Global Harmony

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Reply Mon 10 Nov, 2008 03:52 pm
Is sacrifice necessary for Global Harmony, or would one give willingly?
Reply Mon 10 Nov, 2008 04:21 pm
chad3006 wrote:
Is sacrifice necessary for Global Harmony, or would one give willingly?

Who would have to sacrifice? There would be no sacrifice. Everybody wins.

Reply Tue 11 Nov, 2008 07:44 am
Achieving harmony I believe to be the reason for our very existence.

The ability to overcome our evolutionary pre-programming through sheer forces of will and kindness of heart is granted us.
If we can do that, there need be no sacrifice other than our own pride and greed and selfishness.
Reply Tue 11 Nov, 2008 07:48 am
sarek wrote:
Achieving harmony I believe to be the reason for our very existence.

The ability to overcome our evolutionary pre-programming through sheer forces of will and kindness of heart is granted us.
If we can do that, there need be no sacrifice other than our own pride and greed and selfishness.

Exactly. You nailed it my friend. :a-ok:

Reply Tue 11 Nov, 2008 05:22 pm
Sacrifice what I may ask? My Possesions? My Life? My freedom of speech?
Reply Tue 11 Nov, 2008 05:43 pm
PolPot wrote:
Sacrifice what I may ask? My Possesions? My Life? My freedom of speech?

Does it matter? Harmony is harmony. Something we have never experience. What do you have that is worth holding on to that would exempt you from wanting to be a part of that?

Reply Wed 12 Nov, 2008 01:32 am
PolPot wrote:
Sacrifice what I may ask? My Possesions? My Life? My freedom of speech?

None of the above. Only the right to stand in front of the queue every time.
But believe me, you will receive much more in return.
Reply Wed 12 Nov, 2008 07:28 am
Being in harmony with the universe is being One.

Reply Mon 23 Mar, 2009 12:01 pm
I would definitely be willing to sacrifice to achieve global harmony.
But, in another way, I really wouldn't be sacrificing anything at all. Global harmony would bring much more than what I would sacrifice, so it would definitely be worth it.

I think global harmony is what the world should be striving for.
Ennui phil
Reply Tue 24 Mar, 2009 08:27 am
We should cede because Earth should be living and not be annihilated.

Then there should be harmony for neutrality, I do not want to live with gore.
Reply Tue 24 Mar, 2009 09:20 am
@Ennui phil,
The solution to global harmony is the balance of equality.
Nature's single simple truth.


PS: Please don't close this thread like the vegetarian thread for my saying so.
Philosophy is truth and should always be freely spoken here.
And equality is truly the universal solvent of All.
Reply Fri 27 Mar, 2009 12:02 am
William wrote:
Would you be willing to sacrifice to achieve GLOBAL HARMONY?

No, therefore global harmony can not exist.
Reply Fri 27 Mar, 2009 12:46 am
it's not exactly harmonious is it sacrfice
charles brough
Reply Sat 11 Apr, 2009 02:25 pm
Seems to me that we should not expect people to be in harmony because we evolved through millions of years of evolution in small hunting-gathering groups. The success we have had as a species has depended upon the competition between groups (that is, social evolution).

The success we have had as a species has depended upon the competition between groups. We have managed to ideologically unite into awfully large groups, but they still have to compete. The only way to end that competition is to ideologically bond or bind all of humanity into a single group or society.

That presents a different problem! how would we progress without any longer competing?
Reply Fri 14 Aug, 2009 09:19 am
ddancom;55340 wrote:
No, therefore global harmony can not exist.

In all due respect, it is that very notion that will insure that it never exists, though I understand it's selfish nature as we have no idea of what that harmony will bring in that it has never existed before. We all can be selfish in that regard, can't we?


