Thu 19 Jan, 2006 11:22 pm - Hi,
I am in an accelerated BSN program. The classes are only centered around nursing, so they haven't been too redundent. Since you will have completed your BA, I would suggest starting as... (view)
Fri 13 Jan, 2006 03:53 pm - Hi there,
Hospitals do hire thier own staff. They have full time, part time, and resource positions. Full time and part time employees are scheduled for a set amount of hours based on thier FTE,... (view)
Tue 10 Jan, 2006 02:41 pm - UCSF Medical Center
Has anyone heard anything about UCSF Medical Center? They have posted positions for Critical Care Internships, and the pay rates look pretty good for SF. I would like to hear... (view)
Mon 9 Jan, 2006 12:32 am - I agree that going for your RN is the best bet. I am finishing my BSN, and my school offers an 18 month program for students with a previous degree. (view)
Sun 8 Jan, 2006 01:13 pm - New Grad ICU Internships
Hi everyone,
I would like to hear some opinions on new grads working in the ICU. I am a nursing student, and very drawn to critical care. I have a fair amount of hospital... (view)