Vivian Shillander and children

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Reply Tue 16 Jan, 2007 02:07 am
the anonymous Shillander
If anyone read correctly Richard did re-marry.. and his second wife might have had kids.. I think i might be on to something
Reply Fri 26 Jan, 2007 06:47 pm
you guys.

you all need to move on with your lives.
you dont even KNOW the whole story.

all you know, is the lies vivian has told.

stop acting so sincerely apologetic.
and stop acting like you know whats going on.

this is none of your business.

and vivian.
stop the poor me crap.
Reply Fri 26 Jan, 2007 06:49 pm
Re: Answer to questions you're asking?
Vivian wrote:
Hi, It's late (or rather, early) and I should be going to bed, but browsing the web tonight I see that some of you are wondering what has happened to me and my children. I won't take much time tonight to say it all, but I will in the future... maybe tomorrow when I have some time. I am re-married and live in Sioux Falls, SD. Richard (Barzalli) lives in Brookings, SD just 45 north of me. He has done well for himself, but I can't say he is really out of the cult because I do believe that he still associates with them some and doesn't consider the group evil, as I do. I don't have any personal contact with him at all. All I know is what I can glean from what the kids say. John (Mahaleel) is living in Thailand right now... not in the group but (I believe) there staying with his step-grandmother... Richard's Thai wife's mother. April is in Rapid City married to a man from Kazahkstan (He is Muslim which has started to present some problems.). Caleb has recently moved to Rapid City, also. He has studied Chinese and is very knowledgable of alternative medicines and believes in eating vegan -- mostly (I believe still. Very smart kid and has an amazing brain that can retain a lot of information). Francisco (Tito) works for IBM in GA. Yan is a senior at SD School of Mines and Technology majoring in Physics.

It was Francisco (not the oldest) who appeared on a program concerning Ricky. Richard never did have legal custody of the children. They just chose to live with him and I was powerless to stop them. Thanks for all of your concerns. Love, In Christ. Vivian

no hes not in the cult.
dont say stuff you dont know, ok?
Cookie 2
Reply Fri 26 Jan, 2007 07:22 pm
wow wrote:
...all you know, is the lies vivian has told...stop acting so sincerely apologetic.
and stop acting like you know whats going on....

"Wow", do you have something personal against Vivian? You seem to know her well enough to say she's lying. Whoever you are, you're very mean spirited. Evil or Very Mad Any mother who has tragically lost a son deserves kindness. I think even you may have lied at some time? Confused and, we don't claim to know what's going on (do you know what's going on any better? and if so, enlighten us..there's free speech on this board as long as we're civil), we're just giving our condolences to a woman who's been thru a lot and who's story has somehow touched us. :wink:
Day 1
Reply Sat 27 Jan, 2007 11:01 am

Our words do come back to us and we will account for them. Maybe when you need compassion and care, that's what you'll hear. But more importantly, why would you want to hurt another so? Sometimes the truth is sad enough, as it is. What would make you want to add to that sadness? Sad
Cookie 2
Reply Sat 27 Jan, 2007 02:29 pm
by the way, "WOW", you sound like a bitter Ex, heh heh! Am I on to something? Laughing
Reply Tue 6 Feb, 2007 08:18 am
Wow's words are typical of "Family Speak"

Seems like they've been reading the Mo Letter "Poor Me"!

WOW, you are soooo in TF/CoG!
Reply Sat 17 Feb, 2007 07:14 pm
To Vivian

I am intrigued by your family’s story. I have never been a member of the cult but I was raised in a sexually abusive religious home.

Reason for my posting is this:
I am a human rights student and decided to do my research on human rights violations (sexual abuse specifically) within religious organizations over seas.

If it is ok with you, I'd love to chat with you. Please let me know if this would be ok.
Cookie 2
Reply Sun 18 Feb, 2007 05:30 pm
when i said ex, to clarify, i meant ex husband/wife/lover
Reply Wed 7 Mar, 2007 11:53 pm
my "poor me's"
wow wrote:
you guys.

you all need to move on with your lives.
you dont even KNOW the whole story.

all you know, is the lies vivian has told.

stop acting so sincerely apologetic.
and stop acting like you know whats going on.

this is none of your business.

and vivian.
stop the poor me crap.

Actually, this could be one of my own kids. I don't know.
Reply Fri 9 Mar, 2007 05:43 pm
Kind heart

I was taken by surprise today to learn of Calebs passing. I worked with him for a couple years and was always happy to see him when I went shopping at the Wedge. I am stunned and saddened as he played more of a role in my life than I think he ever knew. He was the one person at work that really took time and talked to me when I was having difficulties. I remember his kidness and I will never forget the lessons in life that I learned from him. I admired his level headedness and intelligence. It is only today that I learned the whole story of Thailand. I only knew that his parents were missionaries. I was working in an apartment and I saw his picture on the fridge. The last I saw him was in early November. I am deeply saddened and I send you my sincerest condolences.
Reply Sun 22 Apr, 2007 09:17 pm
Re: Kind heart
associate of Calebs wrote:

I was taken by surprise today to learn of Calebs passing. I worked with him for a couple years and was always happy to see him when I went shopping at the Wedge. I am stunned and saddened as he played more of a role in my life than I think he ever knew. He was the one person at work that really took time and talked to me when I was having difficulties. I remember his kidness and I will never forget the lessons in life that I learned from him. I admired his level headedness and intelligence. It is only today that I learned the whole story of Thailand. I only knew that his parents were missionaries. I was working in an apartment and I saw his picture on the fridge. The last I saw him was in early November. I am deeply saddened and I send you my sincerest condolences.

