Mon 12 Nov, 2007 12:01 am - I could not help but notice the absence of one very important point in all of the postings I read (and if I missed it I apologize to whom posted it before me).
There are two possibilities in... (view)
Mon 16 Apr, 2007 03:57 pm - i really like where mike went on his post, but i must disagree. although in order to preserve our existance, there are certain parameters that we must follow, namely laws. however that does not... (view)
Mon 16 Apr, 2007 03:37 pm - no, hume did not believe in God in the traditional sense, however, he did believe that we had a creator who had qualities similar to the traditional idea of God, however finite in all of those... (view)
Wed 11 Apr, 2007 10:58 am - One of the reasons why I came to love philosophy so much is because of David Hume. His arguement against God's existance, in the traditional sense, due to the existance of evil was very... (view)
Wed 11 Apr, 2007 10:49 am - (1711-1776) Hume was best known for his crticisms against God's existace as an omnipotent, oniscent, and benevolant being. He also criticized against the existance of universals. Some of his... (view)
Wed 11 Apr, 2007 10:36 am - hey everyone... i'm pretty early into my philosophy career, but have developed a love for it already. i plan on one day becoming a professor of philosophy an theology, so this seemed like a... (view)