Do you believe in life after death?

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Reply Mon 14 Dec, 2009 08:33 am
xris;111215 wrote:
When do you think this is going to occur? Do you think he will show any mercy?

It is being set up in progress now, but will come at the appointed time. God alone makes that decision on whom he will show mercy. He is the Creator.

Prov 11:17 The merciful man does himself good, But the cruel man does himself harm
Reply Mon 14 Dec, 2009 08:43 am
me2lord;111220 wrote:
It is being set up in progress now, but will come at the appointed time. God alone makes that decision on whom he will show mercy. He is the Creator.

Prov 11:17 The merciful man does himself good, But the cruel man does himself harm
I thought you said soon..So mercy is debatable , is there any clue in scriptures who will and who wont? Is it all down to this creator who will judge his imperfect creation...Dont you find it just a bit strange that he created us imperfect and then judges us because we failed? Imperfection fails, you cant judge a product that was faulty , so why a human. If my son lost his legs i would not chastise him for not walking to school. I find your god just a little sickening, to be honest.
Reply Mon 14 Dec, 2009 09:22 am
xris;111224 wrote:
I thought you said soon..So mercy is debatable , is there any clue in scriptures who will and who wont? Is it all down to this creator who will judge his imperfect creation...Dont you find it just a bit strange that he created us imperfect and then judges us because we failed? Imperfection fails, you cant judge a product that was faulty , so why a human. If my son lost his legs i would not chastise him for not walking to school. I find your god just a little sickening, to be honest.

Yes, it is sooner than many realize. He has spoken he is sending tribulation upon the entire earth and it will soon come forth. You will see it. Yes, He is a God of wrath and to fear.
Some where in the verses he spoke of making some eat the flesh of their children as famine and destruction are a part of the package that is arriving soon.

If a product is faulty, then it doesn't work right when purchased and it is thrown away.
Would you keep anything that is faulty? And can not be used for your purposes? Of course you'd toss it out immediately, so does God.
Reply Mon 14 Dec, 2009 02:09 pm
me2lord;111235 wrote:
Yes, it is sooner than many realize. He has spoken he is sending tribulation upon the entire earth and it will soon come forth. You will see it. Yes, He is a God of wrath and to fear.
Some where in the verses he spoke of making some eat the flesh of their children as famine and destruction are a part of the package that is arriving soon.

If a product is faulty, then it doesn't work right when purchased and it is thrown away.
Would you keep anything that is faulty? And can not be used for your purposes? Of course you'd toss it out immediately, so does God.
I cant wait , what a feast we will have. Tell me why do you not see the stupidity of your dogmatic faith? I will ask again why did god make us imperfect? I would love to hear you answer..
Reply Mon 14 Dec, 2009 03:08 pm
xris;111308 wrote:
I cant wait , what a feast we will have. Tell me why do you not see the stupidity of your dogmatic faith? I will ask again why did god make us imperfect? I would love to hear you answer..

God didn't make us imperfect, man did it to himself. He took the bite from the tree of Good and EVIL, on his own, when God told him not to eat of that tree....hello? and then he tried to put the blame on some one else...telling God EVE was to blame....hello? didn't want to take the blame for his own fall, but to blame others.

Kinda the way you perceive God. Wanting to blame God for your way of destruction that you yourself have created. You alone are responsible for how you act. You can lie to yourself and say what you do, that God made us this way. That is deception in your mind.
Reply Tue 15 Dec, 2009 04:00 am
me2lord;111324 wrote:
God didn't make us imperfect, man did it to himself. He took the bite from the tree of Good and EVIL, on his own, when God told him not to eat of that tree....hello? and then he tried to put the blame on some one else...telling God EVE was to blame....hello? didn't want to take the blame for his own fall, but to blame others.

