Fri 12 Apr, 2013 01:44 pm - David Bollick's picture is posted as one of several authors who write articles for Activate! magazine along with several others. Seems he lives in Mexico and has a business of some sort.... (view)
Fri 15 Mar, 2013 12:22 am - I am sorry to hear what happen to you. Good luck, How do you sue ghosts? The best revenge to to live well. Stay away from these people, they are nothing but trouble. (view)
Fri 15 Mar, 2013 12:11 am - 'Pilot' today 3/15/2013 @2 am, Sun 3/17/2013 - 1pm, Mon 3/18/2013 @ 2am. Two stories, one about Jim Jones, the other about Susan Justice leaving The Family and escaping the twist... (view)
Thu 25 Mar, 2010 10:44 pm - Re: Atlantic City, Dallas, The School in Crockett, TX 71-73
I remember the "Rock House" and saw the "Pink House , no one talked about the pink house or about Selah Tx, I remember... (view)
Thu 7 Jan, 2010 10:36 pm - Re: Arne Dietrich?
Homeless and estranged from your family? Now I live in a nice home and in a upscale neighborhood with a very nice bed. Sadly, I know how it feels to walking the streets late... (view)
Tue 29 Dec, 2009 04:45 pm - Re: These end times
Yea, I miss some of those times,How could it all fall apart into something so bizarre? The fellowship, being part of something bigger than yourself. I was so gullable then,... (view)
Tue 29 Dec, 2009 02:54 am - Re: Arne Dietrich?
Where have all the Royal family gone? Hosea is the only one left and not really in a strong leadership position. Big Josh really payed his dues and look what it got him. (view)
Sun 27 May, 2007 12:26 pm - 'New Improved Truth" was the name of the pubilcation being refered to, It was used as a witnessing tool prior to the NNN(New Nation News). It looked like an underground newspaper, all... (view)