is life a joke?

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Reply Sat 16 Feb, 2008 03:39 am
whatever happens in our life is not important in the cosmic level.whatever happens in your life the universe is going to be much the same.
Life has no meaning

  • Life or human existence has no real meaning or purpose because human existence occurred out of a random chance in nature, and anything that exists by chance has no intended purpose.
  • Life has no meaning, but as humans we try to associate a meaning or purpose so we can justify our existence.
  • There is no point in life, and that is exactly what makes it so special.
  • Life is a bitch and then you die.
  • Life sucks and in the end you die.
we are not created for any grander purpose than the the ants,flies and u agree with me?
Reply Sat 16 Feb, 2008 10:22 am
NO, I disagree with you totally. However if you make life a Joke, then that's what it will ultimately become for you. Life is what you perceive it to be young man, and nothing else.

Yes, everything that we do here on earth is important on a cosmic level because we are cosmic energy living within our bodies. Life is eternal.

I'd suggest you do some reading of various posts on subjects like this in the forum. Life has much meaning and you'll discover this as you get older. Life is not a bitch unless you allow it to be.

Your life will become that which you make of it and nothing less. The only difference between those who love life and those who hate life is the way they perceive life. Each has their own perception and that perception becomes a manifestation of reality.

If there are specific reasons that you say these things because of situations in your own life that are out of your control because you are young, please be specific and someone in here will offer you some guidance and assurance. We've all been 14 and although we may not live in the same country or have the same situations, there are those in here who are willing to listen and offer a philosophical response.

Keep your chin up and understand that there are as many positive things in this world as there are negatives... which one resonates best with you? If you seek out and find the negative, then negative it will be. If you seek out the positive things, you'll see that there is an abundance of that as well. Eventually, and with the proper training, the negatives will dwindle to almost nothing and the positive aspects of life will dominate. It takes practice and surrounding yourself with the right influences.

Hope my response was adequate and look forward to your reply.
Reply Sat 16 Feb, 2008 10:35 am
Hello Nitish,
Nitish wrote:
whatever happens in our life is not important in the cosmic level.whatever happens in your life the universe is going to be much the same.

Consequence and meaning are not the same. Life is meaningfull when it is valued, so if it does'nt change the universe does that reduce it's value? A black hole is relatively more signficant in the universe than my life but that does not make it more valuable to me.

[quote]Life has no meaning

  • Life or human existence has no real meaning or purpose because human existence occurred out of a random chance in nature, and anything that exists by chance has no intended purpose.[/quote]
Is all of creation a random order of mater? If you say no, the the universe is purposefull, or yes it is random, makes no difference because life is no more or less natural than all of creation. Either way, life as we know it seems rare and that would make it all the more special would'nt it?
Does life really need to be the result of an intended purpose to be meaningfull?

  • Life has no meaning, but as humans we try to associate a meaning or purpose so we can justify our existence.
Life needs no justification. I am not the result of myself so I dont feel obligated to justify me. On the otherhand, searching for meaning and purpose of existance is an important, meaningfull, and rewarding endeavor.

  • There is no point in life, and that is exactly what makes it so special.
[/LIST]I dont understand this, could you explain it further please?

  • Life is a bitch and then you die.
  • Life sucks and in the end you die.
[/LIST]I really empathise with you here because I have felt this way before. In some ways I still feel this way, especially when I see alot of suffering. I'm also sorry to hear you say this because it is so negative. I can not know your pain and my only solace is to say how much I really hope you find some meaning, purpose, and joy:).

we are not created for any grander purpose than the the ants,flies and u agree with me?

I agree totally. But I don,t think I (or the ants) need any purpose beyond being. If you seek purpose, study religion and philosphy, I'm sure you will find it.

Reply Mon 3 Mar, 2008 03:09 pm
I guess if you were a stand up comedian life would be a joke, otherwise you'd have to kiss your career goodbye.

But no I do not agree with you. If you really feel that life's a bitch and then you die, go out and do something about it. Round up some buddies and go out on the town and have some fun. Life is what you make it. If you choose to keep yourself isolated from the world around you, then life is not going to have a purpose. Just because we'll one day die, doesn't mean we're dead yet. We've been granted the gift of life; the biggest crime we could possibly commit against ourselves would be to not live it.
Reply Tue 4 Mar, 2008 07:08 pm
"God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh" -Voltaire
Reply Tue 4 Mar, 2008 11:22 pm
VideCorSpoon wrote:
"God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh" -Voltaire

Cool quote.

