Sun 9 May, 2010 01:12 pm - [QUOTE=Reconstructo;161962]I hope you don't mind my interjection. I had a difficult period at around 17 when I lost my faith in God. For many, this is not an important issue. But some have a... (view)
Sat 8 May, 2010 09:46 pm - [QUOTE=jeeprs;161860]thankyou for being so open. I feel for your predicament. So is it more like a feeling of not being able to see the point of doing what you're supposed to be doing? Is that... (view)
Sat 8 May, 2010 03:54 pm - Perhaps it could be a fear of commitment in regards to the girl. However, I tend not to be one that is afraid of commitment, at least as far as the past goes. The issue is that it has succumbed... (view)
Sat 8 May, 2010 02:43 pm - Hello, I'm new here :) I'm having a rather large issue with my skepticism that it has become very pragmatic and dominant in my life. At times I believe skepticism is necessary but it... (view)
Fri 7 May, 2010 03:21 pm - I'm new to these forums. I'm Michael and I am NOT a expert in philosophy by any means :P, but it does interest me as a possible field to major in before going into a psychology major.... (view)