Thank you for writing. Caleb was a great kid. I've learned since then that I should have worked with my kids about forgiveness. He took his life on his dad's BD. We're all a mess. The world's a mess, but I believe it is our job while we are here to find our way through. The devil is out to get us any way he can. With me, he tried to use religion, because I trusted anyone who named the name of Jesus. I learned that you cannot even truth "those people." The devil tried to use scripture on Jesus also in the wilderness to deceive Him and get Him (Jesus) to disobey God. The servant is not above the master. The Bible says that if we suffer with Him, that we shall also reign with him.

I was very distraught over Caleb's death, also... to the point that I wanted to take my own life. But, thankfully, I am old enough that I feel it won't be that long before I will get to go "home" and then I'll really know the whole story and understand the whole thing. It says there will be no more tears in heaven, so, God's got some pretty neat solutions for all the things that cause us grief and pain here on earth, evidently. He will need wise people to run the world in the 1000 year reign with Christ when Satan is bound up.

If you know Caleb's ex-wife Erin, leave a msg with her and have her give you my email so you can be in touch with me directly... or write a note on the Guest Book online of the Star Tribune where his Obit was and I will be able to be in touch with you personally. God bless you. I will be praying for you also... and remember, it's not over 'till it's over.... and it ain't over until righteousness covers the earth as the waters cover the seas. Thank God for that. I love you, too. Vivian.

As you know, now, we were really members of a cult.
Reply Sun 22 Apr, 2007 09:25 pm
Re: To Vivian
HR29 wrote:

I am intrigued by your family’s story. I have never been a member of the cult but I was raised in a sexually abusive religious home.

Reason for my posting is this:
I am a human rights student and decided to do my research on human rights violations (sexual abuse specifically) within religious organizations over seas.

If it is ok with you, I'd love to chat with you. Please let me know if this would be ok.

I would love to help you, except for the fact that it is just too emotionally draining.
Reply Mon 11 Jun, 2007 11:25 pm
geeez chill
wow wrote:
you guys.

you all need to move on with your lives.
you dont even KNOW the whole story.

all you know, is the lies vivian has told.

stop acting so sincerely apologetic.
and stop acting like you know whats going on.

this is none of your business.

and vivian.
stop the poor me crap.

You got some deep underlying issues that you as an individual need to deal with. You have to get over it and stop reading this, if it bothers you so much. Honestly you should invest in a good thearpist. Get a life.
Reply Sat 15 Dec, 2007 06:37 pm
Thank you, Vivian
I only now came back to my posting of some time ago.

Thank you for your replies and for letting us all know what happened in the years after that 20/20 show was filmed. I'm very sorry for the tragedy your experienced with your son's death. Very sorry.

Wishing you peace and happiness.

Reply Sat 16 Feb, 2008 04:46 pm
Re: Vivian Shillander cult
Vivian talks about being out of the cult but it seems she has just substituted Children of God with other Christian stuff. How about she pauses and really learns to think for herself?
Cookie 2
Reply Sat 16 Feb, 2008 06:34 pm
Re: Vivian Shillander and children
are you insinuating that she doesn't? or that all the christians in the world don't think for themselves? i think with all that has happened in her life, she has done a whole lot of thinking. and maybe her church is where she finds some peace.
Reply Mon 25 Feb, 2008 03:35 am
Re: Vivian Shillander and children
Dear Vivian,

I think it is so amazing that you are still a Christian after all that you've been through. I really admire the fact that you have not turned your back on Christ because of your hardships with the cult. I pray for you and your family and wish you all the best.

How is April? On the 20/20 special she was the one who surprised me the most, especially after the book incident. She seemed like a very confused girl.
Reply Mon 22 Sep, 2008 10:52 pm
Condolence on Caleb's passing away
Dear Vivian,
Hi there. I'm Anba, hoping that you remember who I am. I just heard about Caleb's passing away. I was very sadened by his death. I was always thinking of him and wondering how he was doing. He was extremely smart and I will miss him.
May God send his best Angels to accompany him through eternity.
God bless.
Reply Wed 11 Feb, 2009 12:05 am
Re: Vivian Shillander and children
Hi Vivian,

I dont know if anyone still uses this site, but I wanted to know where Richard (Barzali) is currently. Is he still in the Fam or has he since left? I think he may be my biological father as my mother lived in Thailand during the same time and she has told me that Barz is the family name of my biological dad.

Any answers would help,


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