I definitely agree with everyone else: life is what you make it. Justin makes a lot of good points.
Didymos Thomas
Reply Fri 7 Mar, 2008 06:54 pm
If life is a joke, is death the punchline?

In this scheme, I might actually agree. We go through life taking everything so seriously - how easily we lose perspective when we find our car dented! At death, how can we miss the fact that the dent should have been a non-issue?

Further, if life is a joke, we have no reason not to laugh. If God is perfect, He must be the perfect comedian, right? Enjoy.
Reply Fri 7 Mar, 2008 09:33 pm
I find humor in the absurdity of life.
Reply Sat 8 Mar, 2008 04:20 am
Nitish wrote:
whatever happens in our life is not important in the cosmic level.whatever happens in your life the universe is going to be much the same.
Life has no meaning

  • Life or human existence has no real meaning or purpose because human existence occurred out of a random chance in nature, and anything that exists by chance has no intended purpose.
  • Life has no meaning, but as humans we try to associate a meaning or purpose so we can justify our existence.
  • There is no point in life, and that is exactly what makes it so special.
  • Life is a bitch and then you die.
  • Life sucks and in the end you die.
we are not created for any grander purpose than the the ants,flies and u agree with me?

I agree with you but I seem to be the only one in here..

Since it doesn't matter what you do in life, you'll allways get the same result, death.. There's no way of avoiding it and assuming that I'm right (and for example: justin's wrong) that there's no such thing as a afterlife, it goes black and you're dead then death is automaticly worthless as well, so every humans exsistance is completley pointless.

And eventhough this sounds depressing as hell, like I should be suicidal and have no hope, that's not the case. I was depressed when I realized just this and started thinking "what am I here for, if there's no meaning with anything? Evil is just random events just as common as good events and often bad things happen good people and good thing happen bad people" my exsistance where at a state of caos and I didn't know what to do with myself..

I wasn't until I came to acceptence with this that I became aware of MY goals in life and could start living, finaly became happy for the first time ever.. I can't tell you what goals you should have or are going to get, that's up to you as a person and me telling you what my goals are might effect you, which I wouldn't like to do since mine probably aren't the best Wink

There's only one advice I can give you if you are feeling as down as I did about this: Don't give up.. You're going to come thru it, don't even think anything els.. It's just a matter of time before you come to an acceptence as I did, might not be the same acceptance but that doesn't matter, you'll feel happy as soon as it happens, but you can't force it, it will come by itself...

And for the rest of yall (yoyo), our exsistance is pointless from a big perspective cause if it wasn't, there would be justice in the world, there would be something called "fair" and there would be good and bad... In reality there's all a big blurr, black and white's mixed to a shade of grey, dark grey.. A bad action can have good motive behind it, is it then good or bad? A good action can have a bad motive behind it, is it then bad or good? See my point?

Also just the fact that everybody is equal in the eyes of death, not the grim reaper, don't belive in that either.. Death is when our bodies are used to the max and can't function any more, not when something decides it's time to go..

And not to forget: everything happens of chance and motives are skin-deep and often stupid. Every action have a reaction, yes, but where that reaction is headed, ment to do, acctually does and who it hurts are all chance without a logical answer behind... What's the greater purpose if a man hits his child? That child later grows up agressive and hits others? They in turn become angry and might attack a outsider because of a small reason? And they in turn might get pissed and kill one of the attackers? Things happen for a reason, not a higher intelect or for a porpose, but there's allways a reason, odds are that the reason's idiotic and people get hurt and rewarded by chance... Life's pointless, worthless and a great comedy and that's just the way it is... You can all deny this as much as you want to but deep down, I think you all agree with me... Might just have to digg deeper into what you have done for what reasons and what have happend to you for what reasons...
Reply Sat 8 Mar, 2008 08:46 am
Well, if life was meaningless or pointless then what would we call this communication in here and the process of going from sad to happy?

Good, bad or indifferent, life is going to merely be a reflection of you. Life is going to be what you put into it.

Birth, life, death and re-birth are a complete cycle in nature. We're all going die in body and if we were simply body, then death would be the end of the cycle. The problem is that rebirth is very much a part of the cycle. So while this body may die off, spiritually there is no death.

