Sat 1 May, 2010 01:10 am - "by definition the soul is a device to weigh evil and good in a person"
I think we first need to define this definition of a soul.
Because if we say that a souls is what weigh's... (view)
Thu 29 Apr, 2010 11:46 pm - I had an Idea while in French class, it is a method to find out whether or not people have souls or not, it is close to [B]impossible[/B] and a bit immoral
But I really would like feed back on... (view)
Thu 22 Apr, 2010 11:15 pm - [QUOTE=CharmingPhlsphr;155506]Actually, you do not exist. You are merely the creation of my creative faculties.[/QUOTE]
Can you prove that I am merely the creation of your creative faculties. (view)