1) I would say that grossly simplistic is an understatement if one is asserting that Ayn Rand is somehow directly related to the financial crisis. Economics is a technical discipline, how much have you studied said discipline? How much research have you read by leading economists? I can say that I have only superficial understanding of this matter and this is true of everyone who has read nothing but popular econ books and advice from columnists.
2) That Ayn Rand has something to do with America's financial crisis would be a very good reason
to read her books! So these statements
a) "Ayn Rand is a waste of time and should not be read" and
b) " Ayn Rand is in some sense directly impacting the American economy" are in conflict, unless the point is to keep people ignorant. So either it must be admitted for the sake of some form of logical consistency that
c) Ayn Rand is in no direct way linked to the American economy and thus is pointless to read as she writes poorly or
d)Ayn Rand had a direct impact on American economics, so reading her work is valuable.
3) Believing that literature, music ect. makes people do things they normally wouldn't is pretty shaky. It is the same argument that was used by the PMRC to try to kill off rock music....
4) Ayn Rand clearly has SOME influence on how SOME people materialize their emotions into thought i.e. she puts some ideers in ther heds, so her work has SOME significance, so it should be read (please do not say so does Curious George, cute rhetoric, sure, but come on..)