Why is the Jew untouchable?

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Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2009 09:03 am
Khethil;67996 wrote:

... a little clarification here if you please:

Your topic title assumes the Jew is untouchable. I don't think Jewish people are more or less 'untouchable' than any other nationality and/or religion. What makes you assume they are?


Good question,
I didn't assume anything in my OP. I stated a fact as it relates to the posts. When it comes to any "questioning" of "what is the Jew?" there are no answers for they are esotically hidden in the rationalizations of antiquity; or often, if that questioning is of a serious nature as to alluding to their culpability in their "chosen purpose", is often stifled as being anti-semitic rendering any serious critique null and void. I am not anti-semite or pro-semite, frankly because I don't know a semite. Ha. I don't have a clue as to what "they" are. In my opinion, neither does anyone else except the Jew. It just "seems" to me "they" only let those "unknowing" like me to only know what they want me to know, then it ventures into one of the two directions. In the end, no one knows anything about them. As to everyone else on the planet it's all out there;good, bad, indifferent it is a part of our knowledge in which we are able to ascertain our own opinions and espress them such as the opinions one might gather from the knowledge that have of Christianity. They freely espouse what they think, pro or con. Not in this case regarding the Jew. Why? :perplexed: Something just doesn't add up.


---------- Post added at 10:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:33 AM ----------

Aedes;67965 wrote:
. The victors in WWII established a Jewish state there, because 2 million Jewish refugees needed a place to go and neither France, Britain, nor the USA wanted them..... .

Now that is a rather profound statement. Considering the suffering, why?

Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2009 09:26 am
William;68003 wrote:
Now that is a rather profound statement. Considering the suffering, why?
Heh, gets to the bottom of philosophy, doesn't it? We can speculate about all sorts of abstract questions, but what is more important than how we treat each other?
Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2009 10:03 am
William;67980 wrote:
This statement is IMO, key in justifying the next statement. It seems to me what is important here is the two houses that are used that make understanding and communication difficult when discussing the reality of the world we live in and the Jews involvement in that reality. There is always the "secular Jew" and all to often that often leads to anti-semitism when the conversation gets "sticky"; and on the other hand it ventures off into esoteric antiquity when the religious justification is discussed. Such as the above statement "things that are "influenced by Judiasm are not Judiasm itself". IMO, that statement is the crux of my thread. The Jews have an enormous influence in the world we live in, especially the United States from the Movies we watch, what is on the television, the clothes we where, the money in our pocket, So, yes it is important to question who they are? And no one seems to know, except the Jew. It seems they have an answer to everything, at least seems to me, in all cases any real culpability they might have in the chaos that is the world we live in, leads to esoteria, or anti-semitism supported by their "victimization". It seems also to me an inigma as to a people with such power could ever be a victim of anything, because of this "victim" status offers justification for them to be highly "secretive" as they function behind the scenes in anonymity for fear of being further victimized rendering them "untouchable". Common sense tells me no one with this much power should be so "unknown". Let's face it this world is in pathetic shape. and for a people to proclaim to be "The Chosen", must be accountable in some respect. Wouldn't you think? I do not want this thread to venture off in eiher one of those areas of esoteria of anti-semitism. The seems to be a major disconnect here somewhere. I am an expert at adding 2 and 2. And something about the Jew just does not add up. In all respect, help me connect the dots.

For your consideration.

If this is the crux issue, is this actually thread for the politics section?
Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2009 10:46 am

19,200,000 of Jew

487,000,000 instances of Christian

19,200,000/487,000,000 = .04 or 4%

13.3 millions Jews worldwide
2.1 billion

13.3 million/2.1 billion = .006 or .6%

I think we are are more instances per capita of talk/Jew than talk/Christian.

But if you would like to say something, then just say it. What's the harm? Heck, there are tons of stuff like what you are saying all over the Web. Nothing new.

Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2009 10:54 am
@Dave Allen,
Dave Allen;67984 wrote:

It all sounds a bit "protocols of the elders of Zion" to me.

