HMmMm... tuff question... and it seem's like there still hasnt been an anwser that has quelched man's thirst and lust for such and answer over such a thing...
Well logic can answer this.. first off to know what it would be, you must find what it would not be, for us to be how we are at this present state.
The world will never get over this question, for they ask other's for the answer when truly they, them self are the answer to there own question, yet they tend to forget that in this physical world that are flesh are bound in, the only things we need for self presaverance of are selfs and other's are
7.The protection pureity of the 1-6 need's, want's, and desire's for presaverance of life.
8. The seeking, lust, desire, and need for all 1-7
Humanity can be placed within such, that of which bind's us all, yet were would be the understanding of the question? Entertainment? that is a big section wich cover's alot of thing's...
Yet if you know where "god" is, then you know what "god" is and what thing's make up "god" yet first you must define what such mean's to you, for i can say what that word mean's to me, and prove to my self that such has existance within our world...yet not all of the world would except my point of view and perception of such...
All thing's are one with one another, which co-inside with all madder and all thought within one collective entitie body that is all madder and is all thought...
For all things to be one with one another, one must have one to co-inside with.
Hence the proof of such and existance would be are existance and the thing's that we can and cannot do within are existance within a single or any given point of perceptable time.
But this concept i undestand correctly, for i have defined why it must be as I stated, for this to be as they are now, yet other's no matter how much word's or thing's that are shown to there eye's and mind's will ever except such for the answer for what they seek....
So people should stop asking the question's(what is god, who is god, where is god, and so meany other question's of such) to other people... for the answer's other people give them, will never be as great or forfilling as the answer they create for themself.. there are infinit point's of perception of finite point's of view, hence there should be infinit answer's to such a question, yet only a hand full will waste your time with you injoying it along the way

and quelch your thirst for such a lust of an answer.
Entertainment is the best, yet people tend to overthink thing's and forget that "god" is just a word that man had created for the mean's of communication to other's about a concept. So it will allways be like asking, what's love, or what's life, it will allways end up with the same idea's and concept's yet put into difrent word's that pass the time , and that's just fine