Age Restrictions for Sexual Relationships

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Reply Sat 9 Sep, 2006 12:05 pm
Anonymous wrote:
Piram wrote:
Aren´t you thrilled, evanman? Hey, "maybe you´re not a backslider after all"!!! :wink:

You should speak for yourself and not for other people, but maybe you have nothing else or better to do?
Why can you not or are unable to respond to the points that I confront you with?
Are you a man, woman, girl or boy?
Make your mind up woman!
Did you know that this site has recruited more members to TFI than there are backsliders?
Thank you.
Please excuse any grammatical errors in advance.
You should listen to what I say before I am forbidden from using a site of
hostile apostates

Love & God Bless

Max aka Guest

Quoting somebody is not "speaking for them", if that´s what you were trying to say. Have you lost your sense of humor, which you seem to have in abundance when it suits you?
If I don´t respond in the way in which you desire for me to respond, it doesn´t mean I´m not responding! Hence, you need to specify exactly what you´re referring to, or else continue in your self-satisfied ambiguity.
"Are you a man, woman, girl or boy?
Make your mind up woman!"
Why ask me that question, if you answer it yourself in the next sentence? You´ve got a great monologue going there! Smile
"Did you know that this site has recruited more members to TFI than there are backsliders?"
And do you think this statement impresses me? The veracity of it is as nebulous as your posts.
I don´t really care normally if somebody like you misspells a word, unless it´s something that really stands out, like "indict" instead of "induct". Now, I did have a little chuckle about that, but that was nothing personal, I assure you.
Reply Sat 9 Sep, 2006 12:40 pm
Piram wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Piram wrote:
Aren´t you thrilled, evanman? Hey, "maybe you´re not a backslider after all"!!! :wink:

You should speak for yourself and not for other people, but maybe you have nothing else or better to do?
Why can you not or are unable to respond to the points that I confront you with?
Are you a man, woman, girl or boy?
Make your mind up woman!
Did you know that this site has recruited more members to TFI than there are backsliders?
Thank you.
Please excuse any grammatical errors in advance.
You should listen to what I say before I am forbidden from using a site of
hostile apostates

Love & God Bless

Max aka Guest

Quoting somebody is not "speaking for them", if that´s what you were trying to say. Have you lost your sense of humor, which you seem to have in abundance when it suits you?
If I don´t respond in the way in which you desire for me to respond, it doesn´t mean I´m not responding! Hence, you need to specify exactly what you´re referring to, or else continue in your self-satisfied ambiguity.
"Are you a man, woman, girl or boy?
Make your mind up woman!"
Why ask me that question, if you answer it yourself in the next sentence? You´ve got a great monologue going there! Smile
"Did you know that this site has recruited more members to TFI than there are backsliders?"
And do you think this statement impresses me? The veracity of it is as nebulous as your posts.
I don´t really care normally if somebody like you misspells a word, unless it´s something that really stands out, like "indict" instead of "induct". Now, I did have a little chuckle about that, but that was nothing personal, I assure you.

A true woman speaking!
Have to go spend some money on babes and T& A.

Love & God Bless

Max aka Guest
Reply Fri 29 Sep, 2006 01:22 am
i cant believe that there are idiots out there who actually join this cult (and yes i do mean cult) just proves the point that theres a fool born every minute in this world

"The family" is nothing more than a pedophile cult who distorts God's holy word to recruit other fools into joining so that they can take advantage of them and their situation.....Berg is a nutcase and a pedophile and will endure torment for the rest of eternity for his actions and those who follow him will endure the same punishment

i will continue praying for the misguided souls in this cult however because that is what God has instructed me to do

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only beggotten son, that who so ever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life."
John 3:16 Shocked Shocked
max 1
Reply Fri 29 Sep, 2006 02:07 am
Guest wrote:
i cant believe that there are idiots out there who actually join this cult (and yes i do mean cult) just proves the point that theres a fool born every minute in this world

"The family" is nothing more than a pedophile cult who distorts God's holy word to recruit other fools into joining so that they can take advantage of them and their situation.....Berg is a nutcase and a pedophile and will endure torment for the rest of eternity for his actions and those who follow him will endure the same punishment

i will continue praying for the misguided souls in this cult however because that is what God has instructed me to do

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only beggotten son, that who so ever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life."
John 3:16 Shocked Shocked

Dear Guest
Have you ever considered working in recruitment?
You’re doing a superb job for and on behalf of TFI.
If you continue to talk of farther Berg in this way you will not get to go to heaven and kiss his ring (the one on his finger that is )
I would concentrate on praying for yourself, it seems to me that you need it more than most!

