These are some phrases and paraphrases of this book.
Self-consciously self-conscious, the Concept, which is Time, becomes Eternity.
Reason is the process whereby Time becomes conscious of itself as Time and conceptualization becomes conscious of itself as conceptualization. Man as man is concept, and time is both made possible by concept and makes conceptualization possible.
Time is the concept, which is nonbeing, penetrating being. Man is the vessel of Time. Time is Man's Spirit.
Time is the imposition of nonbeing/concept upon Space/Being (as project) and Being upon Time which is also memory/nonbeing/concept.
Time only exists in Space as Concept/Non-being/Fantasy/Memory. (1i)
In the case of the Philosopher, Time penetrates itself. Time is conceptualization, so the penetration of Time into Time, or concept into concept, is the conceptualization of itself as conceptualization. It conceives of itself as something that conceives us of itself. It conceives of itself as concept which is the source of meaningful time, or History.
In the beginning was the Logos, and Logos was made flesh (Man). The Logos is Concept is Time is Man is Spirit is Man's Self Consciousness. Spirit is Being's self-consciousness.
When Time finishes eating itself it is no longer Time but Eternity. When conceptualizaiton is finally conceptualized, it is no longer concept but Truth. Perfect self consciousness is static. It is no longer just concept/nonbeing but the perfect mirror of being.