UCB-TV (UK Christian Satelite broadcaster)

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Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2005 09:10 am
It is if it is against the persons free will, some people would not want to do what they do but cant help it if they are under the control of some one else, what they teach is contrary to the Bible as they claime to believe it is what we call hypocrocy.
WalkerJ 1
Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2005 02:08 pm
WalkerJ wrote:
Did really mean to you say a majority of people? If so, are you sure you have your facts straight and could we see your proof?

You still haven't answered this question.

WalkerJ wrote:
What was the title of the last Kiddie Viddie you watched?

You still haven't answered this question either.

Willow, in your quest for justice (or whatever it is you do as a cult-buster), you cannot base your actions on bias and hyperbole.

willow the wip wrote:
Though I personally would not show my little girl these vids also, if the cult is currupt why should i currupt my child with that crap.

I, also, do not show my children those videos. But I do so primarily because they evoke negative feelings in me.

Willow and evanman, you both seem to believe the scripture that says "A corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit." You believe that the Family's productions are "bad fruit". Do you also believe that you can kill a tree by taking away its fruit?
Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2005 04:27 pm
We should take poisoned fruit off the grocer's shelves to protect the consumers.
willow the wip
Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2005 04:59 pm
Any thing that come`s from the Family is what i would discribe as Arsenic in Drinking Water.

Their whole org is nothing but poisen.

Why drink it.
willow the wip
Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2005 05:00 pm
WalkerJ wrote:
WalkerJ wrote:
Did really mean to you say a majority of people? If so, are you sure you have your facts straight and could we see your proof?

You still haven't answered this question.

WalkerJ wrote:
What was the title of the last Kiddie Viddie you watched?

You still haven't answered this question either.

Willow, in your quest for justice (or whatever it is you do as a cult-buster), you cannot base your actions on bias and hyperbole.

willow the wip wrote:
Though I personally would not show my little girl these vids also, if the cult is currupt why should i currupt my child with that crap.

I, also, do not show my children those videos. But I do so primarily because they evoke negative feelings in me.

Willow and evanman, you both seem to believe the scripture that says "A corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit." You believe that the Family's productions are "bad fruit". Do you also believe that you can kill a tree by taking away its fruit?

Walker I believe I have answered your questions.

I have nothing more to say on the Issue.
willow the wip
Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2005 05:14 pm
I stated people who leave cults


Cults have a highly effective system of behavior modification. The goal of this system is to change a members' old beliefs and patterns of behavior and to replace them with new ones as defined by the group. Old beliefs and patterns of behavior are defined as irrelevant or evil and must be eliminated or suppressed. Members get positive feedback for conforming to the group's beliefs and behaviors and negative feedback for old beliefs and behavior. Good behavior demonstrating an understanding and acceptance of the group's beliefs, and compliance are rewarded while questioning, expressing doubts or criticizing are met with disapproval redress and possible rejection. The church leaders so terrorize the members that they believe they have failed God when they fail to measure up to the leader's expectations.

The N.C.C is very performance oriented. They use statistics to evaluate both individual and group performance. Weekly stats are taken for almost everything - number of visitors, attendance, those missing discipling times, contribution, number of potential recruits etc. Praise and recognition are the main rewards given to those who perform well on these stats. Those who perform poorly are rebuked and accused of being lazy, unspiritual and sinful. Guilt is usually used to get people to improve on their stats performance.

Peer pressure is very intense. A member's relationships with their peers is threatened wherever they fail to learn or display the new behaviors. They are required to imitate their disciplers who imitate their disciplers who must imitate the leader's behavior. Ultimately what happens is that people simply acquiesce, affirm and act as if they do understand and accept the new ideology even though they still harbor doubts and confusion. The result is a split personality with the real individual safely hid behind the scenes and the fake group mask displayed publicly. People's basic personality types are drastically changed in conformity to the group demands to the detriment of their psychological well being. A psychological study done in 1986 among 900 members of the I.C.O.C in Boston showed conclusively that indeed psychological manipulation was going on in this movement. The results of this study were published in Flavil Yeakly's book The Discipling Dilemma. Current reports from hundreds of ex-members indicate that this practise is still going on in the I.C.O.C



What Happens to People Who Leave Cults and Sects?

James Lewis study of former NRM members who left groups by three routes:

* Own volition>
* Voluntary exit counseling
* Involuntary exitc counseling

Lewis concludes:

* People who leave NRMs involuntarily do suffer a mental disorder found in DSMIII



I spent approximately the first 20 minutes of the session taking a history, getting some basic information about her experience and what some of her issues were. After 10 years of involvement, Jane left the group on her own after learning of abuse that went on in the group that was so shocking to her, that it over-rode her previous programming enough for her to leave the group. Because she had not received counseling initially, she spent the first year away from the group in a state of confusion that is typical of people who leave cults. After about a year, she was fortunate enough to make contact with a support group of former cult members and through that, was able to attend a conference on cults, where she began to learn about the techniques that cults use to control people.