Take your arm for instance. If you were to cut it off and throw your severed arm to the other side of the room, would you be your arm or would you be your spirit. Likewise, if you proceeded with more body parts and removed them, what are you... your body parts or something else. As much as people are led to believe, we are not body, we're energy. So in the cycle of life, birth, life, death and rebirth... it continues.
And for the rest of yall (yoyo), our exsistance is pointless from a big perspective cause if it wasn't, there would be justice in the world, there would be something called "fair" and there would be good and bad... In reality there's all a big blurr, black and white's mixed to a shade of grey, dark grey.. A bad action can have good motive behind it, is it then good or bad? A good action can have a bad motive behind it, is it then bad or good? See my point?
Wizzy... when we create the injustice in the world or the justice, how then can our lives be pointless? When we make someone smile or find peace within ourselves, how can life be pointless? The good and bad are present because of what you and I make of them.

Look at it from a business perspective for a moment. There are only two things, negative and positive. So from a business perspective, your life is either an asset or a liability. We either create good or bad. However, we are the ones who create it. So if a person can make the decision to be an asset rather than a liability and enough people make such a decision, liabilities become less and less and assets are greater and greater. Apply this to the world of people and take a look at it from a business perspective.

On the business note, one thing I'd like to add since we're talking about this... Wizzy, you are a CEO. We're all CEOs of a business. The business being ourselves. Whether we want to believe it or not, it's true. Each man has a business to run and that business is his life. Just as a man would take a business in life and make it a successful one, life is the same way. We are all CEO's of the most complex business known to man... which is our life.

When a business executive makes poor decisions and doesn't plan or spends more time focusing on the negative aspects of the business and the things that will not improve on the business, the business will reflect this. Same thing applies to life. While being a CEO of a business may seem like it pays much more, being the CEO of your life is so much more important and so much more complexity.

So the business we run is our life. When an executive of a large corporation makes a big change, generally there is careful planning and goal setting. Likewise this also applies to life. When a contractor builds a structure, there are detailed plans, electricians, plumbers, architects and all those various services involved and the goals are set, the plans are approved... all before the first stone is overturned. Many of us however go through life looking at ourselves as just bodies and we don't take into consideration that we are actually CEOs of the most important business we could be faced with. CEOs create, run and manage businesses, Wizzy creates, runs and manages wizzy and wizzy is much more important than any physical structure or other profitable business venture.

Just another way of looking at it. We're all CEOs and we all create. So taking meaning out of life doesn't make much sense because we all have a business to run and that business is our life. Just like the business, whatever is put into it, is what will be reflected back. If you choose to run your business poorly, there will be poor returns. However, stepping down from CEO is not an option, recognizing that you are a CEO is.

Anyway, different perspective. Didn't mean to single out Wizzy and certainly not directing anything towards him. Just trying to make a point.

If you are CEO of a business, is it a joke or is it real?

We all have a job to do and a corporation to maintain and run.
Reply Sat 8 Mar, 2008 11:37 am
Justin wrote:
Well, if life was meaningless or pointless then what would we call this communication in here and the process of going from sad to happy?

Good, bad or indifferent, life is going to merely be a reflection of you. Life is going to be what you put into it.

I agree with you Justin, we decide (to some level) our own quality of life, but you can live like an arabian prince for 40years while feeding the poor, it doesn't make any difference because after 40years and one day your sweet, innocent, loving, humble and fantastic daughter who never hurt anybody in her life might get raped and murderd... Then what's the point with that? What meaning can be behind that?

Justin wrote:
Birth, life, death and re-birth are a complete cycle in nature. We're all going die in body and if we were simply body, then death would be the end of the cycle. The problem is that rebirth is very much a part of the cycle. So while this body may die off, spiritually there is no death.

Take your arm for instance. If you were to cut it off and throw your severed arm to the other side of the room, would you be your arm or would you be your spirit. Likewise, if you proceeded with more body parts and removed them, what are you... your body parts or something else. As much as people are led to believe, we are not body, we're energy. So in the cycle of life, birth, life, death and rebirth... it continues.

The cycle can be whole without any induvidual.. It's not YOUR re-birth that points to but "another" (REpeating) birth, your child as an example.. The race lives on but you as a induvidual is dead, buried and forgotten.. While the cycle is intact.. And spirit is real, just not the supernatural goes-floating-up-amongs-the-clouds-after-our-death-spirit.. Spirit is your personal flare, the drive you have and you ambition level.. Some people have their spirit all along, while some have to find theirs.. If you remove your arm, you have removed a part of your body, not your spirit.. If you remove your head, you have just removed your spirit from what it need to survive, your body, and removed your body from what it needs to survive, your spirit.. That's right your spirit is nothing more then your brain activity and the levels of activity your brain can handle...