Now most have no idea of what you are talking about here. Yes, thanks to the internet I am familiar with that document: I have read it. I have also read the manifestos of Ted Kaczynski, and Eric Rudolph, and My Struggle. I have learned to better understand a "perceived truth" one must read the antagonism to that perceived truth. I do that in all matters if I can. Wisdom is learning by walking down both sides of the road. Just as to understand what perfection is, one must know what imperfection is. I am also reading "When Victims Rule" too. It is the most concise understanding of "What is the Jew" that is out there in my opinion. I am not researching to find something to satisfy my own curiosity but allow me ample enough information that will allow me to "question" that perceived truth.

It is not a matter of ego. I gave that up a long time ago. I don't care about me. I stopped worrying about me a long time ago. I live in a "we" world, because I am not the only one who calls this Earth home. It is a "we" world, not an "I" world.

In another thread, "we" are discussing the best ("I") form of government. When in truth there is no such thing in that if there is more than one, neither will exist in that one will be the best and the other will be the worst. To me that is simple logic. The best will try and control the worst. That is the world we live in and it is wrong. The problem is we don't know any other way, and that is why we kill each other. The "I" is egotistical, the "we" is not. There is power in the we, but again as long as are two "we's" peace will never be achieved.

Now the Jew is, in my opinion, one of those many "we's" we have in the world that has maintain their "I" identity. If their influence in the world was not so pervasive as it is as it relates to all they have "control" over, it would matter that much. You see control and domination, when recognized is considered wrong. No one likes to be controlled or dominated. In liev that the Jew has such control, it is necessary to learn why they are allowed to control. The only thing they don't control as far as information available that allow anyone to venture on both sides of the spectrum is the "internet".

Granted there is an enormous amount of "propaganda" in that medium. Most of that which can be found today, thanks to the engenious browsing technology, that is antagonist to what we have been "programmed" to think as perceived truth is immediately tagged "anti-semetic" if it differs what is "conventional knowledge" regarding the Jew.

They must be examined and scrutinized like every one else is subject too.
But they are not. They are untouchable. They have all this control and no one is allowed to question it. I am asking questions "I" want answers to because 2 and 2 don't add up. Iam trying to find the truth as it relates to the reality we live in and the part the Jew has in controlling that reality; which is in piss poor state considering they are considered to be God's chosen. Why is it in such bad shape? That's all I am asking. Give me the reasoning to justify it. Please is such a way that will make it understandable and not determined by the esoteric wisdom of antiquity and in such a way I will not be branded a anti-semite.


---------- Post added at 12:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:24 PM ----------

GoshisDead;68022 wrote:
If this is the crux issue, is this actually thread for the politics section?

Thank you. Are you saying the Jew has no control over the political structure? No, this is not about politics. This is about the Jews influence in politics. Which is applicable to this thread and why I positioned it where I did. Their influence is far more broad than just politics.

Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2009 01:17 pm
William;68034 wrote:
Their influence is far more broad than just politics.
Are you implying that Jews have disproportionate influence? That's certainly been an accusation we've had to bear, generally without merit, for centuries.
Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2009 01:43 pm
The 'Jews' have been quite 'touchable', ever since the the Xtian 'love' cultists have begun persecuting them two millennia ago.
Time for more shots?
Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2009 02:26 pm
Aedes;68070 wrote:
Are you implying that Jews have disproportionate influence? That's certainly been an accusation we've had to bear, generally without merit, for centuries.

In my opinion, yes. An extreme amount. But let me also say it comes natural for them, whether they mean to or not. I mentioned in a post many, many months ago my admiration for the intellect of the Jew. They are, in my opinion, extremely adept in their knowledge of "human nature". At that time, I also made a statement with that kind of intellect, not only would they know what was of "human nature" they would also be aware of "human frailities" and indirectly, (now indirectly is a new word I just added to my earlier opinion) could "exploit" that human nature. There is no doubt in my mine as to the intelligence of the Jew. I honestly think what blinds them as to what they do lies in "their being the chosen". Now personally speaking from how I think, if I were to be indoctrinated to believe I was a member of a chosen few who would be "God's selected few", I would instintively think of myself as elevated from the else of humankind, rendering me "untouchable" as I would most emphatically come to understand the "end justifies the means" (God works in mysterious ways). Now please understand, I am speaking from my own understanding of what I would think had I been born into such a legacy.