If we are lucky the groups we join may help us achieve or maintain some level of sobriety. However, in return, we may pay with the loss of our individualism, personality, self-identity and our ability to re-establish our place in the “real worldâ€
WalkerJ 1
Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2005 06:25 pm
evanman wrote:
We should take poisoned fruit off the grocer's shelves to protect the consumers.

So really, then, your ultimate interest is in the consumer? Veggie Tales, Cherub Wings, it's really all the same to them, you know.

willow the wip wrote:
Any thing that come`s from the Family is what i would discribe as Arsenic in Drinking Water.

Their whole org is nothing but poisen.

Why drink it.

I see nothing in these two statements but hyperbole and bias.

I do not consider myself to be a Christian and yet, from my viewpoint, the content of the Family's recent productions contain nothing that your average Christian would not embrace. Where, then, is the poison?

Or is it only poison because it doesn't jive with your prefered flavor of Christianity? Would you protest as much if a group of Christians from your local church wrote, sung and performed identical songs to those on the KVs?

What do you believe is the underlying 'poisonous' message of these videos that thousands of Christians worldwide are not catching?
willow the wip
Reply Mon 8 Aug, 2005 02:34 am
WalkerJ wrote:
evanman wrote:
We should take poisoned fruit off the grocer's shelves to protect the consumers.

So really, then, your ultimate interest is in the consumer? Veggie Tales, Cherub Wings, it's really all the same to them, you know.

willow the wip wrote:
Any thing that come`s from the Family is what i would discribe as Arsenic in Drinking Water.

Their whole org is nothing but poisen.

Why drink it.

I see nothing in these two statements but hyperbole and bias.

I do not consider myself to be a Christian and yet, from my viewpoint, the content of the Family's recent productions contain nothing that your average Christian would not embrace. Where, then, is the poison?

Or is it only poison because it doesn't jive with your prefered flavor of Christianity? Would you protest as much if a group of Christians from your local church wrote, sung and performed identical songs to those on the KVs?

What do you believe is the underlying 'poisonous' message of these videos that thousands of Christians worldwide are not catching?

I would not suggest you are but what i am saying is why believe the lies of the Family that is what I was refaring to.

to listen to their rubbish is like drinking poisen.

The diffrence between vegi tales, the donut man etc and the familys own productions is that the teachings of the family are all mixed up they still are.

I will give u an example of what the apostle paul stated.

1Cr 14:34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but [they are commanded] to be under obedience, as also saith the law.

1Cr 14:35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.

guess what that is new testiment teaching.

like i said TFI do not believe in the Bible.

Why promote a false teaching based on TFI.

Zerby dose not practice the things that are of the Bible like she claimes to.

I am sure though even if your not a christian that dose not matter, having been a ex-member your self you should know the diffrence between a cult and Fundimental Christianity, TFI even say them selves that they are rejected by the Churches because of their teachings on sex.
willow the wip
Reply Mon 8 Aug, 2005 02:42 am
TFI teaches that they do not believe in the Law.

the Jesus of the Bible says

# Romans 2:13, KJV

"For not the hearers of the law [are] just before God, but the
doers of the law shall be justified."

Paul says

# Romans 3:31, KJV

"Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea,
we establish(or uphold) the law."

# Romans 7:12 KJV

"Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good"
WalkerJ 1
Reply Mon 8 Aug, 2005 07:37 am
So are you trying to say that because their women don't "keep silence in the church" (among other things) that their doctrine, hence their children's videos, are poisoned?

What all of this tells me is that you don't agree with some of their doctrines, and yet, you have chosen to call all of their doctrines it poison.

Let me, also, give you a few examples.

The Family teaches that "God is Love". I take it you believe this is to be a truth.
The Family teaches that "Jesus is the only way to salvation". Assuming you are a Protestant Christian, you believe this, too.
The Family teaches that "Jesus will return to Earth to establish His Kingdom". I assume you accept this also.

If so, then either you believe in poisonous doctrines, too, or not all of what the Family teaches is poison.

What I'm getting at with all of this is that if you attack the Family's productions from the angle of "it's all poison", then they are fully justified in their claim that they are the victims of religious persecution.
Reply Mon 8 Aug, 2005 07:44 am
TFI is the poison!
willow the wip
Reply Mon 8 Aug, 2005 09:01 am
WalkerJ wrote:
So are you trying to say that because their women don't "keep silence in the church" (among other things) that their doctrine, hence their children's videos, are poisoned?

Did i say that mmm seems like your miss reading things, It is the one of many things wrong with TFI, TFI are pro homosexual this practice is accepted, the Bible says it is an abomination God has handed them over to a reprobate mind.


What all of this tells me is that you don't agree with some of their doctrines, and yet, you have chosen to call all of their doctrines it poison.

