Mon 7 Jun, 2010 07:03 pm - Mark why did you not believe my persistent attempts at persuasion, but as soon as Huxley even mentioned it working for him you gave it another try?
Ding_an_Sich: You must read to be in on it. Are... (view)
Mon 7 Jun, 2010 02:31 pm - Mark,
If I were you I would keep trying until you get it to work. Especially since being skeptical about it would make the end result far more fascinating. You CAN make the whole dancer(spinner)... (view)
Mon 7 Jun, 2010 08:44 am - Mark,
I am glad you liked it. I have to admit that I cannot formulate an answer to your (rhetorical?) question.
Also, I don't think you gave the dancing girl a try. Once you accomplish the... (view)
Mon 7 Jun, 2010 08:03 am - Mark,
The purpose of the piece was to leave out some details for the reader to freely fill in as they compare the fictional universe being presented to the one they live in.
Also, the dancing girl... (view)
Sun 6 Jun, 2010 11:14 pm - I wrote up this piece a while back and never received any feedback on it. Please give me your honest opinion on it (whether you think it is good or complete crap).
It is the "Unusual... (view)
Mon 5 Apr, 2010 12:25 pm - I'm a new member, a college student from CA. I have only taken one philosophy class so far because it does not have much in common with my engineering major. I do write unique creative writing... (view)