salima;108469 wrote:actually sun, that sounds pretty good-and original, like you thought it all out yourself. i especially like the idea that in this life it could be possible to discover something that the god couldnt have known before.
so if god doesnt intervene against evil, do you think it is possible that the evil will at some point overcome the good intentions? or do you think that good intentions will be enough to overcome evil, overpowering them by quality rather than quantity?
What do you mean like i thought it all out myself?

To expand briefly upon the idea you liked, God has evolved therefore God started somewhere knowing less than what God knows now, God was not yet whole, until we became, God could have been existed blind dumb and mute, as a ghost, this fits, and as God has allowed and nurtured and grown the universe around It, God although creating it, will then have the first seat, the first reference the first clue. the first foresight, then we move onto the creation of something that has free will something that does not know its future, something that doubts, that is what could be called spontaneous, and unless God knows what is going to happen which is only through the reference/foresight, what he can sooth not what he can see, not through being able to see the future else God would have been existed as the trilogy already in situe. And God would have known that we were going to steal the knowledge ability/debility, which is another why as to God not seeing, possibly only perceiving the future through what has gone before reference, what God has learned is our likely path and what we are most likely to vote for, telling the future is still rather easy when you understand everything even but one thing. And even that one thing is habitual and often more predicatable than we give our selves credit for.
But here will always be something new and a creation with free will that has choice and the ability to learn, evolve and grow as God does will always surprise even if just in the mundane.
We have choice to not choose God else free will would mean nothing. Father tried to force us (or we did), didn't work.
God would be the first to admit that God dose or did not know all, else why would God become man? to learn, to experience, to die and it is a highly held belief in the Christian Church that God was not complete until God became a man, the Holy Trinity, therefore God was lacking some vital piece of knowledge that enabled and taught him to give us the chance at being His purpose and He being ours some piece that by only becoming us could be found and known and seen and believed. God would not become man unless God needed to know something of what is was to be man, something God did not know, and this he filled himself up with, hence the compassion, hence the forgiveness, hence the chance of heaven or rain, these things God did not know before God became man.
God needs us as much as we need God, not for the prayer, not for the platitudes, not for the churches, not for the religion, these are all for us. these are all our faith, God needs to know us and our faith, else God could not have become the embodiment of all that is Love that is Son of God, Family of man, Child of God. God needed a family and he found it with us, he found His True fulfillment from being us, God didn't know what love was before God created us, because it was always a given, Gods previous creation automatically loved God because for one they were sure that God existed, God was there, God directed all that they did and built, as to the choice some creations might have made to no longer give this empty love to God, this God knew would happen, had to, Hell was already there waiting, but you see it is even easier to predict something that does not have free will, and the godlike creatures are nothing if not automated and utterly with out will oof their own.
Did God give a bad will to something, to a creation, only if God thought that it might need ask to be forgiven, only if it was redeemable and only if it wasn't free.
Any way where was I? Oh yes, those creatures that because they have free will are not under Gods rule unless they make the choice, unless they choose to make it their purpose, you can only force someone to do something so far, true belief and true love which is what God requires of us cannot be faked forced or falsified. And bad intention is all pretending, lying some might say, but not really real, not that it matters/means anything at all, not that it counts, where it counts.
It is the free will part, the curiousity part, the consciousness part that God needs from us, God only settles for the very best we have.
Now God cannot force us to do this, we have to teach and learn for and convince for ourselves, we must go and see, we must touch the fire to know its hurts (something is wrong if we are not learning, need to revalue the we). But the fact that God knew this when we were created at least with the capasity to steal else why order us not to? at least with the capasity to not choose what was ordered was all in the making, God would not want us any other way, because we need to go to God, not God coming to us. God was not so blind to this us creation that he did not know we were built to ask, to doubt, to wonder, but that is just it, God at this time was not complete, so God very well might not have had the full clue as to what we were going to do with ourselves and what laws we were going to break, another validation upon the fact God does not know everything, needs to learn more, just like us, and that only by what we have surprised him with has he learnt and dealt out prize/punishment.
