For a good time call a Succubus
Who is Belial? Is this a bible figure? Demon or an angel?
Ha. You see. Max is at it again. He can't resist. He actually has convinced himself that his replies are meaningful in any sense whatsoever. You can almost detect that he feels proud of himself in composing them. Poor deluded Max. Though it's not assured, there exists a possibilty that someday Max will mature into an emotionally viable human being, and, if by chance that occurs, he may actually think back on his antics and have a laugh at his buffoonery. We can hope, anyhow.
Belial is a demon often seen as Satan. He is actually The father of Lucifer and the one who convinced him to build a thrown higher than that of gods as he was equall to or greater than God. He is also repersented as the first book in the Satanic Bible. Belial plays an important role in the End Times as he will be set loose to destroy Isreal and Rule the world in a time of darkness. "And Manasseh turned aside his heart to serve Beliar; for the angel of lawlessness, who is the ruler of this world, is Beliar, whose name is Matanbuchus." - Martyrdom of Isaiah 2:4
That is some weird stuff. Are you sure you are talking about Max? Do you know Max?
Davita (a.k.a. Ouza, Naamah, Lucifer, Satan, The Morning Star, The bringer of light, maxus, azza, Kelly, Belial, Azazel, Samyaza, Gressil, King Peter, 2006, STD, etc.), your incessant trolling on the forums is considered spamming, and further violation of the terms of service will result in you being blocked from further participation.
Thank you. Personally, this thread needs to end. This guy is a kid playing on the computer and someone needs to tell his mum.
Alright! The moderators know their stuff. I guess some of you were pretty on target with your perceptions.
Oh pardon & excuse me but it was not my idea, but good old Winter's unless anyone has failed to notice or perhaps forgotten?
He was supposedly carrying out an academic study and I have broken my enforced silence to point this out!
Love & God Bless
Moderator wrote:Davita (a.k.a. Ouza, Naamah, Lucifer, Satan, The Morning Star, The bringer of light, maxus, azza, Kelly, Belial, Azazel, Samyaza, Gressil, King Peter, 2006, STD, etc.), your incessant trolling on the forums is considered spamming, and further violation of the terms of service will result in you being blocked from further participation.
Dear Moderatator
May I suggest that you start moderating by removing a photo depicting Nazi propaganda, which has been posted on this site by person or persons unknown?
It is highly offensive to any civilised person and in the context of which it was used has no merit!
If this is spamming then rock on!
Thanking you in advance for your moderation.
“Rosh Hashanahâ€
A new development in Max' character:
Moderator wrote:Acheick wrote:
Mr. Regis - just who are you? I noticed you were banned permanently at What's that all about?
FYI - "Bornor/Bognor Regis" and "Max" are the same person.
I wonder what this means. Max seems to have quite a bit of knowledge on some levels. Then on other levels he seems quote insane - or at best trying play games. He may end up fooling himself.
winter wrote:A new development in Max' character:
Moderator wrote:Acheick wrote:
Mr. Regis - just who are you? I noticed you were banned permanently at What's that all about?
FYI - "Bornor/Bognor Regis" and "Max" are the same person.
I wonder what this means. Max seems to have quite a bit of knowledge on some levels. Then on other levels he seems quote insane - or at best trying play games. He may end up fooling himself.
Uh, I think he has a multiple personality problem, KWIM?
There’s more personality disorders here than in Broadmoor!
I suggest you read Richard Dawkins book “The God Illusionâ€
As I said before, this guy is a "Walter Mitty" type character.
My dad loved that film!

I should probably get it for him.