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You cant force people to respect others, but you can persuade. Making laws in favor of the minority to compensate the fact of that the majority doesnt respects it will make the majority angry.
Making laws in favor of the minority to compensate the fact of that the majority doesnt respects it will make the majority angry.
In the short run, yes a racist majority will be enraged with equalizing legislation; this is exactly what happened in the south when segregation was ended. But over time, as people interact more and more, this backlash will subside and people will, in the long run, be more united and accepting of others.
Paul, that idea presumes that the environment is otherwise static, which isn't the case. Relations between groups can certainly get worse too under situations of hardship.
In the short run, yes a racist majority will be enraged with equalizing legislation; this is exactly what happened in the south when segregation was ended. But over time, as people interact more and more, this backlash will subside and people will, in the long run, be more united and accepting of others.
Morality isn't subject to majority rule. Sometimes you need to do unpopular things if they're the right thing to do, and screw the majority in the process.
I think you are being too inflexible here. What is good? what is moral? Nobody does evil believing they are doing evil, they believe they are doing something good or at least justificable. If you go against the will of the majority you are being dictadorial, doesnt matters how good what you are doing seens to you. Not that dictadorship is bad on itself but its not democracy, what, as far as I know, is the main form of goverment these days.
Its true that the government sometimes has to do unpopular things, but if it is for the good of the whole the population may trust then because they understand better... but that doesnt works for morals, nobody can claim to have superior morals.
On the other hand, we could follow more closely your line of reasoning and decide that, authority be damned, let's let the masses do what they want. There would be no rule of law, no order, and we would have chaos. Do you really think that nobody does evil believing they are doing evil?
So then people like Charles Manson and Adolf Hitler both had sets of morals that were not inferior to anyone else's? If no one could claim that a superior set of morals did exist, then it must have been unjust when we brought them to trial for their crimes...they must have believed what they were doing was right, so therefore it was wrong to impose judgment?
In the short run, yes a racist majority will be enraged with equalizing legislation; this is exactly what happened in the south when segregation was ended. But over time, as people interact more and more, this backlash will subside and people will, in the long run, be more united and accepting of others.
Racism is a natural evolution of mankind. We embrace the familiar and shun the unfamiliar. It's simply part of our survival instinct.
That being said, there comes a point in the evolution of the man creature when we must move beyond animal instinct and develop sentient understanding. If we, in this day and age, and at this stage of our evolution, still need to generalize entire sections of population, then maybe we should do a little more examination of ourselves before we try to examine others.
This will not work. You are establishing a set of laws that favor a group of people distinctly by color. Isn't that "racist"? Also the effects that this will have, will make more people conscious about color than subconscious. This also leads to skin before skill hiring. Bigotry hasn't gone anywhere it's just silenced. I wonder how long until that tape is taken off and what would be said after having it on for so many years...
The only way you can make people truly "equal" is by making every skinny person wear weights, smart people wear a device that beeps in your ear every 20 sec, etc. Backwards isn't it?
What would backwards thinking of today's solution of racism result in....?
There's a difference in achieving total equality, or making everybody the same (there is a really good short story about that tho. Can't remember the name, but it was similar to what you described) and establishing basic rights that everyone is entitled to simply for being human.
When they "equalized" legislation in the South, they were giving those rights back to people who had been stripped of those rights out of ignorance. That's not racism, that is justice.
I've come to see Man's ultimate need (as instilled by nature) is security. This trait exists in all things in nature, it's what ensures the passing of genes from one generation to the next. It's a primordial instinct to fear that which is different from us in any way as being antithetical to security. The way man alleviates
I think you missed my point. There is no argument here and even after they gained the 14th amendment it still took over 100 years for blacks to be able to go to the same school as whites. Do you think are they equal to whites now though? The extreme in both directions is poison. One is just a lot sweeter. Where does the pendulum swing now? This doesn't apply to just blacks, but other races other than white.
Whites aren't included because we are doing a compare and contrast of the past and the present. (Whites had more rights than others, etc)
You are suggesting we get rid of this defense mechanism. Why? Do you see any other solution? Instead of getting rid of it, why not change or alter it? Do you not see it's other purposes? You said yourself it is secure means of making sure we reproduce. Is that not important?
Do you think whites have a defense mechanism solely for black people?
Also do you think men like women just because that's the way things are? Nice breasts, small waist, big hips are just that way because men like that, eh? My point is your natural senses are more important than you think.
As far as our "defense mechanism," have you considered the idea that maybe reproduction for every individual is no longer a necessity?
there are 5.8 billion people on the planet right now, according to the UN (and you know they didn't count everybody). Experts are projecting that by the year 2050 there will be roughly 7.9 billion. In a world that currently wrestles with global warming, increasing crime rates, starvation in developing countries, thinning ozone layer, do we need that many people?
Man has already found ways to fend off natural selection through processes like sterilization, vaccination, and antibiotics, along with countless other methods for the sustainment of human life past natural departure. These are only a few of the basic natural conditions that man has transcended.
Also, think about how much of a negative impact that "defense mechanism" has made. In 2006, the Annie E. Casey Foundation reported that approximately 32% of children in America are being raised in single-parent family structures. I would argue (based on scientific evidence and personal experience) that a single parent household is not a proper environment to raise a fully developed individual.
At the very least I'd say a child raised in a single-parent household is much less likely to be offered the same opportunity as a child with two parents at home.
Why does this happen? I posit that a lot of the time people become emotionally attached to one another
have children too early, and find out after the fact that they don't like the person with which they were bumping uglies. This is just cases in America. And I'm not even talking about children in foster care, orphanages, or adoption agencies.
I have no idea why you asked me if whites have a mechanism solely for black people tho, man simply has a defense mechanism for those different than himself.
And men like women with supple breasts and wide hips because those are the prime conditions for reproduction. The feminine physique is also a beautiful compliment to the masculine physique. However, everyone's personality develops differently
and a relationship must delve deeper than the simple physical compliment into the personal compliment in order to truly prosper as a couple. I assert that the problem is that our actions are misguided by this primordial instinct that I still assert must be transcended if we are to truly prosper as a species.
My point is your natural senses are more cumbersome than you think.
Racism is a natural evolution of mankind. We embrace the familiar and shun the unfamiliar. It's simply part of our survival instinct.