Kinda the way you perceive God. Wanting to blame God for your way of destruction that you yourself have created. You alone are responsible for how you act. You can lie to yourself and say what you do, that God made us this way. That is deception in your mind.
So he made us perfect, did he? You cant have it both ways. If he made us perfect Eve would not have eaten the apple. I dont blame god because he is an invention of man. If there was a true god he would not judge his creation with so much vengeance. Your god is an invention of St Paul the bigot, the Jesus who gave us a message of hope and salvation would never be so harsh as your bigoted god. Get the behind me Satan. You are representative of the antichrist, with your twisted views of Christ..
Reply Wed 16 Dec, 2009 02:28 am
The Lord is soon to come with many thousands of His holy ones,
to execute judgment upon all, and to convict all the ungodly of all their ungodly deeds which they have done in an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.

Every bad word spoken against him will be brought forth in judgment.
Reply Thu 17 Dec, 2009 04:30 am
me2lord;111733 wrote:
The Lord is soon to come with many thousands of His holy ones,
to execute judgment upon all, and to convict all the ungodly of all their ungodly deeds which they have done in an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.

Every bad word spoken against him will be brought forth in judgment.
I would have a lie down and consider my question.
Reply Wed 6 Jan, 2010 11:57 am
I want to know why people would want to have something after living this now life ,to be honest. Why is there such a need to understand that after this life,there is more? Do you not value,or enjoy this life enough to consider it to be worth what it is,and that's that? I do believe that our actions,and what we do on this earth,that effects others who will live on after we pass,can be ''life after death''. As people keeping our memory in their hearts and mind til they die. Unless you're someone who does something that MANY people notice,and effects them to the point of it becoming apart of history,and knowledge of this earth.
I feel like the idea of having life after death, as in going to another realm, whether this be heaven or hell,or just another new life... means that the person does not value what they're giving at this present momment in time.
Also,if there is life after death does that mean there is a life before this one? What do we call that? and the one before that? Where does it start,where does it end? I know very little of the religions that believe in past lives, and such. So some insight would be nice. However, still i'm a strong believer that all these religions and theories are just a way to put most people in a comfort zone of ''everything will be alright,as long as we do what we're suppose to do,so when we pass, we'll be in this blissful (or higher place in life) status'' so to speak.
Reply Wed 6 Jan, 2010 01:13 pm
The question was do you believe, not why. If you believe for what you believe to be a valid reason, is that wrong? I believe there is a place called America does that conclude I have an unnecessary desire to be an actor in Hollywood?
Reply Wed 6 Jan, 2010 01:14 pm
@Nates Mind,
Nate's Mind;1935 wrote:
I ask a question.
If there's another life after death, why do we call the person who kills others a murderer? Why do we try and sentence the murderer? Why don't we reward the person for his "sending others to another world"?

Because people do not really believe what they imagine they believe. If a father kills his children, believing that in so doing he is sending them to heaven, a place where they can never be harmed in any way, he is, if caught in most places, going to go on trial for murder rather than be given a medal for being Father of the Year, even by people who claim to believe in heaven.

In other words, people are irrational and inconsistent.
Reply Wed 6 Jan, 2010 01:26 pm
NecromanticSin;117776 wrote:
I want to know why people would want to have something after living this now life ,to be honest. Why is there such a need to understand that after this life,there is more? Do you not value,or enjoy this life enough to consider it to be worth what it is,and that's that?
Quite the contrary, I enjoy this life more now than I ever have. And knowing I am going to have it on a grander scale at the Lord's coming, it excites me beyond words. To have grasp what is ahead in the kingdom of God here on earth, means I will have joy continuously and there will be no more death to have to suffer...that is good news.


I do believe that our actions,and what we do on this earth,that effects others who will live on after we pass,can be ''life after death''. As people keeping our memory in their hearts and mind til they die. Unless you're someone who does something that MANY people notice,and effects them to the point of it becoming apart of history,and knowledge of this earth.
That's true, but what's the chance of someone today being able to do that? You either come from money that enables you to do these things and make a great name for yourself, but the average Joe will never do these things and it is chasing an illusive butterfly, don't you think?

There are more poor in the world than rich, and more poor than famous, and the fame of most die quickly after they die. And the poor is growing increasingly in higher numbers all over the world. So where does fame get you? A street named after you?

When you die the one who remembers you, will be the One who created you.

There is great happiness in living this life, when you understand why you were created and the One who created you walks and speaks to you.


