Domesticated, Intelligent, Top of the Food Chain.
Is there a difference between a herd of cattle and a school of fish. Are not the microbes, that begin the food chain also the top of the food chain, making them the most intelligent life form, as they resist evolutionary adaptations in the choice to remain a life form. What if these beings are simply waiting for their evolutionary fault to disipate before they undergo that series of adaptations once again, for now content to simply feed on the decaying matter of their creation. Is that intelligence.
Over population.
Earth, currently the only planet in the universe, capable of sustaining life. The universe however, is yet prepared for the existance of humanoid life, so this culture basin we inhabit, sustains all humanoid life within the comunities of species that co-exist. The petridish waiting to infect the universe at that moment when life is sustainable.
Fact, Hypothesis, Probability, Belief.
"Do not underestimate the power of the force". When you condemn someone elses conjecture over a theory of unspeakable outcomes, you do not posess intelligence or reason, you have simply put your faith in the understanding of things, into the hands of religion. Religion is not a link to the www, page of God, it is simply a stance of great acceptance. Great minds are not only those that delve into the feilds of science. Science is not the root of all creation, nor is it the pinnacle of creativity and maybe we should not be so predetermined to rule out any possibilities, simply because it defies our religion.