Everyone is not equal, but that doesn't mean you are born with talents.
My genetic make up is responsible for my body type, but not how I train my body, see?
Certain body types are more suited for certain athletic activities, but they still have to train and develop the talent in order to utilize their body correctly.
"how come it is that out of all the people who train for the 100 meters final, only one of them becomes the world title holder?"
It's because there can only be one first place. But take a look at second place and third place, they're not losing by much. Look at the next 100,000 best 100 meter sprinters in the world, they're still doing very well.
I personally believe that superior athletes, like Michael Jordan for example, are great not because of their talents (hand-eye coordination, jumping ability, passing, etc...), but because of their will power. Mind over matter type of deal. Jordan wanted to win more than everyone else and he made it happen.