@Alan McDougall,
When we go into the past to find a truth, means we are trying to solve a problem in the present and searching for Jesus is one of those reasons. There are truths that are hidden there and there is truth in those words a man spoke who we call Jesus. When one goes into the past, he will need a guide, for to attempt it alone, it can be a perilous journey as two is company and aids in that trek. As those words it is said that he spoke ring true as his words were shared by he and his father, farther away.
When it was said, he said "I Am" the way, he took too much upon himself being his father was out of sight and out of mind for so many. That would make a spectacle of himself, wouldn't it? What "wise" man would do this?
Now if he did hide in plain sight and whispered his truth, it would have been a different story.
In another thread we are discussing the "dark night of the soul" and what that means exactly. Without reiterating all that is mentioned there, I too, as all of us, have a soul that is darkened as we hope to find the light of truth..........someday. As I emerged from my dark night, I thought of all I had been taught about Jesus and the fate of that man, as it was told. Such as anyone who is searching for the truth and find it, the same fate might befall them. That is what makes anyone afraid to tell the truth for
many, it will be "out of sight" and out of their mind and feel alien to it as we all try to rid ourselves of that which is alien to us. It is the root cause of fear itself.
Here is the conundrum: Who wants to follow in those footsteps and be nailed to that cross. For so many who have tried have become martyrs. That's enough to scare anybody from speaking their truth and we keep it to ourselves and do not share with others and become lonely and afraid, for fear of our own death, if we do. Only with the aid of an ally will we be able to find comfort in that truth as we are constantly seeking someone to share that truth with in our "telling" ways as we attempt to overpower those who appear weaker than us making a spec-tackle of ourselves as others in searching that very same past have found another truth that more fits them and they "argue/
ague" about it and "gr....apple" about it as we try to find the true nature of that apple tree and the true fruit it bears.