Love & God Bless

Reply Fri 29 Sep, 2006 08:33 am
We were granted a reprieve from Max for a few days, but now the absolute and extraordinary idiocy is back. Max, the magnitude of the absurdity of your statements is growing exponentially. It seems as though you are about to self-destruct. The notion that this site aids in TFI's recruitment is the most preposterous from you thus far, and clearly shows that you are going down, my friend.
Folks, we are almost rid of Max. Though I would not have thought it possible, his posts are sparser and less mature than ever. He's swinging at air, clutching at straws. Again...I would laugh if it weren't so pathetic, so sad. That he does not see or understand the reality of how he defines himself to us, that he actually believes he comes across as anything other than an immature and ignorant dult is astonishing, though it really isn't illogical. He is delusional and has not the insight or savy to see himself as he really is.
Reply Fri 29 Sep, 2006 09:00 am
Whateverguy wrote:
We were granted a reprieve from Max for a few days, but now the absolute and extraordinary idiocy is back. Max, the magnitude of the absurdity of your statements is growing exponentially. It seems as though you are about to self-destruct. The notion that this site aids in TFI's recruitment is the most preposterous from you thus far, and clearly shows that you are going down, my friend.
Folks, we are almost rid of Max. Though I would not have thought it possible, his posts are sparser and less mature than ever. He's swinging at air, clutching at straws. Again...I would laugh if it weren't so pathetic, so sad. That he does not see or understand the reality of how he defines himself to us, that he actually believes he comes across as anything other than an immature and ignorant dult is astonishing, though it really isn't illogical. He is delusional and has not the insight or savy to see himself as he really is.

I'm afraid that you will have to argue with yourselves, since I’m very busy in the Real World.

Love & God Bless

Max aka Guest
Reply Fri 29 Sep, 2006 10:13 am
Thanks be to God.
Reply Sat 30 Sep, 2006 12:55 am
Re: Age Restrictions for Sexual Relationships
I was trying to tell him to get of his backside and do something for himself.
I was not quoting from the Bible but stating what to most people is common sense.
I am not craven.
Now I know that the Vandari are at work on you as well!
Christ told us that "all who live Godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution."
His words hold true today as they always have.

Hey look, I respect the fact that you're a devoted member of the Family, and you're coming onto this site for EXmembers to correct any wrongs, but all the same could you keep your Vandari bullshit to yourself? It's making you sound like all the holy leadership everyone hates to much.
Reply Sat 30 Sep, 2006 07:36 am
Personally I doubt very much that he is such a devoted member of the "Family" as he claims.
Reply Sat 30 Sep, 2006 12:34 pm
Now I know that the Vandari are at work on you as well!
Christ told us that "all who live Godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution."

The Vandari vision came out of the demented imagination of a menopausal drunk that Karen Zerby keeps locked up in the basement at the House of the Open Pussy.

I'm really, really tired of listening to Familites quote 2 Timothy 3:12 out of context, as though there's no question whatsoever about their lifestyle being godly. Did it ever occur to you that people who live ungodly lives in Christ also suffer criticism and rejection?

The statement about suffering persecution if one lives godly in Christ is made by St. Paul regarding his personal witness of faith. No one in the Family comes within a hundred miles of living the kind of life that Paul did. His statement about suffering persecution comes AFTER he describes a very different type of "Christian" witness in the early church:

You should also know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times. For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred.

Praying to Jesus as though He desperately wants to pork me? How sacred is that? Have you been learned how to pray in the Loving Jesus Revelation?

What is going on when membership status is determined by the size of a tithe? Did you know there are old-timers in TF who get dropped from the fellowship when they're flat broke and can't send in their yearly tithe? If that isn't love of money, I don't know what is.

They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control; they will be cruel and have no interest in what is good. They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God. They will act as if they are religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. You must stay away from people like that.

Demonizing the adult survivors of the Family's institutionalized child abuse as as bloodsucking Vandari is cruel, reckless, slanderous, unloving, and WAY out of line.

They are the kind who work their way into people's homes and win the confidence of vulnerable people who are burdened with the guilt of sin and controlled by many desires. Such people are forever following new teachings, but they never understand the truth...Their minds are depraved, and their faith is counterfeit. But they won't get away with this for long. Someday everyone will recognize what fools they are.

Please, Max, read the entire chapter of 2 Timothy 3. I think you would not bother to come this site if you weren't interested in learning the truth about TFI and living godly in Christ.
Peter Frouman
Reply Sat 30 Sep, 2006 12:52 pm
evanman wrote:
Personally I doubt very much that he is such a devoted member of the "Family" as he claims.

Although the Family deserves to have someone like him as a member and he deserves to spend the rest of his life in The Family, I know that he is not a Family member. If he were, he wouldn't believe in evolution or that the Holocaust (among other things, The Family believes and taught its children that it was a hoax) happened.
Reply Sat 30 Sep, 2006 10:43 pm
Peter Frouman wrote:
evanman wrote:
Personally I doubt very much that he is such a devoted member of the "Family" as he claims.

Although the Family deserves to have someone like him as a member and he deserves to spend the rest of his life in The Family, I know that he is not a Family member. If he were, he wouldn't believe in evolution or that the Holocaust (among other things, The Family believes and taught its children that it was a hoax) happened.