Yet you put words into my mouth did i say some quite the opposite I did not state the word some.

All of the teachings from TFI are perverse.


Let me, also, give you a few examples.

The Family teaches that "God is Love". I take it you believe this is to be a truth.
The Family teaches that "Jesus is the only way to salvation". Assuming you are a Protestant Christian, you believe this, too.
The Family teaches that "Jesus will return to Earth to establish His Kingdom". I assume you accept this also.

Not their teaching of love I dont, The Jesus of the TFI is not the Jesus of the Bible they worship a diffrent Jesus.

What defines love is not carnal nor pysical or sexual acording to Gods terms Agapie is not Eiros, an act of Love is not sentual as you would find in Eiros Agapie is a act of service not diffined in Eiros but in order to be a service or sacrofice is doing a kind act.

Adultry is not one of these, Eiros is Sentual, Sexual and what meets the needs of the flesh or sin nature of our disires this is not Gods disire in accord with what Jesus said.

The word Marrage is a concent with God in the middle one man, one woman, they are one in flesh becouse they submit only to each other, not a group or psycial realtionship between every one else in TFI, the Bride of Christ is miss represented in TFI the Bride being the Church yes this is a spiritual aplication not a psycal paul even pointed that if man cannot control his own lusts he should be married to 1 woman, this has a psyical aplication becouse God knew that it is not good for man to be alone.

Their are hundreds of TFI teachings with do not co-inside with the Bible.

Alot of it has been taken out of context and they still apply the teachings of Berg with are currupted, especially when you, play around with the Occult, infact the occult has alot of sexual applications to its practices, ask any occult expert they would tell you.

In TFI teachings Occult aplications are sycranised with Christian teachings, this happens alot within verious Christian curcles look at the witchdoctors who are doing the same things or simular in South Africa.


If so, then either you believe in poisonous doctrines, too, or not all of what the Family teaches is poison.

I dissagree we find in over 4000 publications that the teachins do not match up with the Bible.


What I'm getting at with all of this is that if you attack the Family's productions from the angle of "it's all poison", then they are fully justified in their claim that they are the victims of religious persecution.


you remind me very much of the Jehovah`s Witnesses who claim the same things.

I would say that they are victims of Zerbys cult.

I would also say they are victims of Berg.
Jack 2
Reply Mon 8 Aug, 2005 12:53 pm
WalkerJ wrote:
Taking it a step further: I tend to think it wouldn't really be of much benefit to anyone if people got the networks to stop broadcasting these videos.

I disagree. UCB most probably pays TFI for airing these shows. As long as they keep making money, they are going to be around.
WalkerJ 1
Reply Mon 8 Aug, 2005 03:00 pm
It seems, willow the wip, that we have an essential break in communication here. You have repeatedly missed the point of what I was trying to say while at the same time it seems (based on your comments) I have misunderstood some of what you have said.

Whether this is due to your poor spelling and grammar or not is momentarily unimportant, but I can assure you that I have not intentionally placed words in your mouth. If you claim I have, I apologize. I was led to my conclusions based only on what you wrote.

I see no point in continuing this debate as you obviously have your mind firmly set on the belief that every aspect of the TFI is poisonous and evil. I, meanwhile, maintain that such a frame of mind is irrational and biased.

Ultimately, what you choose to do about the Family's productions that are being aired on the networks is up to you. I cannot convince you otherwise.
WalkerJ 1
Reply Mon 8 Aug, 2005 03:01 pm
evanman wrote:
TFI is the poison!

And they claim people like you are poison. So where does that leave us?
WalkerJ 1
Reply Mon 8 Aug, 2005 03:08 pm
Jack wrote:
I disagree. UCB most probably pays TFI for airing these shows. As long as they keep making money, they are going to be around.

True, they do. But the amount is most likely a one-time payout of a relativley small amount of money.

If I recall correctly, I was told once by someone who works at Aurora Productions that getting the videos on the networks was far less profitable than selling them door-to-door.

If someone want to take on the task of getting the networks to pull the plug on these shows, then that is entirely up to them. In my personal opinion, however, the result will be minimal in proportion to the effort and those involved will have little ground to base their case on.
Reply Mon 8 Aug, 2005 03:57 pm
I really doubt that when the news is out that UCB will want the publicity--
"Christian TV Channel Broadcasts Sex-Cult's Videos"!
WalkerJ 1
Reply Mon 8 Aug, 2005 04:34 pm
evanman wrote:
I really doubt that when the news is out that UCB will want the publicity--
"Christian TV Channel Broadcasts Sex-Cult's Videos"!

You do that, evanman....You do that. Smile
Reply Tue 9 Aug, 2005 02:10 am
Do what?
WalkerJ 1
Reply Tue 9 Aug, 2005 07:12 am
evanman wrote:
Do what?

I'm assuming one would have to take action or "do something" before the newspapers will run a headline like that.

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