Also,if there is life after death does that mean there is a life before this one? What do we call that? and the one before that? Where does it start,where does it end? I know very little of the religions that believe in past lives, and such. So some insight would be nice. However, still i'm a strong believer that all these religions and theories are just a way to put most people in a comfort zone of ''everything will be alright,as long as we do what we're suppose to do,so when we pass, we'll be in this blissful (or higher place in life) status'' so to speak.
In my opinion the religions of this earth for the most part do not teach God correctly in their doctrines of the hereafter. Nor do they teach about God correctly in this Age of man God created.

I am a believer of the Great God Almighty, and His Son. And He is coming to judge all men for their deeds they do, whether good or bad.

So the kind of person we ought to be should be one seeking out the one who gives life and takes it.

The Father, has set a day when He will judge the world with justice by the man HE has appointed, Jesus Christ, his Son. The proof of all of this to all men is the Father raised Jesus from the dead, and the Name Jesus goes through out the earth to this Day.

The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples made by men's hands. For God is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else.

God commands all people everywhere to repent for He has a Day set aside to return to the earth and judge the people of the earth.
Reply Wed 6 Jan, 2010 01:30 pm
me2lord;117825 wrote:
Quite the contrary, I enjoy this life more now than I ever have. And knowing I am going to have it on a grander scale at the Lord's coming, it excites me beyond words. To have grasp what is ahead in the kingdom of God here on earth, means I will have joy continuously and there will be no more death to have to suffer...that is good news.

That's true, but what's the chance of someone today being able to do that? You either come from money that enables you to do these things and make a great name for yourself, but the average Joe will never do these things and it is chasing an illusive butterfly, don't you think?

There are more poor in the world than rich, and more poor than famous, and the fame of most die quickly after they die. And the poor is growing increasingly in higher numbers all over the world. So where does fame get you? So, unless your born into wealth to make a name for yourself, the odds are really stacked against you.

There is great happiness in living this life, when you understand why you were created and the One who created you.

In my opinion the religions of this earth for the most part do not teach God correctly in their doctrines of the hereafter. Nor do they teach about God correctly in this Age of man God created.

I am a believer of the Great God Almighty, and His Son. And He is coming to judge all men for their deeds they do, whether good or bad.

So the kind of person we ought to be should be one seeking out the one who gives life and takes it.

The Father, has set a day when He will judge the world with justice by the man HE has appointed, Jesus Christ, his Son. The proof of all of this to all men is the Father raised Jesus from the dead, and the Name Jesus goes through out the earth to this Day.

The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples made by men's hands. For God is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else.

God commands all people everywhere to repent for He has a Day set aside to return to the earth and judge the people of the earth.
Do you understand what a fundamentalist is and do you think you are one?
Reply Wed 6 Jan, 2010 01:40 pm
No I do not consider myself to be a fundamentalist. Simply a person who heard the message of God and his voice and responded to it and have come into a relationship with the One who created me. It is very pleasant, fulfilling and I have found nothing on earth that compares to it.

Nor do I attend a church as you may think. I do not agree with the teachings of the TV men claiming to be his shepherd. They teach heaven and the bible speaks differently on the matter, if they knew the truth, Jerry Falwell and Benny Hinn, and everyone of them they would know the bible does not speak of going to heaven, I am not of their mind set nor their false doctrinal teachings.

---------- Post added 01-06-2010 at 03:49 PM ----------

Pyrrho;117818 wrote:
Because people do not really believe what they imagine they believe. If a father kills his children, believing that in so doing he is sending them to heaven, a place where they can never be harmed in any way, he is, if caught in most places, going to go on trial for murder rather than be given a medal for being Father of the Year, even by people who claim to believe in heaven.

In other words, people are irrational and inconsistent.
It is irrational and inconsistent to believe one goes to heaven, the word of God speaks against this event to ever happen to one born on earth. There is One who created the heavens and the earth and no one is allowed into the heavens from the earth other than the One who came in the flesh, Jesus Christ, God's Son.

