@sometime sun,
Krumple;170926 wrote:I personally tend towards women that do not wear very much or any at all. I am not against the use, it's just I prefer the naturalist attitude.
To draw a parallel here, have you ever seen a person who wore glasses all the time, and then you catch them not wearing them and they look different to you? That is how I feel about make up. If they wear it too often, you get use to seeing them that way, that if you see them without, you start to feel something is wrong or off. Which is why I prefer a more natural look because then you never have such a moment.
I might be superficial but id rather take flaws than be off put. Besides isn't wearing make up in a way, a type of lying? Think about it. If it changes your appearance then you are not being honest to reality.
I agree with this, I have read the first and last page concerning the issue and I believe that the length to which women go to be attractive is far too extreme. I understand that it is instinctively natural for women to not only want to look good to the opposite sex but also look good simply because it makes them feel good about them selves and also builds confidence and self esteem, but while these are all psychologically natural behaviors that I totally accept and find normal, what I really do not like and am really against is the extent to which it has been
Women are being influenced by modern society to a disgusting degree and it is ultimately
women who are paying the price for it. Women are being basically disciplined by the media on what and how it is acceptable to look and behave like. These hollywood divas are the pinnacle standard for what is considered beauty and desirable,
they perform in they're videos and live shows dressed like strippers, and not only do they wear hardly any clothes but the way they behave move and dance is of a purely erotic nature! the message is basically oh look at me look how sexy I am you want me no? you want to do things to my body. It is absolutely disgusting and shameful that these people expose and disrespect them selves in order to get a few more dollars, but the even worst part is that with they're famous status they are no ordinary people, they are watched by billions of people all around the world, this is
mass mind control, what you have to remember is that these stars are considered as
idols and role models! they are what people look to and
want to be, so what do you think is going to happen when these role models come out dressing and behaving in such a way? only the obvious, you can literally point to any epoch and point out exactly what trend and fashion the celebrities are putting forth simply by looking at the mass population of the current time, there has always been a direct link to what hollywood puts out to what is considered fashionable and acceptable amongst the population. Go to the mall here in Australia and all you will see girls wearing is skimpy dresses and skirts, ridiculously short shorts, body tight jeans and leggings, all these girls looking sexy and glam, yeah because that's the most important thing in life no?
The next point is women degradation. As I said earlier this culture that is being
influenced on women ultimately results in them paying the price for it, which is a sad and immoral reality. Women every day are being treated with no respect and are considered as pure objects of desire and you really don't have to dig to deep to find out where this sway is coming from.
When Rhianna goes on stage wearing those skimpy outfits and protrudes her buttocks and moves her body and dances in a suggestive and explicitly erotic manner do you really think that she is promoting much self respect for her self and for all women? I think quite the opposite. I have seen girls crying explaining of how all men are jerks and that all they want to do is make out with them, and they carry on about how they are treated like a piece of meat, all while wearing ridiculously short dresses that display they're underwear when they lean forward 2 inches, I just think to my self like what do you expect I mean, I don't understand, its like a small lamb jumping in a pot and preparing itself with pepper and spices, and then it is surprised when it gets eaten. women need have more respect for them selves and stop depending on these celebrities to make up they're mind on what is considered beautiful and attractive, and that is another thing, there is a big difference between looking beautiful and attractive and titillating and erotic, I do not need to see your underwear to think you are beautiful. I was at work one day and this girl walked in, she was wearing jeans and a casual jacket and had maybe the slightest of make up (maybe non), she was one of the most beautiful things I have
ever seen! she looked natural and simple, she looked like herself, she looked beautiful.
My next point is by far the most disgustingly immoral and one that sometimes even angers me. This disgusting trend of erotic adult "entertainment" in hollywood is being introduced and passed through as normal and acceptable, and as if this were not bad enough it is presented every day in day time television! children watch these MTV videos of woman role models dressed and dancing like stripers! What is this world coming to?!? tv shows that are openly within the time of viewing of children openly refer to and talk about sex and what guys want, it is sick! young children are being exposed to sex and adult behavior at younger and younger ages. It is common now to see 11-12 year olds out in public dressed like women! wearing revealing, short, body tight dresses and make up, these young girls are dressing like 20 year old strumpets! by 13-14 most of these girls have already had sex! O this society sickens me! I cannot keep thinking about this. move on.
Beauty. Girls wearing dress/shirts with no pants would come up and talk to me with 2 kilograms of icing on they're face and I just think please woman cover up its obscene! how can I consider attractive a girl who has such little respect for herself as to go out in public dressed like a prostitute? all that I see from this is immaturity and ignorance, not beauty. Personally I don't find myself attracted to girls physically, my friends even suspect me of being homosexual, what I consider beautiful is a girl that is down to Earth, respectful of her self and others, mature, things like that. And physically I find much more attractive a girl who is comfortable and confident of what she is without having to wear 10 kilos of make up on her face, natural look is beautiful. But for me the most beautiful aspect of a girl would be her over all personality.