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Alright, enough is enough. William your thread heavily weighs on the side of discrimination and flaming. It's not about Jews or Christians or any of the other stuff, it's about people and what they do. We're all different and unique with individual characteristics... However, you are using broad generalizations and while you may have not come right out and say it, the overtones of your posts are discriminative towards people.
We all have our moments and make mistakes and maybe say things we regret later. Let's clean it up and communicate effectively.
Please, we're here on the Internet and communicating where we once had barriers separating us all. If you want to find bad things about anyone, you can. Seek to find the good in all and the good will be shown.
If there's any more discriminatory or sweeping generalizations towards blacks, Jews, or any other race or creed you will no longer be able to post on this forum, (let's not do that). Discuss away but do it with great care and an open mind of understanding.
If this thread doesn't turn around, it's going to be closed.
I understand. completely. Sorry, if I have offended anyone.
Thank you William. It's not so much that you've offended anyone it's just that words spoken have much meaning. Words give physical manifestation to thought and while your brutal honesty and openness about the way you feel about things is admirable, it may be advantageous to strive to find the good rather then to challenge someone to show where your thinking or perception is in err.
You are an elder on the forum and an elder in real life and with that comes responsibility for your thoughts and actions. You have much to bring to the table and much to learn, just like the rest of us. Communication without knives and swords is the key.
Thanks everyone for understanding and your patience during this thread. This thread should be closed however, I feel that Baal should have an opportunity to respond but let's put the past behind us and move forward.
Judaism is actually very strict about mutilation - although for various reasons; mainly it being similar to the pagan religions of the time and region
Because a part lost to you in life is denied to you in paradise?
It has nothing to do with being genetically superior (since the Jewish people are not technically racially homogeneous, despite the fact that the vast majority are of semitic origin).
As for it being a parents choice - I think that's rather weak. Would you support the right of parents to choose to dig out the clitoris of their infant daughter? I hope not. Yet it is apparently fine to remove a sensitive part of the male anatomy just because "that's what people of my/their culture do".
Well, I DO NOT and quite frankly, ABHOR female circumsision.
I am actually GLAD that I'm "cut", As I find it easier to do some things, for some reson, physical activity, such as my martial arts is easier without my foreskin. Dont judge me on that, It is really more of a gut feeling, and I TRUST MY GUT!
Male circumcission is done for medical reasons where femal is done for no other reasons then 'cultural' reasons.
It is illegal in the UK because of the horrific process the female goes through. There is no medical reasons for this procedure and if you look at the cultural reasons you will find they are based on myths not truths. In truth the female endures agonising pain with no medical attention what so ever. It is nothing but barbaric and cruel which is why it is illegal in the United Kingdom taking the choice away. You will also find that the females are not always cooperative and are held down against their will, you will find the ones that do agree to it have been coerced and brainwashed into the belief that cultural myths are true, there is no reason at all for this disgusting proceedure. Many girls have died after having bled to death.
I try not to think with my gut.
Re: Dave
, i didnt know it was so bad for the males aswell. But you say that it results in the occasional death. A few more than that in the case of females.
Do you know what they do to the females, it's not just a snip and whip it off and you're in agony for whatever time, they have to bind the females legs together for weeks.
... Of course there must be some purely cerebral impetus for you to scorn circumcision or even mutilation in general.