The doctrine of a human being sent to heaven is not a correct teaching that the world deceptively holds dearly to their mind. The word of God clearly says other wise.
Reply Wed 6 Jan, 2010 06:47 pm
me2lord;117825 wrote:
Quite the contrary, I enjoy this life more now than I ever have. And knowing I am going to have it on a grander scale at the Lord's coming, it excites me beyond words. To have grasp what is ahead in the kingdom of God here on earth, means I will have joy continuously and there will be no more death to have to suffer...that is good news.

well that's good to hear.
me2lord;117825 wrote:

That's true, but what's the chance of someone today being able to do that? You either come from money that enables you to do these things and make a great name for yourself, but the average Joe will never do these things and it is chasing an illusive butterfly, don't you think?

There are more poor in the world than rich, and more poor than famous, and the fame of most die quickly after they die. And the poor is growing increasingly in higher numbers all over the world. So where does fame get you? A street named after you?

Well i wasn't talking about just being a famous actor or singer,what about people who write? or people who make a differences? Or as my boyfriend would say,through application of Marxist,and leinist thoughts, the average Joes could come together,and make a big chance together. Which would live on in history forever... But yes,mainly my point was, who cares if you have money,or fame,beacuse that doesn't have the be what means your life meaningful. As long as you do what you believe you should and would like to do on this earth is the value you give yourself

me2lord;117825 wrote:

When you die the one who remembers you, will be the One who created you.

I'd like to think i'll out live my mother.

me2lord;117825 wrote:

There is great happiness in living this life, when you understand why you were created and the One who created you walks and speaks to you.

Yes,i've been happy little girl my whole life with my mother. We walk,and speak to each other often. I can call her right now.

But on a serious note, if there was this so called creater you speak of, i don't think i'd be too happy with him. He would be the one who created all the mass murderers, and people who do morally wrong things. What about the holocaust? Where was our creater then? The jews believe in him too.

If you ask me, God sounds like a neglective father figure. He created us, but left us to do our own deed and let us turn out the way we did. Some good,some bad. Why not all good?

me2lord;117825 wrote:

In my opinion the religions of this earth for the most part do not teach God correctly in their doctrines of the hereafter. Nor do they teach about God correctly in this Age of man God created.

I am a believer of the Great God Almighty, and His Son. And He is coming to judge all men for their deeds they do, whether good or bad.

So the kind of person we ought to be should be one seeking out the one who gives life and takes it.

The Father, has set a day when He will judge the world with justice by the man HE has appointed, Jesus Christ, his Son. The proof of all of this to all men is the Father raised Jesus from the dead, and the Name Jesus goes through out the earth to this Day.

The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples made by men's hands. For God is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else.

God commands all people everywhere to repent for He has a Day set aside to return to the earth and judge the people of the earth.

Alright,now explain to me about the ones who believe jesus is God in human form ? I know there's ones out there.
Also, have you ever considered that back in those days when all the religions were coming about,that it wasn't just someone feeding into the minds of the people who have questions,and need answers. Just like a cult leader,Charles manson did it to little hippie kids.
When little was so known back there,you could have probably came up with anything,and as long as it entertained the mind, peoeple will follow. Like little sheep.
On another note, if someone went around saying that ''GOD'' talked to,and such and such was to happen,speically lets say this person had a different message. What if this ''GOD'' he spoke to him,was to say that everything we've known about religion was false. Not only would everyone say ''psssh psycho'',but he would possibly be put in a mental hopsital for saying God talked to him. Make sense?
On top of the idea of a judgment day is just to keep you on your silly little toes. To make you think that as long as you be good, when the world comes to an end,you shall be saved. It's all about COMFORT beacuse noone likes the idea of having a meaningless,short life. They want more! They need the idea of more,otherwise this life they're living now seems to have no value. If they don't do good now,and end up in eternal bliss, what is the point of life now? Um to make this life that blissful state, to make it in your own mind knowing you are truly happy with what you've done.