My friend, it is not an accusation, it is the truth. You are capable of having that power. Now please bear with me here in that I hold no ill will toward any Jew for they can't help the intellect they possess. What they are capable of doing is no fault of their's. They were born that way. What is extremely offensive is the piety. In that "they" think they are better" than the rest of humankind. If there intelligenct were a little more giving to that "humankind" they would have not had to go so long without a country in that they did not have one of their own. They have been rejected by humankind at every turn in their existence.

My God, Aedes If it weren't for the Jew, I wouldn't have a pacemaker in my chest keeping my heart beating. It came from St. Jude. God, am I ever thankful for that beautiful mind. We don't understand you. is the problem, in that because of the persecution you have suffered through out the millennia, you have sequestered yourself from humankind because of the persecution. That only adds fuel to the fire.

Such a "chosen few" cannot imagine any culpability on their part as to why they are so persecuted, so it is necessary only assume it is others who are guilty. Now before I go on, please respond to what you think about what I have said so far.

Thank you,
Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2009 02:31 pm

I regret to tell you that this mythological influence of the Jew is one of the oldest and most insidious lies in the history of Europe, and it's led to an unconscionable amount of suffering.

Jews in Eastern Europe, where they were most populous, were nearly always impoverished and ghettoized.

In a few select places, esp Italy and Germany, Jews entered banking because "usury" was forbidden by the Church. In other words, Christians were forbidden from moneylending and this was a niche that Jews were able to exploit. Medieval and early modern universities were ALL denominational Christian, and the only area of study open to Jews was medicine.

Beyond that, Jews were treated horrendously throughout the entire history of Christian Europe and the only reason for this myth of their influence is the chronic necessity of using them as a scapegoat.

I don't take offense to your words, because I believe you mean them innocently, but they need to be critically evaluated.
Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2009 03:20 pm
Every group has their own survival strategy.

Every group has their own set of haves and have nots.

Every group has those that believe that they are better than others (higher in the pecking order), and those who believe otherwise.

Every group has some other group that they see as antagonistic (yep, even the Buddhists).

Every group has a core set of beliefs that they adhere to, and believe are True (this is the beginning of conflict). The Jews have theirs, and clearly the op has his. And that is human nature.

Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2009 03:40 pm
Aedes;68094 wrote:

I regret to tell you that this mythological influence of the Jew is one of the oldest and most insidious lies in the history of Europe, and it's led to an unconscionable amount of suffering.

Jews in Eastern Europe, where they were most populous, were nearly always impoverished and ghettoized.

In a few select places, esp Italy and Germany, Jews entered banking because "usury" was forbidden by the Church. In other words, Christians were forbidden from "moneylending" and this was a niche that Jews were able to "exploit". Medieval and early modern universities were ALL denominational Christian, and the only area of study open to Jews was medicine.

Beyond that, Jews were treated horrendously throughout the entire history of Christian Europe and the only reason for this myth of their influence is the chronic necessity of using them as a scapegoat.

I don't take offense to your words, because I believe you mean them innocently, but they need to be critically evaluated.

Thank you for not taking offense, yet the first paragraph did scare me a little. Ha. That's ok, I understand where your anger comes form. Now let's do a little critical evaluation of the words you used;starting with "moneylending". IMO, when you lend a man money, you own a piece of that man. To exploit it, is IMO extremely wrong. It is so indicative of how capitalism works. IT EXPLOITS AND DRAINS RESOURCES. But that is the Jewish livelihood, from the Rothchilds on down. That is what they do, yet on the other hand, they sell pacemakers. Mine cost $70,000.00 and about as big a box of matches. If there is a frailty in human nature, the Jew will exploit it and make a profit from it. They are entitled to it, after all, they are the chosen. The Jews have been using this to survive. They don't work, they don't sweat or do labor; but because of what they do, man works his ass off and sweats like a mule and because of the shortage of gold get little for his efforts.

As far as the impoverished and ghettos and the suffering. you my friend are not the only ones, so please, if you don't mind, don't go there. So damn much of the suffering was because people didn't have the money it took to survive. So please back off the subject. Please. We have all gone though "victim hood". The sad part about it is most still are.

Again, I am not laying blame. We all have our talents. The Jew is just exercising theirs. Please don't take offense. Again please comment to what you think so far. Please try and keep an open mind and do not rely on everything you perceived as true. We have a little way to go. Please, try like hell to keep an open mind. You are not under assault. Believe me.

Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2009 04:22 pm
If there is a frailty in human nature, the Jew will exploit it and make a profit from it. They are entitled to it, after all, they are the chosen. The Jews have been using this to survive. They don't work, they don't sweat or do labor; but because of what they do, man works his ass off and sweats like a mule and because of the shortage of gold get little for his efforts.

Jewish Nobel Prize laureates -

Yep, look at all of that exploitation. Look at that lack of work.
Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2009 04:26 pm
Yes, and here I am, the Jew.. and I will exploit a weakness in you which is obviously your lack of character and the ability to maintain an honest debate [I noted earlier that I sensed where "this was going"..] and I will simply flag your post.

On a serious note though.. this is one of the things Adorno has mentioned in his treatise about anti-semitism; but with a little twist.

Adorno does mention that Jews exploit; but they exploit their host culture in a natural way and without limits; that they follow their host culture ideologically and not impulsively due to their isolation (this was more true in pre-war europe than it is today); this goes into the depths of what exactly ideology is and how it influences and is influence by culture; but the point being that ideology proper is not necessarily to the word and to the letter. Doctrine is not the seminal stream from which minds are born but rather is a supporting pillar for practices already in place.

However for the alien, for one which only knows the doctrine and not the culture; for one which has learned primarily by observation and not interaction, a more radical approach is taken and therefore 'exploited'. But in this case it is the culture itself and the ideology itself which is flawed to an extent. It is the way of life (be it Capitalism or Communism) which is simply followed to its letter without any knowledge of limits but merely to be zealous about it.. all with the hope of assimilation and integration.

Jewish people are not evil; western culture is not either inherently evil. However the combination of isolating the Jewish people because they are not "Like us" will only lead to a more stringent and more severe analysis of western discourse which will be adapted perhaps very pedantically and very honestly - perhaps even mindlessly - to adapt and to assimilate.

If Jews are fervent capitalists (well, some are) then it is not the Judaic aspect of such which makes them so, but rather the western capitalistic element (and this applies to other minorities and immigrants - this phenomenon is not only present among Jews but also against any foreign people. Only that this rhetoric has been chewed upon again and again for the past two thousand years) which says -- but only interactively and discursively -- that capitalism must be done moralistically - but what is Moralistic Capitalism? from whence these morals? - in such a case one must have already been intimately familiar with western morality, which can only be true about those of the west in the first place; for the outsider these morals are derived directly from capitalism, with capitalism being the root discourse and all morals being derived from it. The same thing can be applied to other cultures and ideologies which are simply another historiographical and discursive layer built upon general western 'standards' by which are not necessarily overridden by a New Ideology.

Relevating this to the topic of our thread: The fact that Judaism is not a factor in modern issues is because Judaism is precisely just a dummy element which is the foreign element, but not inherelty effective upon those practioners, members (or descendants thereof) who are influential. To be influential in a society one must be familiar with it, one must know how to exploit it, one must know its strengths and weaknesses and one must realize the greater picture. Anyone successful, anyone who has managed to make something of him/herself has always done this by exploitation of the ideology, by personal adaptation, by switching of roles, by forming a subconsious dialectic which makes the person both slave and bondsman at once. Only that those who are more aware and are more trained and skilled at the culture; those who have a sense for it, will realize and become affected by this as their first exposure would have been mainly moralistic and humanistic as opposed to being a kind of struggle; or in other words; the westerner's adaptation of capitalism - initially and subsequently - is merely a reflection of a reflection, but a reflection of the self. It is the only ideology, the only way of life, and something one must make peace with and reconcile. It is not a trade or a profession; it is not necessarily a kind of parochialism in a certain field whcih only applies to a limited set of objects but something which forms discourse as known to him. For the foreigner however it is indeed merely a trade.

Just understand that the next time you accuse a Jew (or any other minority or foreign people) of being "Greedy" and "Exploitative", you are essentially criticizing both your inherently contradictory culture which is exploitative in yourself, as well as your inability to decice and cope with it, thereby placing a scapegoat as the antithesis of something which has never been thetical in the first place.
Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2009 04:31 pm
Zetetic11235;68116 wrote:
If there is a frailty in human nature, the Jew will exploit it and make a profit from it. They are entitled to it, after all, they are the chosen. The Jews have been using this to survive. They don't work, they don't sweat or do labor; but because of what they do, man works his ass off and sweats like a mule and because of the shortage of gold get little for his efforts.