---------- Post added 08-14-2009 at 11:01 AM ----------

Caroline;55350 wrote:
it's not exactly harmonious is it sacrfice

It truly depends on how much "you have". Check out the closests, attics, storage units and waste in the world as we discard that we don't really need that we have been programmed to think we need as the notion of planned obsolescence manufactures goods designed for the dump to satisify those programmed needs as those with "means" to experience the "finer things in life" so many don't have because that do not have the means to "afford" such nice things" who are force to live in squaller and waste and abject poverty for they have nothing to sacrifice but life itself of which many do.


---------- Post added 08-14-2009 at 11:22 AM ----------

Knowledge, power, wealth, status, greed, planned obsolescence, waste, vermin/vulture/varmint, disease, death & wisdom. (in that order)

I was thinking about the words "natural selection" and began to think why the vulture and the vermin of the Earth exist and how they fit in the broad scheme of things that would give meaning to the thought of "intelligent design" at the core of it all as they, hopefully, will go the way of the dinosaur and become extinct. The both feed on waste and in some way it can be understood that man and his sentient existence as it was inexplicably foreknown he would act as he does? Could their be a manner of man that also feeds on waste and the dying? Let's take the above list, one word at a time.I understand there are many "difinitions" which lies in what the very first word on the list represents. I will offer those of which I feel are pertinent to engender thought for those who wish to engage in this farther in this thread and the reasons why global harmony can be issued as a matter of "wishful thinking or living in a "dream world".

KNOWLEDGE: Knowledge may be described as representations of facts (including generalizations) and concepts organized for future use, including problem solving.

It is obvious there are those with the capability of learning more. This is a human dynamic in that we have the ability to do so. It's built into our mainframe. knowledge can be use in one of two ways:

(1) Help/aid/guide/comminicate, or

(2) Control/hinder/manipulate/complicate those of lesser knowedge. One has to have power, the other doesn't. One means to control a future and one builds a future.

POWER: The ability to make people do what they would not otherwise have done. The purpose of the modern concept of power was recognized as early as 1748, with the publication of Hume's essay, 'Of the Original Contract'. 'Almost all of the governments, which exist at present', says Hume, '. . . have been founded originally, either on usurpation or conquest or both, without any pretence of a fair consent, or voluntary subjection of the people.' Describing the processes of political change-migration, colonization, and military victory-Hume demands, rhetorically, 'Is there anything discoverable in all these events, but force and violence?

Sure! A use of knowledge is such a way that does not need power to enforce it. Truth does not need an army to "protect it"!

WEALTH: All things, such as money, property, or goods, having economic value: asset.

Can there be assets without liabilities? Sure, if there is equitable, abundant distribution of those assets! Value based on objective rarity creates greed, the fundamental illusion that feeds powers strength to control those of unique and separate knowledge who have lesser objective value. It's an illusion, nothing more created by very greedy, knowledgable people.

GREED: An excessive desire to acquire or possess more (money, property, or goods, having economic value) than what one needs or deserves.

Powers greatest illusion attributing value to that which has no valve if it can be owned on an Earth that has no owner. A magnificent deception.

PLANNED OBSOLESCENCE: The manmade dump heap.

An ingenius wasteful ploy, to program the mind of weak and innocent to "want" more than they actually need and the manufacturing "crap" to satisify those programmed needs that end up in the dump and clutter the Earth as can defined also as man's regard for his fellow man worthy of the dump they are force to live in as the "powerful/rich/famous/beautiful feed on their poverty stricken "status" as they declare 'be thankful for what you do have" for it is all you can afford to have.

STATUS: Position relative to that of others.

The pride of greed! Whether it be intellect over ignorance, haves over the have nots evident in the phrase "beauty is only skin deep" as we judge a book by it's cover only. The condoned prejudice of this reality hidden beneath those who have more as they rationalize excuses patting themselves on the back that defines the "status quo" and gives justification to the gross inequity in the world entitling them to grab all the "gusto" they can as they proclaim only the "strong" survive giving little regard to the weak, innocent and naive but offer compassion for their lot in this "status quo" we define and justify in this "Greed is good" reality.