He believes in evolution? lol he must not be a part of TF then.
I was never taught that the Holocaust never happened.
m 2
Reply Sun 1 Oct, 2006 01:28 am
n00b wrote:
Peter Frouman wrote:
evanman wrote:
Personally I doubt very much that he is such a devoted member of the "Family" as he claims.

Although the Family deserves to have someone like him as a member and he deserves to spend the rest of his life in The Family, I know that he is not a Family member. If he were, he wouldn't believe in evolution or that the Holocaust (among other things, The Family believes and taught its children that it was a hoax) happened.

He believes in evolution? lol he must not be a part of TF then.
I was never taught that the Holocaust never happened.

IIR, TFI believes that it happened but not on the scale suggested. They believe that the Jews blew the numbers out of proportion, which is all a part of the great Jewish conspiracy to take over the world or whatever.
If you read the WIND (if you have access to a copy) you'll see that TFI (or Berg) has selected many articles that "back him up".
I'm sure there's some MO letter or two that cover this subject too.
Monger 1
Reply Sun 1 Oct, 2006 10:24 am
More than a Mo Letter or two:

TFI believes that possibly as few as 6000 Jews died in the holocaust.
Reply Sun 1 Oct, 2006 11:02 am
As a result of Farhud, about 180 Jews were killed and about 240 were wounded, 586 Jewish-owned businesses were looted and 99 Jewish houses were destroyed.[4] Eight assailants, including army officers and police, were condemned to death after the violence by the Iraqi government.

In some accounts the Farhud marked the turning point for Iraq’s Jews who, following this event, were targeted for violence, persecution, boycotts, confiscations, and near complete expulsion in 1951.

Statistics on the Holocaust

It is estimated that 2 million were killed by the Einsatzgruppen,* 3.3 million in the gas chambers,** and about 500,000 died in the ghettos of Eastern Europe of hunger, disease, and exhaustion, and as victims of random terror and reprisals. See Lucy S. Davidowicz, The Holocaust and the Historian (1981), pp. 12-13.

*Einsatzgruppen, special duty troops of the SS’s security service and security police, were assigned to each of the German armies invading the Soviet Union. They rounded up the Jews and killed them. The Jews were loaded on trucks or marched to remote areas. They were machine gunned into natural ravines, antitank trenches or the mass graves they were ordered to dig.

**Later, starting in 1942, the Nazis contructed six installations with large scale gassing facilities and with crematoria for the disposal of bodies. They were Auschwitz, Belzec, Chelmno, Majdanek, Sobibor, and Treblinka. All were located in Poland. Gilbert notes that 1,500,000 Jews were murdered at Auschwitz; 360,000 at Chelmno; 250,000 at Sobibor; 600,000 at Belzec; and 840,000 at Treblinka. See Martin Gilbert, The Holocaust (1985), p. 257, n. 6.
Cookie 2
Reply Mon 6 Nov, 2006 08:09 pm
max wrote:
I know that you hate me and members of TFI but, and I will quote "Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you." Joh.3:13 (See also Matt.10:36)

You're not making ref. to all of us here, are you? Most of us have family in TF and we certainly don't hate them. We just left because we didn't agree with all the aspects of the lifestyle or belief system. And about hating you... seems quirky to assume one would hate someone on line. "Bugged by" i think would be more in order ... but only when you're being an A$$.

You, however, seem to be full of hate, contradictions and duality. One second you're contributing, and the other minute you are spouting out all sorts of insults and things that make no sense against the collection of people that make up or contribute to this site. Hateful seems to be a word that sums up how i perceve you to be Rolling Eyes
winter 1
Reply Thu 23 Nov, 2006 10:36 pm
Cookie, he obviously needs us to hate him. This gives him some importance.
Reply Mon 12 Feb, 2007 06:52 am
max is a hopeless idiot--ignore him
Anonymous wrote:
Piram wrote:
max wrote:

... I do not deal in hypothetical questions.

I know that you hate me and members of TFI

"I know that you hate me and members of TFI"?
That sounds rather hypothetical to me!!! Laughing
Rather self-contradictory and paranoid, too... :wink:

Your response is facile & does not merit further comment.

Love And Forgiveness

Max aka Guest

when will you and people like you learn to think for yourselves?
anyone can quote the bible to "justify" or "prove" their position
in reality such tactics are self-deluding and meaningless
don't claim "love and forgiveness" if you can't demonstrate them
signed, Twisted Evil
Reply Mon 12 Feb, 2007 02:39 pm
I don't believe that anyone can quote the Bible, most people I know are pig ignorant of the Bible!
mrs reaper
Reply Sat 7 Jul, 2007 02:27 pm
ok now im REALLY annoyed, the attack on the holocaust is appauling AND uncalled for and i also have serious question to ask ALL of you...... even though you had such an awful upbringing you still beleive in god??? why is that?? im just curious, i myself do not believe in him due to the fact that so many evil people say that god told them to do awful things, i believe you should judge EVERYONE on the way they act and behave .

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