Jewish Nobel Prize laureates -

Yep, look at all of that exploitation. Look at that lack of work.

Please, if you are going to respond to this thread understand the entire context of the thread and refrain from hit and run one sentence sound bites. I have expressed my admiration the Jewish intellect, so your terse response was uncalled for. Please, this is a hard enough subject anyway considering consensus of opinion. If you are going to respond, be a little more considerate.

Thank you,
Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2009 04:39 pm
I was always taught that Jewish people are good with money, just like Pakistani people are good at business.
Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2009 04:42 pm
Fine William,

I will refrain from the tactics of the sort that you seem to have a distaste for.

So would you posit that it is the nature of the 'jew' to exploit human frailty? I would like to know what research into the subject led you to this conclusion if you wish to claim its legitimacy.

Please further clarify those remarks that I copied in my last post.(I understand the 'chosen people' remark as tongue and cheek, if this is not the case I have misread).

After this has been done, I think the way will be better cleared for legitimate debate.
Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2009 05:45 pm
Baal;68117 wrote:
Yes, and here I am, the Jew.. and I will exploit a weakness in you which is obviously your lack of character and the ability to maintain an honest debate [I noted earlier that I sensed where "this was going"..] and I will simply flag your post.

On a serious note though.. this is one of the things Adorno has mentioned in his treatise about anti-semitism; but with a little twist.

Adorno does mention that Jews exploit; but they exploit their host culture in a natural way and without limits; that they follow their host culture ideologically and not impulsively due to their isolation (this was more true in pre-war europe than it is today); this goes into the depths of what exactly ideology is and how it influences and is influence by culture; but the point being that ideology proper is not necessarily to the word and to the letter. Doctrine is not the seminal stream from which minds are born but rather is a supporting pillar for practices already in place.

However for the alien, for one which only knows the doctrine and not the culture; for one which has learned primarily by observation and not interaction, a more radical approach is taken and therefore 'exploited'. But in this case it is the culture itself and the ideology itself which is flawed to an extent. It is the way of life (be it Capitalism or Communism) which is simply followed to its letter without any knowledge of limits but merely to be zealous about it.. all with the hope of assimilation and integration.

Jewish people are not evil; western culture is not either inherently evil. However the combination of isolating the Jewish people because they are not "Like us" will only lead to a more stringent and more severe analysis of western discourse which will be adapted perhaps very pedantically and very honestly - perhaps even mindlessly - to adapt and to assimilate.

If Jews are fervent capitalists (well, some are) then it is not the Judaic aspect of such which makes them so, but rather the western capitalistic element (and this applies to other minorities and immigrants - this phenomenon is not only present among Jews but also against any foreign people. Only that this rhetoric has been chewed upon again and again for the past two thousand years) which says -- but only interactively and discursively -- that capitalism must be done moralistically - but what is Moralistic Capitalism? from whence these morals? - in such a case one must have already been intimately familiar with western morality, which can only be true about those of the west in the first place; for the outsider these morals are derived directly from capitalism, with capitalism being the root discourse and all morals being derived from it. The same thing can be applied to other cultures and ideologies which are simply another historiographical and discursive layer built upon general western 'standards' by which are not necessarily overridden by a New Ideology.

Relevating this to the topic of our thread: The fact that Judaism is not a factor in modern issues is because Judaism is precisely just a dummy element which is the foreign element, but not inherelty effective upon those practioners, members (or descendants thereof) who are influential. To be influential in a society one must be familiar with it, one must know how to exploit it, one must know its strengths and weaknesses and one must realize the greater picture. Anyone successful, anyone who has managed to make something of him/herself has always done this by exploitation of the ideology, by personal adaptation, by switching of roles, by forming a subconsious dialectic which makes the person both slave and bondsman at once. Only that those who are more aware and are more trained and skilled at the culture; those who have a sense for it, will realize and become affected by this as their first exposure would have been mainly moralistic and humanistic as opposed to being a kind of struggle; or in other words; the westerner's adaptation of capitalism - initially and subsequently - is merely a reflection of a reflection, but a reflection of the self. It is the only ideology, the only way of life, and something one must make peace with and reconcile. It is not a trade or a profession; it is not necessarily a kind of parochialism in a certain field whcih only applies to a limited set of objects but something which forms discourse as known to him. For the foreigner however it is indeed merely a trade.

