After WW2, a project called, T.T.A.D was created and tested on meany town's in remote location's, "Think Tank Alien Data".
It was founded on the fact that if people where shown an object that they have never been told what it is, or ever seen what it is, they would create a theory of how it could or dose exist.
For example show people an object that can float and go at high speed's, physicist would create a theory of how it could or could not based on there knowlage of physic's, and then they would say, well it cant fly that fast like that, but it could if it was shaped like this and was fueled by that.
So therefore it was first a method to create more advanced tech's, by showing people an object that has defide known physic's or common sence.
This is only one of the effect's of T.T.A.D, the "D" was to collection of story's and other form's of information which was then told to psychologists where they would create a theory of what's wrong with them or what has caused such a delusion, therefore more data could harvested by not allowing people of the truth.
(*Note T.T.A.D is not the real project name)
O, and sadly the form of the alien's that people see, so called "gray's" is the form that the human body would look like after five or ten generations living in zero-g and no sun light enviroment, due to the fact that the brain would swell and the skull would expan, skin color would turn pale white eye's would expand, and turn black to absorb more light from the eviroment lacking light...
This picture that has been seen on T.V's across the world was mainly created from theories of what human's would look like in an oppisite enviroment for meany generation's (so, not much light, no gravity, ect)
And then it was made popular by the new movie industry that was taking hold, since there alien's looked well...very silly, and the much improved commen look that they used, was wisly picked, since the image they picked had a back round of being a true image of a real alien, and therefore made there movie's and show's more popular
Yet, I wouldnt doupt that consultant's at the time had created the image's backround before using it, therefore creating a popular and excepted image by the public, before creating a flim or show's with the image for the public...(yet that theory cannot be proven...)
Yet, the thought of out side life, and ship's and tech's that defy the known law's of physic's has truly spawned thought's of how such thing's could be done within the known law's of physic's with the materials that are at this planet's disposal.
So that's one positive effect that such a concept has had on the earth's people.
Allthough I dont think it out wieghs the negitive effect's that it has had on humanity's psycological development.