Is racism what keeps me from walking through the ghetto at 12 at night with my wife and kids?
Is racism what keeps me from going to the movies to watch a film containing an all-black cast, based on the history of rap music?
Is racism what makes me put my hand over my wallet when a very, let's say, conspicuous young man of
any color walks closely behind me in a crowded store?
Or is this stereotyping?
Whatever it is, it is based on simple common sense and will literally save your life in certain circumstances.
How do you divide stereotyping out of intelligence from stereotyping out of spite and random hatred?
Is there a word for racism when it involves simply using history and common sense as a guide for the present?
Is stereotyping the cause of something, or the result of something? It can be both. Perhaps when the stereotype is "lived up to" so many times, it results in racism.