Sat 27 Feb, 2010 11:11 pm - [QUOTE=Fido;133455]is there a particular phrase or word you are looking for. describe the letters you do recognize and the ones you do not..[/QUOTE]
There were some particular words and phrases... (view)
Sat 27 Feb, 2010 05:30 pm - I'm reading "A History of Philosophy" by Frederick Copleston and there are parts of the book that are written in Greek. Does anyone know of a website that has either translated... (view)
Sat 27 Feb, 2010 03:32 pm - Greetings everyone. My name is Jason, I'm 29 years old and I live in the great snowy (currently) state of Ohio. I've had a casual interest in philosophy for quite a few years now, but... (view)