Dear Max,
As a second generation EX'er, I feel I should tell you some things after reading your different postings.
First, good for you if you're going forward in your relationship with the Family, don't worry. They don't bite. They'll ask you for everything you have (Physically and spiritually), and a lot will be expected of you, every day, every moment. You'll never have a lot of money, a lot of freedom, if you have a wife or girlfriend, you will share her with others, even sexually, but the good news is that you can share other wives and girlfriends too. Something you can expect is that you'll get a lot of hugs and a lot of "I love you's" (which does the ego good, or not), and unless you are with kids every day or cooking or shopping, you'll spend a lot of time "Preaching the Gospel (And the End Time warnings) to every creature (Oh how I wish that stingray that killed my man Irwin would have been one of the "tamed by the Gospel and now loving" creatures - but nooooo, they were trying to talk to Irwin -stupid joke, I know). They're not a bad group in general, and most people you will encounter will be very sincere, but I can assure you, like anywhere, you may come across a baddy.

I dunno. I did.
I cannot say that I agree with everything, and that's why I’m not there, but I agree with you that they do make a lot of people very happy and that they're sincere in their love for Jesus - even taking it to the point of masturbating yourself for him and to him. But since you're so close to them, I'm sure you already knew that.
But you do sound a little ignorant of their material that we grew up with, a lot of which has been destroyed, but not all of it, and you should know that there was a lot of material put out there by TF that you may find repulsive. I grew up with it. I know what I am talking about. It hurt me, it hurt my friends, and I still feel the effects of being so different in society. Although I was a kid, I was also involved with a lot of destroying of the evidence, all kids my age were. You don't need to read it, but you should be aware of it, or you could piss off a lot of people who are Ex'ers. That's free advice.
By the way, you're not even allowed to read all their material until you've been a full time live in Charter Member if I remember correctly like 6 months. And that's just the material that's Kosher.
They believe in a lot of spiritual things that are hard to grasp or believe, but hey, if they're right, then if you believe them, you'll be right too. On the other hand, the opposite applies.