salima;80301 wrote:Definition
pejorative Show phonetics
adjective FORMAL
disapproving or suggesting that something is not good or is of no importance
uh, leonard....with all due respect, havent you just used a lot of pejoratives? i think you just called yourself a pea-brained dolt!
I thought about that, but I said to myself that peabrained dolt isn't a pejorative.
It only has its one meaning as an insult. You don't call someone who has a pea in their brain peabrained. It's only meaining is as an insult.
A pejorative, on the other hand,
is a word that has lost its original, genuine meaning and has taken on an insulting meaning instead (such as gay). Said word would then be referred to in a news article or television or in some media to convey something negative and
it would then adopt that meaning.
Gay was meant to describe happiness when it came into use, but now it means homosexual or it's used to insult someone.
Queer meant unusual or odd, but it has the same meaning as gay now. There was no previous, harmless meaning of dolt or peabrain.
They have always been used to describe what they do!
Also, If I call someone an idiot, I
don't call them unimportant or bad. I call them absentminded and lacking an extensive vocabulary, which is
entirely different.
---------- Post added 07-30-2009 at 08:14 PM ----------
To elaborate, words that are pejoratives aren't simply insulting, they have undergone amelioration, or a change in semantics. Pejoratives are distinct from profanity (or insults, which is what I was using) in the sense that they are used to show disapproval or shunning rather than rudeness and instigation of anger.
in⋅sult-verb (used with object)
1.to treat or speak to insolently or
with contemptuous rudeness.; affront.
2.to affect as an affront; offend.
to attack; assault.
(What I was meaning when I insulted wimps is in bold.)
Sorry if I overdid that, but i'm trying to prove my point.