people will quit believing dooms day prophecies, because nothing will happen, and they will give up. Some others though will find new ones to cling on to, and then see the predictions no come true, and then repeat the process all over again.

Personally, I think the world will come to an end when disco finally makes the come back that everyone fears in 2017. The disco will anger the aliens in the general vicinity of earth, and they blow us up for listening disco and wearing stupid pants again.

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  3. » 2012 - What will happen?
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