Mon 19 Feb, 2007 10:08 pm - re: David B.
I didn't mean to give the impression that David is not in contact with us. In all these 30+ years, he has always kept up correspondence and phone calls with our... (view)
Tue 13 Feb, 2007 10:06 pm - David B.
Yes, he's the one. Jonathan and I are David's brothers. I remember him talking about you. He had two roommates, Jimmy S. and a guy named Bradley, right?
David... (view)
Fri 16 Dec, 2005 08:04 pm - Chile gov't and cults
The Chile government recently prohibited the Unification Church from operating in Chile. I'm not sure if that means they were expelled or simply censured.
An... (view)
Tue 29 Nov, 2005 09:23 pm - David B., aka Job the Pilgrim, aka Joe in Brazil, Chile, Per
I am interested in talking with anybody who knew my brother, known in the Family, I believe, as Joe, or perhaps earlier as Job. Legal... (view)
Mon 28 Nov, 2005 11:19 pm - To Cherub re: David, or Job
I am Jonathan's brother. I am the brother you and David stopped to see. It was at William Jewell College in Liberty, MO. You stayed in my dorm.... (view)