Thu 23 Apr, 2009 07:16 pm - [quote]It's good to question all good and bad, that way you learn and find your beliefs. You say we cannot escape absurdity as though it's a negitive thing. Why? without bad how are we to... (view)
Sun 19 Apr, 2009 09:45 am - Because you could always continue to ask why? A grand reason, perhaps offered by a God, could also be questioned. And why not? Does questioning have to just end at some point? Eventually, whether... (view)
Sun 19 Apr, 2009 09:34 am - Oh okay. So basically what you are saying is that what we see is just our brain's interpretation of the light waves that enter our eye and stimulate chemicals that cause chain reactions of... (view)
Sun 19 Apr, 2009 09:03 am - I just think everything is absurd because nothing makes sense. There are no reasons for existence and even if there were, there would be no reasons for those reasons. It is absurd that you can... (view)
Sat 18 Apr, 2009 08:16 pm - Even if we were to find a god and be 100% sure he existed, the very motives and reasons for his existence could be questioned too. If there were some motives or meanings, they could also be... (view)
Sat 18 Apr, 2009 07:23 pm - I don't quite understand your categorization of reality into X and Y. I don't think knowledge is really a separate thing, I think it is just the result of complexity in closed systems... (view)