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max 1
Reply Mon 11 Sep, 2006 04:06 am
Piram wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
The Lord's Day as Sunday was called from Apostolic times has always been accorded special attention in the history of the Church because of its close connection with the very core of the Christian mystery.
It is a day of rest.
Max aka Guest

It doesn´t make much difference to me which day anybody decides to rest, or go to church, or whatever. But to proclaim that Sunday was called, and, I take this to mean, generally accepted, as "The Lord´s Day" from apostolic times is showing ignorance. It is now a day of rest and worship for many, true, but if you´re insinuating that it was declared such in the scriptures, please show me the scriptures, if you don´t mind. Again, I think people should do what they want to do on Sunday, or on Saturday -- but to
declare "unequivocally", that Sunday has a "close connection with the very core of the Christian mystery" is a statement which does not have much of a solid foundation, as far as I can see. -- The Sunday people,
finally, after centuries of debate, won over the Saturday people, fair enough -- and that´s fine with me -- but the selection of this day, by no means, has any clear foundation in any Scriptures I´ve ever read. I haven´t seen definitive proof that Saturday was the Sabbath, either --
although I have noticed that, for example, the Spanish language uses the word "Sábado"(Sabbath) for Saturday.
I do think it´s a great idea to take a rest of at least 1-2 days a week, though!

Apologies if I did not get back sooner but I decided to take the day of to watch Michael Schu win the “Italian Grand Prixâ€
Reply Mon 11 Sep, 2006 05:30 am
evanman wrote:
Sabbath, or Shabat, or Shabbis (for the Yiddish speakers to this site) begins at around 6:00 pm Friday, and ends around 6:00 pm Saturday. So Sabbath actually begins on a Friday and ends on a Saturday.

The first day of the week, which many call "The Lord's Day" actually begins on a Saturday (Approx 6:00 pm) and ends on a Sunday (Approx 6:00 pm).

If we are to go by Jewish time (which the Bible does, being a Jewish book).

Also, to advocate gambling as a godly way of making money is totally out of kilter with the teaching of the Bible.

Interesting the similarities between CoG/TF and Mormonism. A lot of LDS's (Latter Day Saints) income is generated from casinos in Las Vegas.
Persecuted for a long time, particularly because of its now abolished tradition of polygamy, the Mormon Church is based in Salt Lake City, the "promised land", in neighbouring Utah. There is still a large Mormon community in Nevada. Although the sect bans both gambling and alcohol, its - substantial - financial interests include casinos and hotel chains.

Nevada’s dominant religion is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the Mormons. If the Mormons wanted to, they could put a stop to gambling and prostitution in Nevada.

Denton and Morris detail the amazing rise and reach of Meyer Lansky – the mind that ran the city; exactly how criminals, politicians, and businessmen worked together to control Las Vegas; the curious interplay of the city with the fates of Joseph, John F., and Robert Kennedy; how Howard Hughes and J. Edgar Hoover vastly intensified the city's corruption; how Mormon bankers and Wall Street financiers have bankrolled and profited from casinos ruled by organized crime; how a handful of dedicated journalists and law enforcement officers were destroyed before they could expose the city's secrets.

The Money and the Power is a detailed and illuminating chronicle of an extraordinary place and time – and a provocative reinterpretation of twentieth-century American history.,1249,615154461,00.html

What does it matter when it begins; time is relative like everything else!
You could call Monday, Moday if you wanted to!
It’s because of astronomical and scientific reasons that we have 24 hours in a day and 365 days in a year, nothing to do with religion.
I never advocated gambling as a way to make money.
If you know anything about the Gaming Industry then you should know that it’s one of the quickest ways to lose money and for the Industry to make moneyâ€
max 1
Reply Mon 11 Sep, 2006 04:38 pm
Re: Save us all from bad ideas!
Acheick wrote:
Piram wrote:
Acheick wrote:
I think so, too. It seemed to come down to being either "damned if you do, or damned if you don't."

This is basically why, when my wife and I started to see what was happening, we decided to leave before it affected us in a much more direct way, like having our baby girl abused, etc. -- and we were convinced that this was not something to "sit down and reason out" with the local "shepherd"! -- We pretty much knew all his pat answers, etc. -- and judging from what Pickus apparently did to his ex-wife later in Hawaii(I read an article here which says that he and a group of thugs broke into her home kidnapped the children and beat her up), I´m glad we left at night! -- Even so, he came to the boat we were leaving on, but in front of so many witnesses, I suppose the only thing he could is what he did -- tell us we were "leaving God´s will" and that he would pray for us, etc. I can assure you that we did heave a big sigh of relief when that ship set sail, however... Smile

What a tale. Your wife is lucky she had a husband like you to take her out. Wish I had had the same.

And our then-baby girl is now a brilliant and very successful professional rock singer, dancer, and model who also speaks 4 languages -- and we are very, very proud of her!!! Thank God we got out when we did!!!