Justin wrote:
Wizzy... when we create the injustice in the world or the justice, how then can our lives be pointless? When we make someone smile or find peace within ourselves, how can life be pointless? The good and bad are present because of what you and I make of them.

Look at it from a business perspective for a moment. There are only two things, negative and positive. So from a business perspective, your life is either an asset or a liability. We either create good or bad. However, we are the ones who create it. So if a person can make the decision to be an asset rather than a liability and enough people make such a decision, liabilities become less and less and assets are greater and greater. Apply this to the world of people and take a look at it from a business perspective.

On the business note, one thing I'd like to add since we're talking about this... Wizzy, you are a CEO. We're all CEOs of a business. The business being ourselves. Whether we want to believe it or not, it's true. Each man has a business to run and that business is his life. Just as a man would take a business in life and make it a successful one, life is the same way. We are all CEO's of the most complex business known to man... which is our life.

When a business executive makes poor decisions and doesn't plan or spends more time focusing on the negative aspects of the business and the things that will not improve on the business, the business will reflect this. Same thing applies to life. While being a CEO of a business may seem like it pays much more, being the CEO of your life is so much more important and so much more complexity.

So the business we run is our life. When an executive of a large corporation makes a big change, generally there is careful planning and goal setting. Likewise this also applies to life. When a contractor builds a structure, there are detailed plans, electricians, plumbers, architects and all those various services involved and the goals are set, the plans are approved... all before the first stone is overturned. Many of us however go through life looking at ourselves as just bodies and we don't take into consideration that we are actually CEOs of the most important business we could be faced with. CEOs create, run and manage businesses, Wizzy creates, runs and manages wizzy and wizzy is much more important than any physical structure or other profitable business venture.

Just another way of looking at it. We're all CEOs and we all create. So taking meaning out of life doesn't make much sense because we all have a business to run and that business is our life. Just like the business, whatever is put into it, is what will be reflected back. If you choose to run your business poorly, there will be poor returns. However, stepping down from CEO is not an option, recognizing that you are a CEO is.

Anyway, different perspective. Didn't mean to single out Wizzy and certainly not directing anything towards him. Just trying to make a point.

If you are CEO of a business, is it a joke or is it real?

We all have a job to do and a corporation to maintain and run.

Life is pointless because you can spend your whole life trying to create justice but in the end, justice isn't there when you need it... Just because you help people all your life doesn't mean that people will help you when you need it.. When karma fail, the value of life fail..

We can keep taking the business example:
Your body/bussiness etc. doesn't have the exact same means to compete with as the next man right? So what can your business do when your compeditor, start charging less for their wares then you can even produce them for? You go bankrupt...

Life's choices isn't it? The choices we take on every day and the bigger choices in life.. While you can make all the right ethical and moral choises, you might still get a foot up your yingyang by life it self while a dark, evil and sinister person who deliberately makes all bad choices, can live life as a king all into the end of his life.. How the F is that worth anything?

If you think about it everything is a illusion.. Money isn't really worth anything it's just a pointsystem for who is suppose to get what rewards, morality is a different thing for every man so in reality, who is to say what's right and wrong? The once you love are the once that will hurt you and in the end, everything you have ever done doesn't mean a thing because you'll get no speciall treatment from death, you'll get the same as the evil person... A painful death is for the good hearted isn't it? A bullet in the head probably doesn't hurt as much as cancer or a heart attack...

What I will agree on is that it's important to have a goal in life, as I said in my previous post... Although that goal is probably worthless too, except maybe to you.. And there's nothing wrong with that, I know alot of people who laugh at my dreams and goals just because they doesn't involve anything as pointless as money...

How do you justify a horribly bad thing happenning a good man, if life isn't worthless Justin? If life where worth anything, shouldn't there be any reasoning in the things that just happens to us, that we are not to blame for? A random murder, a random rape, a stray bullet in a drive by killing a kid? How can a life where innocent gets hurt and gets killed be worth anything at all?
"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds; and the pessimist fears this is true" - James Branch Cabell
Reply Sat 8 Mar, 2008 12:36 pm
Wizzy, I personally agree with you that, if taken by itself, and if life is its own (only) source of meaning, then life as a whole is meaningless. It's a chase after the wind- in the end no one knows what the next moment will bring, and before too long the body will die and life will be gone from it.