Just like george carlin

''I want you to know, when it comes to believing in god- I really tried. I really really tried. I tried to believe that there is a god who created each one of us in his own image and likeness, loves us very much and keeps a close eye on things. I really tried to believe that, but I gotta tell you, the longer you live, the more you look around, the more you realize...something is FUCKED-UP. Something is WRONG here. War, disease, death, destruction, hunger, filth, poverty, torture, crime, corruption and the Ice Capades. Something is definitely wrong. This is NOT good work. If this is the best god can do, I am NOT impressed. Results like these do not belong on the resume of a supreme being. This is the kind of **** you'd expect from an office temp with a bad attitude. And just between you and me, in any decently run universe, this guy would have been out on his all-powerful-ass a long time ago.''

Reply Wed 6 Jan, 2010 09:32 pm
NecromanticSin;117952 wrote:

''I want you to know, when it comes to believing in god- I really tried. I really really tried. I tried to believe that there is a god who created each one of us in his own image and likeness, loves us very much and keeps a close eye on things. I really tried to believe that, but I gotta tell you, the longer you live, the more you look around, the more you realize...something is FUCKED-UP. Something is WRONG here. War, disease, death, destruction, hunger, filth, poverty, torture, crime, corruption and the Ice Capades. Something is definitely wrong. This is NOT good work. If this is the best god can do, I am NOT impressed. Results like these do not belong on the resume of a supreme being. This is the kind of **** you'd expect from an office temp with a bad attitude. And just between you and me, in any decently run universe, this guy would have been out on his all-powerful-ass a long time ago.''

Sounds like you've suffered a lot of hurt in your life.
It is not easy to see pain and suffering and around us, and we wonder how can this be? Not only does this world suffer, but Jesus also suffered, but his was willingly.

You see Jesus suffered at the hands of men, a crucifixion and a flogging before they hung him and spat in his face, he was beaten beyond recognition even by his own people. All of what happened to him is written in the bible.

The God Almighty, anointed his Son, Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, who went through out the towns of Israel doing good and healing all who were under the power of the Devil, and he did this because God Almighty was with him.

The world's people took Jesus and hung him on a tree because Jesus claimed to be God's Son. He did nothing but good, healing the sick, raising the dead and giving them back to their families, but they killed him any way.

You say how can God let pain and suffering exist in this world and we be his children? Because the good God came to do he was turned away from and told he wasn't wanted.

In his loving way, he has provided away for those who want to turn to him to come to him and be healed and watched over from the god of this world Satan who inflicts pain and suffering on the whole world.
Reply Wed 6 Jan, 2010 10:10 pm
me2lord;117997 wrote:
Sounds like you've suffered a lot of hurt in your life.
It is not easy to see pain and suffering and around us, and we wonder how can this be? Not only does this world suffer, but Jesus also suffered, but his was willingly.

You see Jesus suffered at the hands of men, a crucifixion and a flogging before they hung him and spat in his face, he was beaten beyond recognition even by his own people. All of what happened to him is written in the bible.

The God Almighty, anointed his Son, Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, who went through out the towns of Israel doing good and healing all who were under the power of the Devil, and he did this because God Almighty was with him.

The world's people took Jesus and hung him on a tree because Jesus claimed to be God's Son. He did nothing but good, healing the sick, raising the dead and giving them back to their families, but they killed him any way.

You say how can God let pain and suffering exist in this world and we be his children? Because the good God came to do he was turned away from and told he wasn't wanted.

In his loving way, he has provided away for those who want to turn to him to come to him and be healed and watched over from the god of this world Satan who inflicts pain and suffering on the whole world.

I don't know if you understood that quote was from an amazing comedian. If you never heard him, youtube him.

Anyway, yes i have dealt with a great amount of pain. My mother has breast cancer, my father has hep c , and so on.. I was neglected and wasted away my childhood and teenage years. However there's other people who live much more hard lifestyles,and they believe in god. I don't believe in God,or Satan. However i enjoy suffer,beacuse you can't have a rainbow without alittle bit of rain. I believe in a balance of life,not in being one sided.

life is about balance,otherwise you fall into one side too much and get lost.
Reply Fri 8 Jan, 2010 09:13 pm
me2lord;117997 wrote:
Sounds like you've suffered a lot of hurt in your life.
It is not easy to see pain and suffering and around us, and we wonder how can this be? Not only does this world suffer, but Jesus also suffered, but his was willingly.