I wished I could get my kids to speak one language! By the sounds of it you could start a 21 Century of "The Partridge Family "

Love & Bless All Of You

Good -- and there are quite a few SGs who are doing the same but all on their own without parents or parents that have dumped them. And when they perform in whatever manner, there is no one in the audience to beam with pride. I always feel for them whenever one of my kids does well. I think I wrote a poem about that somewhere on this site.
Cookie 2
Reply Tue 12 Sep, 2006 08:07 pm
Dear Max,

As a second generation EX'er, I feel I should tell you some things after reading your different postings.

First, good for you if you're going forward in your relationship with the Family, don't worry. They don't bite. They'll ask you for everything you have (Physically and spiritually), and a lot will be expected of you, every day, every moment. You'll never have a lot of money, a lot of freedom, if you have a wife or girlfriend, you will share her with others, even sexually, but the good news is that you can share other wives and girlfriends too. Something you can expect is that you'll get a lot of hugs and a lot of "I love you's" (which does the ego good, or not), and unless you are with kids every day or cooking or shopping, you'll spend a lot of time "Preaching the Gospel (And the End Time warnings) to every creature (Oh how I wish that stingray that killed my man Irwin would have been one of the "tamed by the Gospel and now loving" creatures - but nooooo, they were trying to talk to Irwin -stupid joke, I know). They're not a bad group in general, and most people you will encounter will be very sincere, but I can assure you, like anywhere, you may come across a baddy. Shocked I dunno. I did.

I cannot say that I agree with everything, and that's why I’m not there, but I agree with you that they do make a lot of people very happy and that they're sincere in their love for Jesus - even taking it to the point of masturbating yourself for him and to him. But since you're so close to them, I'm sure you already knew that.

But you do sound a little ignorant of their material that we grew up with, a lot of which has been destroyed, but not all of it, and you should know that there was a lot of material put out there by TF that you may find repulsive. I grew up with it. I know what I am talking about. It hurt me, it hurt my friends, and I still feel the effects of being so different in society. Although I was a kid, I was also involved with a lot of destroying of the evidence, all kids my age were. You don't need to read it, but you should be aware of it, or you could piss off a lot of people who are Ex'ers. That's free advice.

By the way, you're not even allowed to read all their material until you've been a full time live in Charter Member if I remember correctly like 6 months. And that's just the material that's Kosher. Confused

They believe in a lot of spiritual things that are hard to grasp or believe, but hey, if they're right, then if you believe them, you'll be right too. On the other hand, the opposite applies.
max 1
Reply Wed 13 Sep, 2006 01:14 am
Cookie wrote:
Dear Max,

As a second generation EX'er, I feel I should tell you some things after reading your different postings.

First, good for you if you're going forward in your relationship with the Family, don't worry. They don't bite. They'll ask you for everything you have (Physically and spiritually), and a lot will be expected of you, every day, every moment. You'll never have a lot of money, a lot of freedom, if you have a wife or girlfriend, you will share her with others, even sexually, but the good news is that you can share other wives and girlfriends too. Something you can expect is that you'll get a lot of hugs and a lot of "I love you's" (which does the ego good, or not), and unless you are with kids every day or cooking or shopping, you'll spend a lot of time "Preaching the Gospel (And the End Time warnings) to every creature (Oh how I wish that stingray that killed my man Irwin would have been one of the "tamed by the Gospel and now loving" creatures - but nooooo, they were trying to talk to Irwin -stupid joke, I know). They're not a bad group in general, and most people you will encounter will be very sincere, but I can assure you, like anywhere, you may come across a baddy. Shocked I dunno. I did.

I cannot say that I agree with everything, and that's why I’m not there, but I agree with you that they do make a lot of people very happy and that they're sincere in their love for Jesus - even taking it to the point of masturbating yourself for him and to him. But since you're so close to them, I'm sure you already knew that.

But you do sound a little ignorant of their material that we grew up with, a lot of which has been destroyed, but not all of it, and you should know that there was a lot of material put out there by TF that you may find repulsive. I grew up with it. I know what I am talking about. It hurt me, it hurt my friends, and I still feel the effects of being so different in society. Although I was a kid, I was also involved with a lot of destroying of the evidence, all kids my age were. You don't need to read it, but you should be aware of it, or you could piss off a lot of people who are Ex'ers. That's free advice.

By the way, you're not even allowed to read all their material until you've been a full time live in Charter Member if I remember correctly like 6 months. And that's just the material that's Kosher. Confused

They believe in a lot of spiritual things that are hard to grasp or believe, but hey, if they're right, then if you believe them, you'll be right too. On the other hand, the opposite applies.

Dear Cookie
Thank you for your encouragement on my moving forward with TFI and unlike “Stingraysâ€
Reply Wed 13 Sep, 2006 03:00 am
How can everything be composed of holes?

A hole by definition must be surrounded, at least two-dimensionally, by matter. And the matter isn't comprised of holes, thus your statement is false.