Have you read Ecclesiasties? (Book in the Bible) Even if you don't agree with the conclusions (the author in the end believes that meaning stems from God), I think it's a great read! Especially for anyone wondering about the meaning of life and finding very little... I've read it many times- Somehow it's nice to see people dealing with this same issue thousands of years ago.
Reply Sat 8 Mar, 2008 12:55 pm
NeitherExtreme wrote:
Wizzy, I personally agree with you that, if taken by itself, and if life is its own (only) source of meaning, then life as a whole is meaningless. It's a chase after the wind- in the end no one knows what the next moment will bring, and before too long the body will die and life will be gone from it.

Have you read Ecclesiasties? (Book in the Bible) Even if you don't agree with the conclusions (the author in the end believes that meaning stems from God), I think it's a great read! Especially for anyone wondering about the meaning of life and finding very little... I've read it many times- Somehow it's nice to see people dealing with this same issue thousands of years ago.

Have read the entire official bible but it was some years ago.. It turned me into a athiest... Can't remember exacley that part but it could be because the names of the books isn't the same...
Reply Sat 8 Mar, 2008 01:13 pm
Wizzy wrote:
Have read the entire official bible but it was some years ago.. It turned me into a athiest... Can't remember exacley that part but it could be because the names of the books isn't the same...

The Bible can certainly be confusing... I've had my share of fights with it myself... Surprised Ecclesiasties has been one of those parts that connects with me almost any time I read it.
Reply Sat 5 Apr, 2008 02:15 am
I have to aggree with the original post in saying life is meaningless. However, I'll go yet another step forward and say nothing has intrinsic meaning. The only meaning or value a thing has, including life, is the emotional attachment to it. Though even that is ultimately meaningless unless you have yet another meaningless connection to that. I can truely say I believe we live in a completely physical universe; and in this completely physical universe, nothing cares what we do... Only we care what we do. By "we" I mean the person's actions and those it affects. If there is no emotional connection to life, than it really doesn't matter if one (or something else) is alive or dead. That being said, there may be an emotional connection in regards to pain or suffering that would keep one from harming themselves or others. By this thinking, I've realized that if neither life nor death matter, they should be left to their own workings. I also believe that a person has a huge influence over what they make emotional connections to. In realizing that there is a connection, it can then be enforced, left as is, or severed. There's no reason to get depressed over the loss of meaning if you simply sever the emotional connection to meaning.

As for quality of life, that too is dependant on one's emotional connections. One person's sense of quality differs from another's based on what they put the emphasis on.

Just to clairify, by emotional connection I mean if something brings joy or sorrow to a person. If something, dare i say, "makes you happy" than it would be a positive connection; and a negative connection is obviously the opposite. The value of life (one's own, others, all life) is rooted in a positive connection; that is to say "it makes you happy to be alive." This connection I believe is probably the hardest to sever. Most people like being alive. On the flip side, avoiding pain or injury, for example, would be a negative connection. Being in pain "makes you sad;" therefore you avoid it. Hopefully that clears up what i meant about that. I still haven't fully developed my thoughts on this. Its still "a work in progress," but I believe that the root of meaning and value in everything lies in what I just described. I haven't actually read anything on this, and this has all been of my own thinking, so if anyone knows of some liturature out there that might help me out in organizing my own thoughts, or even attempt to sway me in a different direction, that'd be most welcome.
Ruthless Logic
Reply Sun 20 Apr, 2008 11:47 pm
Nitish wrote:
whatever happens in our life is not important in the cosmic level.whatever happens in your life the universe is going to be much the same.
Life has no meaning

  • Life or human existence has no real meaning or purpose because human existence occurred out of a random chance in nature, and anything that exists by chance has no intended purpose.
  • Life has no meaning, but as humans we try to associate a meaning or purpose so we can justify our existence.
  • There is no point in life, and that is exactly what makes it so special.
  • Life is a ***** and then you die.
  • Life sucks and in the end you die.
we are not created for any grander purpose than the the ants,flies and u agree with me?

The Idea that life has no meaning is the question considered by individuals with limited ocular, as well as intellectual perspective, but they can become enlighten with enough revealed information that sparks their inherent ability to thoroughly reconcile the processes of their Natural World that produces seemingly maddening uncertainty, and yield to their order of displacement within this wondrous world with the understanding that completely offers access to the entrance of serenity through the most rational process available, acceptance.

In my view, when individuals become perplexed and disheartened from the unlimited outcomes (positive or negative, as generated within their skull) produced by the multitude of variables that reign over our dynamic world, while it is completely Human to generate emotional responses to the events, we all have the ability to intuitively appreciate the envelopment and eventual acceptance of these spectacular empirical events, and understand that if actual intervention was possible, the subsequent convolution associated from the interjection of inherently short-sighted (human constraint) self-interest solutions would produce unintended consequences that would systematically lead to events that would predicate the non-existence of our inherently self-adjusting and proven dynamic Reality.

