Congrats on your finish.

That I believe would be your adductor.

I use this pneumonic to help remember. When you
add things you bring them together. When you
abduct you separate (like abducting a child).
My girlfriend is an athletic trainer with a 4 year degree in the subject. She could tell you more than you'd ever want to know on such things. She mostly trains and teaches yoga now.
Let me know if you ever want her more professional advice on such things.
Regarding barefoot running, I read
Born to Run a few years ago.
That book, I think, is responsible for some of the current popularity.
I read the book because I was dating an obsessive marathon runner at the time.
She was a little kooky in more ways than one. The book is eh... in my opinion, but he does mention some interesting anthropological theories.
Such as the prevalence of persistence hunting in some tribal groups.
The evidence is a little lacking however in terms of this being an ancient adaptation influencing our anatomy/physiology.
But hey, it sells books.
Hope it doesn't lacerate too many toes.