Fri 9 Jan, 2009 10:17 am - jgweed, thanks for the reply but it just re-affirms what i already believe to know.
I am interested in how this condemnation to choose can be considered free.
Granted, we are free... (view)
Thu 8 Jan, 2009 11:07 pm - [B]Freedom is our only being but we are not free to cease being free, said Sartre.
In oher words, the limit of our freedom is its neccesity and inevitability.[/B]
The problems i have with this... (view)
Thu 8 Jan, 2009 05:34 pm - Hi,
not particularly interested in logic and complex formulation because it doesn't allow for ambiguity or ambivalence, nevertheless, of mind and existential thought, are the reasons i plan... (view)