Without holes we'd be right where we are.
max 1
Reply Wed 13 Sep, 2006 05:15 am
Anonymous wrote:
How can everything be composed of holes?

A hole by definition must be surrounded, at least two-dimensionally, by matter. And the matter isn't comprised of holes, thus your statement is false.

Without holes we'd be right where we are.

Oh pardon me Guest aka Stephen Hawking!
I said and I quote “It seems like everything is composed of holes!â€
Reply Wed 13 Sep, 2006 09:53 am

God help you!
Reply Wed 13 Sep, 2006 11:03 am
Anonymous wrote:

God help you!

Thank you

Love & God Bless You

Max aka Guest
Reply Wed 20 Sep, 2006 12:55 pm
A letter to the family
Evil or Very Mad A letter from the devil for the family.

Angela Smith is doing well down here. We are loving her up. She found out the devil likes sex more than god does. She can't wait to see you all in hell with her. For the longest time she thought god would save her. So, I let her speak to "him". He told her "You have sined, unspeakeable sins aginst my children without remorse. I can think of no torture equal to your perverted sins. I have turned my back on you and your kind for the personal hell your monsters have created for so many others. I was the one who cast you into the abyss. I sent you to Lucuifer for there is no room in the kingdom of God for the likes of you. Now go, live your eternity of suffering and think what would have happened if you stood up to David Berg and Karen Zerby for the children." Well kids it's been nice chatting with you. I can't wait to see you all in hell with me and your friends.

P.S. Mo say's "Hello" Evil or Very Mad
max 1
Reply Wed 20 Sep, 2006 01:04 pm
Re: A letter to the family
The bringer of light wrote:
Evil or Very Mad A letter from the devil for the family.

Angela Smith is doing well down here. We are loving her up. She found out the devil likes sex more than god does. She can't wait to see you all in hell with her. For the longest time she thought god would save her. So, I let her speak to "him". He told her "You have sined, unspeakeable sins aginst my children without remorse. I can think of no torture equal to your perverted sins. I have turned my back on you and your kind for the personal hell your monsters have created for so many others. I was the one who cast you into the abyss. I sent you to Lucuifer for there is no room in the kingdom of God for the likes of you. Now go, live your eternity of suffering and think what would have happened if you stood up to David Berg and Karen Zerby for the children." Well kids it's been nice chatting with you. I can't wait to see you all in hell with me and your friends.

P.S. Mo say's "Hello" Evil or Very Mad

Would you happen to know how Ricky Rod is doing?

Love & God Bless

Reply Wed 20 Sep, 2006 06:30 pm
Making room for more guests
Ricky is down here by Gods law. Suicide is an unforgivable sin. He is doing very well. No matter what I do to him he say's he say's my hell is better than his personal hell. I am learning alot from him. With information about his childhood and others like him I plan on making some big changes to the old inferno. So tell Karen we have special treats waiting for her and the others.

P.S. Karen it's well known down here you are sick. Let me make an offer on what is left of your soul and I promise your last days on earth will be your best. Not that it matters God already sent me a message telling me I get all COG leaders.
Cookie 2
Reply Wed 20 Sep, 2006 07:15 pm
how do you know? were you there? did you see them? let Rick's memory rest in peace.

and about Karen, God knows who she is, and how he will judge/reward her.

why these bitter words? Makes me sick.
Reply Wed 20 Sep, 2006 07:26 pm
I go by many names
I go by many names. You would do well to watch your tongue when talking to the son of Belial.
Reply Thu 21 Sep, 2006 01:42 am
My true form
Can you feel the coldness as I hold your soul in the palm of my hand. My grasp tightens as your break several of the seven deadly sins. Let meshovel you loose of the mortal coil. You better hope you don't walk in front of a bus as all your sins are not forgivin
max 1
Reply Thu 21 Sep, 2006 01:59 am
Cookie wrote:
how do you know? were you there? did you see them? let Rick's memory rest in peace.

and about Karen, God knows who she is, and how he will judge/reward her.

why these bitter words? Makes me sick.

Now what you say above makes sense and well put forward.
Well done.
When people are dead that is it and it is out of the livings remit.
One should concentrate on the living, since it is they that need help, talking of which I heard Arnold Schwarzenegger on the radio and I believe he said, â€
Reply Thu 21 Sep, 2006 02:35 am
Re: My true form
Satan wrote:
Can you feel the coldness as I hold your soul in the palm of my hand. My grasp tightens as your break several of the seven deadly sins. Let meshovel you loose of the mortal coil. You better hope you don't walk in front of a bus as all your sins are not forgivin

Nope, I can't feel it. But I wasn't really paying attention, so you might wanna try again.
And not to worry, I don't typically walk in front of buses, whether my sins are forgiven or not. Thanks for the concern, though.
Cookie 2
Reply Sat 23 Sep, 2006 07:46 pm
Don't you hate it when a thread gets too creepy? Rolling Eyes

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