Free will was the only new thing God could fathom/gift that nothing else in the universe had yet received, God was lonely God needed to be questioned by his creation, needed to be found in a companion not a prisoner or slave, and the only thing that God could think of to give so as to learn something new was his first gift his first ability, to need purpose to not know something is true unless you find it about your own person, and this can only be achieved through the first gift free will consciousness to know so as to become God. You cant become God if you dont have the equipment and consciousness is the first must, to know that one is both alone and in need of company, at least the well adjusted God we know and now love or at least want to, the fail safe part in us is the need for purpose funny enough, when we were created we were built with the missing question the missing answer because to have it to be fulfilled meant that we would not have had freewill, would not have need unfilled. And now the kick comes when we realise we can be God, and that we may very well be able to bestow consciousness upon other creatures, even create our very own universes.
God may have been weary, God may have wanted to give up before he met me, you and all our brothers and sisters, God may have created us to be as close to Him as is possible, God wants a comparative not a pet, so in saying this also one leads and tends to think that we may be bestowed the universe after Gods death/disapearance, and when God died/hides he gave us the responsibilty of the entire universe or at least as much as we can reach and touch and set fire to, to find. Until we ourselves go into death and there meet him and there be fulfilled by him. We may as yet surpass God in our evolution because it has been proven that God does not know as we know, God may know more but God does not know as we know,does not even know how we know else he would know how he knows and wouldn't find the time to bother asking us, also because we are born to die always were, God was existed to exist, His leanring has been harder and more costly than ours ever could should or would be.
But as i come to the end of this, the one thing we are still left with is the need for purpose, it may not always be Gods, but it is always ours and only with God can i find peace can my purpose be fulfilled, some children are meant to stay with their parents some are meant to fly the nest.
God is brilliant because God when creating us did not as most believe make us deficient, make us less than He we needed, God created something that naturally died, something that has an ending, something he had not thought to proceed upon himself until much later and something that he found completed him, dont you see we have a head start.
We are more than God then?, but the very fact remains that we are not completed without God, to see what men as God could and would do would be a wonder, our purpose is to find God out, to find all that is true Love, but maybe, just maybe this need to be fulfilled was given for us to find Gods partner other like Him, we need to ask, we need to find all that is God, to find another God that would fulfill this emptiness for ours, we may be his trained monkeys that are meant to seek out all that is God, and we may find where he has failed and so he created us to find for him another God. Have a little faith God knows what God has done, even if God might not know what He now fully is capable of.
Just a little something to chew upon.
I love my God and know i need my own, not someone elses unless it is everybody elses.
Paralel universes, do they have a different God, is it one God per universe?
I would still rather stay at home and know i have One.
Briefly i said, didn't I?
Good intentions is good purposed, we will either find our purpose (whether this is ordained as correct or not is subjectifyable) we will either live our purpose, or we will end. The world cannot run on bad intentions, it wont survive and neither will me, we, you. Do i think that the bad intentions could overcome all that is good in this world? Do i think we could lose?
WE would lose? We will lose? Will the evil of men dictate earths death destruction demise downfall? Will the evil man win against the good one?
I hope not, and that's all i've got, good hope and good intentions and good actions.
I know it is not exactlly planetary but if we the planet Earth suceed in destroying ourselves from the inside out, i am fairly sure that God will just do it all over again, may destroy this universe along with the world he so dearly loves, become a ghost again and start from scratch.
What use are we to God if we cant control ourselves, did we ever truely have free will if this is what the outcome is? Maybe that is what God wants, if we cant save ourselves how could we ever save God?
And at least at the end of all things i will know i had God in my heart and as my purpose, another strange outcome of consciousness is that it is only ever individual, only one at a time can choose. i dont know if one man can change the world, but one consciousness can. One purpose, one intent, one hope, one Love, one world, one participation, one reason, one heaven FOR ALL.
All i need know is that it was not God who doomed us, it was me.