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And if make-up and such things are not an outgrowth of this, it is a comercial exploitation of this!
Do you not believe that make-up is an outgrowth of our mating ritual then Vide?
I watched a short clip from a documentary last night called 'Was Darwin Wrong?' And it showed an experiment where they cut some of a pea****'s feathers to see if it affected his average mating record for the year. Low and behold cutting a 1/4 of his feathers off 1/2'd his chances of mating... poor bird. Anyway as the programme mulled on to talk about the females, they mentioned that... the only reason the female chooses the male with the most extravagant feathers is because she wants to know that her would-be son will have a similar plumage, in turn, increasing her would be son's chances of mating should he be born. The males could look like anything really, as long as the consensus amongst the females was all favours the same trait.
What tickled me here is that the female pea****s have ultimate control of the men as the males are the ones wearing the make-up. The females could decide to change their minds at any minute about what 'quality' they wish to glorify, and as long as all the female pea****s consented to glorify said quality at once it would be a seamless and unproblematic transition... for the ladies at least.
I do not agree with you that "metaphysics" would not help us in this instance. This is an abstract concept that needs an abstract frame of mind. But to say that "metaphysics" does not help us implies that you are determined to boil the problem down to the physical factor alone. Is this in itself bias??? Therein lays the problem. I do not agree with that modus because it is bias, and as such, is counter to the issue of equality. To assume your set of reasoning would in essence shift the paradigm of the issue to a misplaced foundation of biology rather than the abstract (philosophical) issue of equality. This is a philosophical issue after all. Though I do commend your attempt to shift the paradigm, it is simply irrelevant.
Women can say they do it because it makes them feel good, or look prettier, but they're still going along with a popular trend. What do they need a reason for to wear the latest fashions?
It's sexual, absolutely, and this in turn separates them from the males and causes inequality. Women are innately unequal so sexual division through outward appearance like short hair/long hair or pink/blue since birth is going to indicate it, and emphasize the importance as such. All cultures do this, and it's a simple form of gaining social acceptance in a sexually based society.
I can't conceive of a future where women are totally equal. I think it truly is impossible in many ways, for example, we don't have the strength of men and therefore physically can not do many jobs traditionally perceived as 'manly' jobs. Also, women will never be able to father children, nor do many women want to be in charge of killing the spiders in the house and repairing the furnace or whatever. What I mean is, most women do not want true equality, that's why it can never exist.