WASTE: Exhaust, squander, refuse, human excrement; the very livelihood of the vermin/varment/vultures of the Earth.

VERMIN/VARMINT/VULTURE: Various animal & human species regarded as pests or nuisances and especially to those associated with the transmitting of disease-dis/ease and preying on the "lifeless".

(Of course the vulture/vermin/ are considered "animals"? What of the varmint? Could it be he who thrives on trouble and finds a satisfaction in spreading it?)

DISEASE: Lack of ease; trouble!!!!!! (This definition is now considered obsolete! Hmmm?)

I wonder why?

DEATH: Loss of life functions.

You don't have to be dead, literally, to experience the loss of life functions for only those of higher status are only entitled to enjoy? Hmmm?

WISDOM: Divine guidance.The "real' divine ONE, not the one of religion that issues god apart and separate from our existence created by man and his naive and ignorant interpretations that justifies the very power man has over his fellow man that can be understood as a "varmint" spreading touble, in order to arrive at solutions that "cost" to end those troubles. A most brilliant "entrapment" of those with the most knowledge, power, wealth and status in their desire to rule the world.

As I have said so many, many times; this Earth is not for sale. We have the technology to end that absurd notion that will put an end to the eniquity that causes so much iniquity.

So in that "natural selection" what will become extinct? Let's hope the vermin and the vulture. For that to happnen the varmint must change his ways or also follow the way of that vermin and vulture. Perhaps not extinct, but rendered benign so as to never cause trouble again allowing for global harmony to take place creating a reality we were meant to create.

Reply Fri 14 Aug, 2009 02:18 pm
@charles brough,
charles brough;57740 wrote:
Seems to me that we should not expect people to be in harmony because we evolved through millions of years of evolution in small hunting-gathering groups.

There is no way in this infinite universe we could ever know what we were and what we are to become. All that is espoused is a product of curious imaginations and opinion based on our not knowing the entire past or the future. Which in those words themselves define worry, stress and guilt. Guilt of the past, worry about tomorrow creating stress in the present as we desperately try to define life itself.Yet we are to believe there are those who once believed he Earth to be flat when from the highest hill there can be witnessed the curvature of the horizon?

charles brough;57740 wrote:
The success we have had as a species has depended upon the competition between groups (that is, social evolution).

I totally agree. Well said. Then why are we not "social" as evidenced by those barriers of culture, language, and beliefs that make us "anti-social"? Those barriers serve as parapets that went up brick by brick and must come down the same way without the use of a wrecking ball forcing those to obey who are different than ourselves. Only through trust, respect, consideration and communication will those bricks begin to come down as we share what this Earth has to offer with all that exist here.

charles brough;57740 wrote:
We have managed to ideologically unite into awfully large groups, but they still have to compete. The only way to end that competition is to ideologically bond or bind all of humanity into a single group or society.

Competing in the manner of a game, is a excellant thing as long as all have the same tools necessary to play on neutral and equal grounds. The only thing being different is the natural skills and talents of the individual players who understand the friendly nature of the game. Once one has mastered the game, then they become mentors to those of lesser skills and talents to help them perfect it. It know longer is a game when guile, deception, manipulation are involve for then it becomes war and bloodshed and loses all fairness and sense of respect and fair play.

charles brough;57740 wrote:
That presents a different problem! how would we progress without any longer competing?

Much happier, I suspect as we learn the nature of happiness lies not in anything you can touch, but a state of mind. There are those on this planet who are masters of life up until now who have reached that ultimate knowledge of ecology, environment, human resources, natural resourcss, manufacturing, distribution, energy, transportation, linguistics, etc and they must be recognized as they will come from all manners of human being that make up the mosaic that is humankind as they work together in creating that balance we so very much need in this world. Of course they will have to deal with those gods on the throne who think they own this planet which has always been the case as is understood in that "so much of history is written by those who hanged heros. (Braveheart)".


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