To Peter Frouman once again

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Reply Sat 26 Mar, 2011 08:23 am
I wrote you about three long letters a few years ago when we first began to communicate, but I never sent them. It seemed to me that you already had your mind made up about us, and for this reason I didn't really feel I was in a position to change it. However, I have reflected seriously about all of the past events and with my husband we have attempted to differentiate what we believe were serious misunderstandings, combined with bad judgment and our true intentions as to the events of the past. Just to fill you in, we have been living on our own for over 12 years. We conserve our beliefs in the Lord and have friends in and out of the Family. We still read Family publications as well as other writings by authors we have discovered that speak to us deeply, and in truth, our current journey is to do our best to help humanity in the way we feel led, without professing any group or specific faith. I was living in NY for two years, alone, (my son was ill and I went to accompany him) and during that time I had contact with and befriended quite a few young ex members; it helped me to grow in my understanding of how they felt growing up in the Family. I have tried to give an ear to every different side of things, no matter how painful or sad. I am thankful to have been exposed to others' experiences and the opportunity to learn so much.

Our wish is to discuss these things with you very honestly and from both sides. I don't pretend that from one day to another you will adopt a different opinion of us, but I do believe in at least trying to communicate. So, from my heart, I ask why you continue to target us online after so many years when we were already judged by a court of law that meticulously explored the accusations and came up with a firm and credible verdict? The articles that you have posted about us were written by third parties who were influenced by others and barely knew us, and are full of unproven statements and exaggerations. As I mentioned to you previously, our foundation and humanitarian work have been severely affected by what is posted, and so I appeal to you to rethink your position and give us a fair and just chance to present the other side of the story, if not for our sakes, for the sake of those we are reaching out to in a third world country where people need so much help. Don't you think enough sorrow and pain have prevailed?

Respectfully yours,

Paloma ( my name is the same as it always has been, sometimes I use my legal name)
Robert Gentel
Reply Tue 29 Mar, 2011 02:20 pm
Hi, are there specific pages/passages in that you are referring to?
Robert Gentel
Reply Tue 29 Mar, 2011 02:29 pm
@Robert Gentel,
Are these the pages you refer to? And if so, could you point out what you believe is factually inaccurate?
Reply Wed 30 Mar, 2011 05:15 am
@Robert Gentel,
Hello Robert,
Yes, these are the pages I am referring to. Give me a few days, we are writing up a detailed answer for you. Thank you for your interest.

Reply Tue 6 Sep, 2011 10:29 am
"We still read Family publications as well as other writings by authors we have discovered that speak to us deeply"


I was also following the "printed word" and unfortunately, believing it as well. For too long.
Finding out that what they say and print and convince their followers to read well, does not really match whith what they do, nor with what they mean to do, nor with what will happen..... it is one extremely disappointing fact. - especially when you litterally "gave your all" for them.
Reply Tue 6 Sep, 2011 10:31 am
this old "be a sample, not a sermon" should have been used by WS.
Reply Tue 27 Sep, 2011 08:36 am
@Robert Gentel,
Hello Robert,

This is Paloma writing again about the inaccurate posts that have been online for 15+ years. My husband and I spent three months writing a twelve page letter, responding to each and very one of the incorrect facts posted about us. It took us a long time to translate and insert excerpts from the court resolutions as well as other material to disprove them. My computer went down. I had an accident that destroyed the hard drive. The retrieved files didn't include the long letter we had written. So, either we go back to the start and spend another three months writing as much information as we can get together in our favor, or we ask you once again to give us the benefit of the doubt and remove whats posted because every one of those statements are inaccurate. As I have mentioned before, our organization, Healing Colombia Foundation, that has been helping thousands of people in a country in distress, has been negatively effected by the posts that are basically the opinions and comments of individuals who know nothing about who we are and were taken out of context from articles with no actual, legal proof. Its a strange sensation to feel that you are being eternally judged by someone far away who has come to erronoues conclusions about you and your life, and that these posted statements can have such a profound effect on the efforts you are making to help the world become a better place. I don't know you personally, but I hope there can be impartial and peaceful communication between us. Paloma
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2011 12:54 pm
Is anyone there? There are always two sides to a story, and sometimes the other side will be surprising. I send thoughts of peace and reconciliation to all.
Peter Frouman
Reply Thu 17 Nov, 2011 10:14 pm

I certainly don't have time to respond to or even read any of this nonsense. My spare time is much better spent on much more important activities such as watching videos like the one above.

Those who do care can find more info below.

There you can follow a discussion started over three years ago by someone claiming to be "Sofia Dow." I have my doubts that anyone could be so feckless. Someone who despises her enough to go out of their way to make her look bad couldn't have done a better job. She was given numerous opportunities to answer some very simple questions (nearly all of which can be answered with one word (True or False) yet more than 3 years after the questions were asked, the only answers provided either contradict each other or are not answers at all but unbelievable "my dog ate my homework" style excuses. We even installed Flagged Revisions so that anyone could edit the encyclopedia but this feckless anonymous flibbertigibbet who finds the truth incredibly inconvenient apparently never cared enough to spend 5 minutes to add what she claims is the "other side of the story."

It bears repeating that Judge Cámpora ruled that the basic human rights of the Frouman children had been grossly violated:


That in the long investigation, which has not yet concluded, by this court, to locate the FROUMAN brothers (two of the children, Emanuel David and Daniel Pasquale, have been returned to their father), it has become aware of the existence of conduct which undoubtedly cannot be tolerated in that it clearly infringes the articles of National Law 23.849[3] (Convention On The Rights of The Child[4]), Law 23054[5](American Convention On Human Rights called Pact of San Jose of Costa Rica[6]) and Law 10.067, among other legal bodies, and which undoubtedly deserves the pertinent procedural activity of the organs of competent jurisdiction to establish not only the existence and responsibility of typical conduct but also the consequent sanction, not only against Stuart Harris Baylin but also, as will be seen, against the identified organization as they have violated the fundamental rights of people.

This is what has happened to the FROUMANS in that their identities have not been preserved, and that they were prevented from being near their parents and relatives and that they were not able to visit their mother before she died. Article 9[7] of law 23.849 was also infringed every time they were separated from their parents as has been perfectly accredited "ut supra" in the judgment of this court. Not to mention the infractions of the norms contained in articles 9[7], paragraph 3[8] and articles 11[9], 12[10], 13[11], 14[12] and 16[13] of law 23.849 among others. In this respect, these violations against the FROUMAN minors are profusely documented in the court's records ("sub-examine").

Source: Order of Judge Campora - 1993-06-28

Reply Mon 19 Dec, 2011 10:16 pm
I am so glad that those abusers are finally being exposed.

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