Thu 3 Jun, 2010 03:40 pm - A video with Manley P Hall giving a lecture.
Here's what the site says: "This great lecture begins with the 5th century Christian philosopher Boethius, alone in his prison awaiting... (view)
Thu 3 Jun, 2010 02:30 pm - Does anyone on here practice Raja yoga? It's a wonderful, powerful way to delve into meditation, for it is concerned with the necessities of penetrating into ecstacy, minus the fluff.... (view)
Tue 1 Jun, 2010 12:12 pm - I'm merely Zachariah. I come from a mysterious background of unknowing. That is trailer courts and back alleys. I love Kahlil Gibran, Milton, Jesus, Nietsche, Camus, Oddyseus, White Tantra or... (view)