By ethical decision not by origin.
I've never even been to Vega.
It is ~25 light years away, I wouldn't have been able to make it back here in time.
My interests are broad, but I take a particular fancy in ethical philosophy, philosophy of mind, number theory, and cats. Cats as objects of moral consideration and cats as the substrate of the internet.
Wed 27 Mar, 2013 10:29 pm - I wouldn't base too much prognosis in a BMI. Especially in women this may be a very limited measure of overall health.
Regarding body image. There is a series of talks given by the Media... (view)
Mon 25 Mar, 2013 11:21 pm - Congrats on your finish. :D
That I believe would be your adductor.
I use this pneumonic to help remember. When you [i]add[/i]... (view)
Fri 22 Mar, 2013 11:55 am - Here is a very interesting talk, that I think has a lot of insight to offer about spontaneous communities.
Talk by Dan Pink regarding what rewards creative/helpful behaviors.... (view)
Thu 21 Mar, 2013 07:34 pm - I looked over the social technographics website at your url.
I do wonder how wise it is to be too many things all at once.
I am no expert on such things however.
A2K does seem to have a bit... (view)