There's suffering beacuse you can't have a rainbow without alittle bit of rain, so with suffering comes happiness. With pain,comes love,so on and so on. There is no reason you shoud ever have it one side,beacuse that's boring. If we were always content,always happy... We wouldn't even be on this forum,questioning things. We would just be ''lalalala everything is great'',instead people need to anaylize and understand these experiences, these thoughts and these world wide events.

me2lord;117997 wrote:

You see Jesus suffered at the hands of men, a crucifixion and a flogging
flogging? they were into BDSM? hahaha.. sorry,my humor.
me2lord;117997 wrote:

before they hung him and spat in his face, he was beaten beyond recognition even by his own people. All of what happened to him is written in the bible.

The God Almighty, anointed his Son, Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, who went through out the towns of Israel doing good and healing all who were under the power of the Devil, and he did this because God Almighty was with him.

The world's people took Jesus and hung him on a tree because Jesus claimed to be God's Son. He did nothing but good, healing the sick, raising the dead and giving them back to their families, but they killed him any way.

to you repeat this stuff to yourself? Raising the dead? Has anyone, besides in these religious story tales does, raised the dead? And were those people considered zombies? or were they fully back to the way they were before death? On top of that, when was the last time you heard of any one raising the dead? Oh wait... movies,and books. FAKE.

me2lord;117997 wrote:

You say how can God let pain and suffering exist in this world and we be his children? Because the good God came to do he was turned away from and told he wasn't wanted.

In his loving way, he has provided away for those who want to turn to him to come to him and be healed and watched over from the god of this world Satan who inflicts pain and suffering on the whole world.

A logical God would have understood human nature,considering this is the way we are today. If he was all knowing and powerful, how could he didn't see that coming? Plus, ever think why there hasn't been another jesus christ ? Why was his one guy, a long time ago the ''speical one'' of this so called ''dying for our sins''. Hey, i never voted to allow anyone to die for my sins. That's not fair,alittle selfish like now we're in debt to jesus christ. If he ever came to earth, he would be like ''hey i died for your sins,give me that coke cola'',and i'd have to fork it over beacuse,well that's a huge deal supposely.

All i am saying is, this doesn't make sense to me! Why is it that ANY religion is OLD,and any news one come along, we don't even take into considersation beacuse, we could probably consider the person mentally ill. I have an issue with religion being out dated,but I do not have a problem with it being communities,families and friends together. Or it promoting morally good thoughts. However a culture can do that without a such strong belief in something that,to me is fake. Unless ''god'' came to me,and said ''HEY SAMANTHA I'M GOD! NOW SHUT UP'', i refuse to believe in a ''god'',the term and idea of one supreme being.
You know what i like,the idea of being in what I can see,or experience. I can see colors,and feel emotions. I can have experiences with myself,or with other people. Which is a life long of memories to collect,and when i'm ready to lay my head to rest, i would like it to be that's it. I don't want any after life,beacuse I feel this life is so long and so valuable,that the idea of something more after it makes it less worth it. Even if that meant eternal happiness or hell. I like being in the balance of the two,as i feel people get creativity from a equal balance of good and bad.

I also strongly believe that doing good things, shouldn't be done beacuse some supreme being is looking over,watching your move,writting it in a book so when it comes judgment day,he says yay or nay to you having forever bliss. I think doing good stuff for yourself,and loved ones is what matters the most. When judgment day does come, you can reflect back on the deeds you did yourself,and be happy or not happy with how it played out. Why does it have to be someone,or something else to motivate people to be better people? can't it just be a morally human thought or do we need someone to remind us that hurting another person is wrong? :nonooo: i just don't get it. ACTUALLY, as i forgot all these nonsense was written so long ago, they did need people to put them in control. For power, for fame, for praise.
Reply Fri 8 Jan, 2010 10:41 pm
it is not my place to convince you of what your heart is set against?
Reply Sat 8 May, 2010 08:22 am
How do you make polls? You can no longer make polls??

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