On a similar topic, often individuals consider why God (if you believe in the existence) lets bad things happen to good people, and how come intervention was not conducted. From a practical standpoint, can you imagine a world that already endures high levels of uncertainty be subjected to the fantastic approachment of a divinity that can literally project him or herself immediately into our world to influence an outcome (this is the only way we could empirically measure that intervention was conducted), would produce unimaginable stress that Humans could not endure. As much as we would like to fantasize about God invoking control over uncertainty, alternatives are not available and the consideration for such influence should be systematically dismissed.

To the individual who posed this thread, your life has tremendous value as you stand tall during your enduring journey, while providing a residual example to Mankind of what can be accomplished based on your ability to reflect your unequivocal capacity as a Human Being tempered by the tension of uncertainty.
de budding
Reply Mon 21 Apr, 2008 07:08 am
[quote=Nitish]whatever happens in our life is not important in the cosmic level.whatever happens in your life the universe is going to be much the same.[/quote]

Well we don't know that, in fact my understanding of chaos science is quite the opposite, we will and must have some effect, which in turn will have an effect, so on and so forth.

Life has no meaning
Life or human existence has no real meaning or purpose because human existence occurred out of a random chance in nature, and anything that exists by chance has no intended purpose.
Life has no meaning, but as humans we try to associate a meaning or purpose so we can justify our existence.
There is no point in life, and that is exactly what makes it so special.
Life is a ***** and then you die.
Life sucks and in the end you die.
we are not created for any grander purpose than the the ants,flies and u agree with me?[/quote]

You portray the meaningless of human existence as if it is more so than the meaningless of the universe itself.
Reply Mon 21 Apr, 2008 08:44 am
Nitish wrote:
whatever happens in our life is not important in the cosmic level.whatever happens in your life the universe is going to be much the same.
Life has no meaning

  • Life or human existence has no real meaning or purpose because human existence occurred out of a random chance in nature, and anything that exists by chance has no intended purpose.
  • Life has no meaning, but as humans we try to associate a meaning or purpose so we can justify our existence.
  • There is no point in life, and that is exactly what makes it so special.
  • Life is a ***** and then you die.
  • Life sucks and in the end you die.
we are not created for any grander purpose than the the ants,flies and u agree with me?


" Life is something which should never have been, its is in constant violation of any conceived morality." Schopenhauer

:)Joseph Campbell commented on Schopenhauer's statement above, and said he thought it immature, inferring its negativity undercuts the will to live. You did not ask to be here, such as it is, you might just as well put your will behind it and play the best game you can.

SmileI believe attitude is the most important aspect of life, and attitude will be positive and vital unless something surpresses it, it is a broken spirit that would say, life is something that should not be, Nietzsche is the tonic for Shopenhaurer's negativity, so to, for the negativity of Christianity. Life has no meaning, this is not quite right, the objective world in and of itself has no meaning in the absence of consciousness, meaning arises from the relations of a subject with his world, there is most definitely, subjective meaning. Reality either makes or breaks the braveheart.
de budding
Reply Mon 21 Apr, 2008 09:26 am

With regards to what you said about Nietzsche being the tonic, which I find to hold true for a lot of my social frustrations.

Would you say that is there a difference between suffering the crushing blow of the realisation of the OP and then developing the attitudes and will to overcome, and the attitude and will of those who simply don't chose to (or can't) endure the blow?

Reply Mon 21 Apr, 2008 10:20 am
@de budding,
de_budding wrote:

With regards to what you said about Nietzsche being the tonic, which I find to hold true for a lot of my social frustrations.

Would you say that is there a difference between suffering the crushing blow of the realisation of the OP and then developing the attitudes and will to overcome, and the attitude and will of those who simply don't chose to (or can't) endure the blow? Dan.

de budding,Smile

:)It maybe difficult to face reality at times, there are many delusions and illusions provided to people of this society which already have a tendency of aviodence. Apparent reality, things are just as they first appear to be, is devastated if somehow they come to a Nihilistic understanding. The first realization does make one suck in a bit of air. To realize the void which we from moment to moment populate with meaning, well it is a sublime experience. One might wonder how one might go on, or how might the culture go on in this realization. My slant is, we'll get on very well thank you. PS: what is OP? Human resiliency, or the will to live, is stronger than any concept.

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