Just understand that the next time you accuse a Jew (or any other minority or foreign people) of being "Greedy" and "Exploitative", you are essentially criticizing both your inherently contradictory culture which is exploitative in yourself, as well as your inability to decice and cope with it, thereby placing a scapegoat as the antithesis of something which has never been thetical in the first place.

Thank you Baal, your response is very informing, to say the least. Though your reference to my lack of character and my debating skills indicate we ae heading into the land of anti-semitism. Though you are valiantly trying to rationalize the word verb "exploit", let me give you Mr. Websters list of synonyms and related words: abuse, capitalize, cash in, impose, play, use, manipulate, mistreat, bleed, cheat, fleece, overcharge, skin, soak, stick, commercialize. Had you use the word "enhance" instead of "exploit", I am sure the plight of the Jew would have been entirely different.

Please forgive me but I am not a learned man. But I do have a gift. From my very limited associative skills, what you are espousing in your discourse here is painfully reminding me of the protocols as you us host/mob; alien/goyim as giving you, the culture, the right to take advantage of the "mob" in order to assimilate them into the Jewish control. In that they do not understand, you will "zealously" make them understand by beating them at their own game using entrapment and anything at your disposal to do so.

Please forgive me if I am wrong. I honestly couldn't read any further. When I read the protocols the very first time, it scared the hell out of me to realize a human being could write such a document. The jewish community proclaimed it to be a forgery. Not discounting it, but just implying the Jew didn't write it. I was hoping it to be a total fabrication, but the more I thought about it the more I realized how very little I knew about the Jew and what their protocol might be. How far would the "chosen" go to assimilate the world to their "culture" and it was gold that would be their lure. Baal, I beg you to show me my thinking is in err. You have the floor.

Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2009 06:03 pm
First of all, I wonder if you are trying to over homogenize the Jewish population. It seems absurd to claim that there is some esoteric code that binds all of the Jewish peoples, atheists and Hasidim, and it runs contrary to my personal experience. If anything, what seems to bind those who grew up in a Jewish community is their unusually strong sense of ethics. Have you read any of the ethical works that have come from the Rabbis? These would hold more weight than something proclaimed to be a forgery.

When it comes down to it, I think that the claim that the Jewish people are exploitative and trying to gain influence is their main prerogative is indeed a misinformed one.

Frankly, your tone makes me wonder about weather you are one of those Builderberg/Rothschild conspiracy guys.:poke-eye:

Just a creeping suspicion, no offense meant if you are not, but those Coast to Coast AM theories are bunk(just in case you are and want to debate).
Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2009 06:16 pm
Alright, enough is enough. William your thread heavily weighs on the side of discrimination and flaming. It's not about Jews or Christians or any of the other stuff, it's about people and what they do. We're all different and unique with individual characteristics... However, you are using broad generalizations and while you may have not come right out and say it, the overtones of your posts are discriminative towards people.

We all have our moments and make mistakes and maybe say things we regret later. Let's clean it up and communicate effectively.

Please, we're here on the Internet and communicating where we once had barriers separating us all. If you want to find bad things about anyone, you can. Seek to find the good in all and the good will be shown.

If there's any more discriminatory or sweeping generalizations towards blacks, Jews, or any other race or creed you will no longer be able to post on this forum, (let's not do that). Discuss away but do it with great care and an open mind of understanding.

If this thread doesn't turn around, it's going to be closed.
Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2009 06:35 pm
I am beginning to take offense, in fact, much as I'd like not to. A list of accomplished Jews in the last 100 years is not supportive of some general Jewish character or influence on the world.

All I can tell you is that for every accomplished Jew in Europe there have been thousands or millions of impoverished Jews, and in fact until the emancipation of the Jews during the French Revolution the Jews had only occasional successes in Christian lands.

Name the undue Jewish influence in the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and even the Enlightenment. For the 2000 years since the Romans destroyed the Jewish state, when did the Jewish influence start to be felt? It did to some degree under Islam where Jews were tolerated. It certainly didn't in most of Europe until the last couple centuries and even then it wasn't some general feature of European society.

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