Sun 30 May, 2010 11:19 am - [QUOTE=setzer9999;170567]I never said that things can't exist without form. If you read what I wrote, you will find that I am referring to thought, emotion, sensation, and consciousness as... (view)
Sat 29 May, 2010 10:05 am - [QUOTE=setzer9999;169989] Here you are making the assumption that "thought" exists in a "location". It doesn't seem to me that thought is something that can be bottled up... (view)
Wed 19 May, 2010 10:51 pm - [QUOTE=serunato;166128]Yep, orthodoxos means having the right belief. Can be used and is used for lots of things other than Christianity. In this case I just mean it as the generally accepted and... (view)
Tue 18 May, 2010 10:55 pm - [QUOTE=wayne;165967]I like the concept you are expressing, however ,I wonder how many can honestly prevent their right hand from seeing what the left hand is doing.
It's nigh well impossible... (view)
Tue 18 May, 2010 10:29 pm - [QUOTE=wayne;165955]My reasons for making sacrifices and helping others are primarily for self, I do it because it feels good. It builds my esteem as well as my ego. I feel better when I see... (view)
Tue 18 May, 2010 09:55 pm - [QUOTE=Alan McDougall;165281][SIZE=85][COLOR=black][B]God then created all the creatures on the earth and after a long period of earthly time gave humanity a colossal complex brain so that they... (view)
Tue 18 May, 2010 09:43 pm - No living organism takes action without expecting reaction. Whether or not the expected reaction is personal gain depends entirely on whether or not the organism is ruled by Love of Self or Love of... (view)
Sun 16 May, 2010 08:49 pm - [QUOTE=BennySquire;164962]
Do you consider what 'thought' is? A thought is always thought in a language, right? You think 'in' a language - if a human was never taught a... (view)
Fri 14 May, 2010 09:27 pm - [QUOTE=Reconstructo;164452]Well, from Kojeve's viewpoint, absense is really just concept, a different sort of presence than qualia. But "qualia" does exist as a concept. I... (view)
Fri 14 May, 2010 08:00 pm - [QUOTE=Reconstructo;164443]I suppose one could make that argument. There is this notion in Kojeve that nonbeing is just concept -- memory and the project. This nonbeing would be the presence of... (view)