One reason that many aren't speaking out: they just want to let the (difficult) past go, and move on with their lives.
Another reason is that many ex-members may be physically out of the COG, but they haven't been able to successively deal with the whole experience and understand what happened to them - what made them vulnerable in the first place, and then how it could be that they allowed themselves to be so passive once they got insights into the true nature of the whole thing. Such people can well be termed "survivors".
Those who have invested the time and the effort to attempt to understand the whole phenomenon - especially as it concerned them - and have come up with insights about themselves, as well as the true nature of Berg, as well as the Mafia which he created, and then applied these insights and conclusions consequently to themselves - these can rightfully be referred to as "overcomers". They're not just adrift in a sea, but have righted their ship and gone on with their lives, only stronger than before: "whatever doesn't kill me only makes me stronger".
I admit that for many years I was only a survivor. I was out of the COG, but because I didn't try to understand what had happened, but only tried to bury the past, it made me still vulnerable to the cult and have doubts as to whether I had mad the right decision in leaving. This can lead to dangerous situations.
After being many years out, I went through a personal crisis, and thought it might have to do with "backsliding" from God, from the group that God had supposedly led me to. I got back in touch (in an informal way) and a member shared "Mo-letters" from the time after I left. Normally, these letters arrived in a trickle, and that allowed one time to "digest" them, before the next ones arrived. But, now I read several years of these letters inside of just a week or so. Through that, I was able to get a certain oversight - see things in perspective, how these letters were being used to lead us, slowly but surely, in a certain direction (i.e. manipulation) - that I hadn't had before, and that really opened my eyes.
I had purposely avoided the COG critics (I had tried to stay "neutral"), but now felt it was (high) time to listen to what they had to say. It was like getting delayed exit-counselling. If I had had that in the first place, I could have saved myself a lot of grief.
Ron Enroth, an author with whom I was in contact, made me aware that Deborah Berg had written a book about the subject, and once I got ahold of it, read it carefully. That was the real clincher - and from then on I didn't have any more illusions about David Berg and what he was up to. Finally, I was able to celebrate my (Complete) Independance Day!
I realized that perhaps many whom I had known from the cult were perhaps not doing as well (similar to my own experience; my own sister, whom I led into the COG, had already committed suicide), and I tried to find them to reach out to them and be of any help that I could be. That was only partially successful - too many years had passed to be able to find them.
In the meanwhile, I'm not really active in that anymore, but I just read two books ("Not Without My Sister" & "Born Into the Children of God") and that stirred me up a bit, hence my contact to this website.
If any readers remember me and would like to contact me, I'm open to that. My COG name was Parmenas Tuesday, and I was a member from Jan. '71 to Sep. '75.